February 2023
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
2022 Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 22, 2023
President M Hess called the meeting to order at 11:15 am, in attendance were 27 members, the meeting was held in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service.
President Hess welcomed and thanked everyone stating, “we keep busy!” Special thanks was given to the snow plowers and shovelers, the quilters, the bandage rollers, our efforts to support the local food shelf and the schools kids closet, we accomplish so much for our small church in our community and the world.
President M Hess called for a motion to accept the minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting. A motion was made by M Boback, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Pastors Report: in addition to Pastor Greg’s report in the Annual Report, Pastor Greg thanked us for a great year and all the ventures we do, saying: “he looks forward to continuing God’s work with us.”
President M Hess reported we held 2 Executive/Special Council meetings: *1/23/22 we extended Pastor Greg Anderson’s call as our Pastor.
*5/22/22 we voted to purchase a new furnace to replace the old furnace.
President M Hess called for a motion to accept/approve the following reports as presented: Pastor Greg Anderson’s Report, Presidents Report, Parochial Report, Deacons, Trustees, Treasures, Financial Secretary, Stewardship, Education, Living Memorial Fund, WELCA, WELCA Treasurer, Voyager’s Lutheran Ministry.
President M Hess asked for volunteers to fill open positions on the following boards The boards still needing volunteers are:
- The Nominating Committee(5) positions. Those volunteering are M Hess, D Maki, D Shuck, P Peterson, D Peterson
- NEMN Synod/Laurentian Conference (2) positions.
President M Hess thanked all those volunteering to fill the open positions for the Nominating Committee. Having a slate of candidates. Pres. M Hess asked for a vote to approve the Nominating Committee Report. A motion was made by K Dickinson 2nd by M Mulari. Motion approved.
Having a completed slate of officers for election Pres. M Hess asked for a motion to waive constitution C11.03 to allow succession of officers, motion moved by M Boback, 2nd by J Salo. Motion approved.
Old Business:
New Business:
- Treasurer, T Salo presented the 2023 budget having no questions or changes a motion by D Barstad to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
- M Boback informed all present to “be sure” all lights are checked and “turned off” before leaving the church. Electricity is very expensive!
- M Boback reported the individual final financial reports were placed in your mailboxes the end of December, it was noticed that some were crumbled and stuffed into another mail box. Please contact M Boback if you are missing your yearend financial report.
Having no other new business President M Hess thanked all our members who work so hard doing God’s work. President Hess asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion by M Boback 2nd by K Dickinson. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully Submitted,
D Maki Council Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
2021 Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 23, 2022
President M Boback called the meeting to order at 10:45 am in attendance were 26 members; the meeting was held in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service.
President Boback commented briefly about the Corona Virus Pandemic and how it affected the world and our church.
Beginning October 18th 2020 we suspended all worship activities and remained closed until March 28th 2021 following social distancing guidelines and feeling grateful to have most all people over 65 fully vaccinated looking forward to seeing some normalcy again.
Pastors Report: In addition to Pastor Greg’s report within the Annual Report, Pastor Greg thanked us for an “Official Call” as our Pastor. He stated, “It’s not just dating; now we’re married!” Pastor said he’s humbled and honored to grow together with us where our goal is to proclaim the gospel.
President M Boback called for a motion to accept the minutes of the 2021 Annual Meeting. A motion was made by P Peterson, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
President Boback reported we held 2 Executive Council meetings on Feb 9th and March 9th both dealing with Covid 19 and returning to worship services.
President M Boback called for a motion to approve the following reports as presented: Pastor Greg Anderson’s Report, Parochial Report, Presidents, Deacons, Trustees, Board of Stewardship, Board of Education, Living Memorial Fund, No Food Stand in 2020, WELCA, WELCA Treasurer Report, and Rippers, Strippers & Rollers. A motion was made by D Barstad 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Presentation of candidates (Nominating Committee Report)
The Nominating Committee was not able to fill all open positions before the annual meeting, President Boback asked for people to volunteer for 5 positions on the Nominating Committee; those volunteering are: K Undeland, M Hess, D Shuck, P LaFrenier and K Baxter. 1 position was open for the Board of Trustees and M Honkola volunteered to fill the trustee position. Thank you to all the people filling the open positions on all the boards!
Having a full slate of candidates President M Boback asked for a motion to waive constitution C11.03 to allow for succession of officers, motion by T Honkola, 2nd J Salo. Motion Approved. A motion was asked by President Boback to accept the full slate of officers, a motion by D Barstad, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Old Business: None
New Business
Approve the Proposed Budget/Treasurers Report for 2022: D Barstad and T Salo gave a summary and answered any questions regarding the treasurer’s report; a motion was made by D Maki 2nd by M Castle to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion approved.
Establish a Mutual Ministry Committee: Purpose: to provide communication between the congregation and its employees including the pastor. Term: Having 6 members, 3-year terms, 2 go off each year, can succeed themselves. Treasure a permanent member. President Boback asked for a motion to establish the Mutual Ministry Committee. Motion by M Boback, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved. Presently serving on the committee are M Boback, D Maki, J Dickinson, C Worshek, T Honkola and Treasurer, T Salo.
Covid Concern and Masking Discussion: After discussion the congregation feels we will continue with worship services giving each person the choice to wear masks or not to wear masks. People attending distance themselves well and if not feeling well people stay home from church showing respect to others. The church does provide disinfectants at the door entrances and at all sinks.
President Boback thanked all our members who work so hard doing God’s work with their hands.
President Boback asked for a motion to adjourn, motion by D Barstad, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully Submitted,
D Maki Council Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
302 S 2nd St E, Aurora MN 55705
January 23, 2022
Special Meeting of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
President M Boback called the meeting to order at 10:30 am Sunday, January 23, 2022 having 26 people in attendance.
The purpose of the special meeting is to extend Pastor Greg Anderson an extended settled call as our Pastor. Pastor Greg has been with us since Oct. 1, 2020 serving as a term Pastor renewing every 12 months. Pastor Greg has done a wonderful job for us and we have grown to love his ways, wit and ability to preach God’s word involving the young and old.
President M Boback asked for a motion:
Motion, be it moved, that Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, Minnesota extend a settled call to Pastor Greg Anderson may it also be moved that the annual compensation and benefit package be $45,362.76 for the calendar year 2022. Motion by Pres. M Boback, 2nd by M Hess. Motion approved
Motion, be it moved that Pastor Andersons compensation includes $21,000.00 allocated to housing allowance. This is not over and above the total compensation but included in the total. Motion by D Peterson 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
President Boback asked for a motion to adjourn, motion by D Barstad, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted
D Maki Council Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
2021 Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 23, 2022
President M Boback called the meeting to order at 10:45 am in attendance were 26 members; the meeting was held in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service.
President Boback commented briefly about the Corona Virus Pandemic and how it affected the world and our church.
Beginning October 18th 2020 we suspended all worship activities and remained closed until March 28th 2021 following social distancing guidelines and feeling grateful to have most all people over 65 fully vaccinated looking forward to seeing some normalcy again.
Pastors Report: In addition to Pastor Greg’s report within the Annual Report, Pastor Greg thanked us for an “Official Call” as our Pastor. He stated, “It’s not just dating; now we’re married!” Pastor said he’s humbled and honored to grow together with us where our goal is to proclaim the gospel.
President M Boback called for a motion to accept the minutes of the 2021 Annual Meeting. A motion was made by P Peterson, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
President Boback reported we held 2 Executive Council meetings on Feb 9th and March 9th both dealing with Covid 19 and returning to worship services.
President M Boback called for a motion to approve the following reports as presented: Pastor Greg Anderson’s Report, Parochial Report, Presidents, Deacons, Trustees, Board of Stewardship, Board of Education, Living Memorial Fund, No Food Stand in 2020, WELCA, WELCA Treasurer Report, and Rippers, Strippers & Rollers. A motion was made by D Barstad 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Presentation of candidates (Nominating Committee Report)
The Nominating Committee was not able to fill all open positions before the annual meeting, President Boback asked for people to volunteer for 5 positions on the Nominating Committee; those volunteering are: K Undeland, M Hess, D Shuck, P LaFrenier and K Baxter. 1 position was open for the Board of Trustees and M Honkola volunteered to fill the trustee position. Thank you to all the people filling the open positions on all the boards!
Having a full slate of candidates President M Boback asked for a motion to waive constitution C11.03 to allow for succession of officers, motion by T Honkola, 2nd J Salo. Motion Approved. A motion was asked by President Boback to accept the full slate of officers, a motion by D Barstad, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Old Business: None
New Business
Approve the Proposed Budget/Treasurers Report for 2022: D Barstad and T Salo gave a summary and answered any questions regarding the treasurer’s report; a motion was made by D Maki 2nd by M Castle to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion approved.
Establish a Mutual Ministry Committee: Purpose: to provide communication between the congregation and its employees including the pastor. Term: Having 6 members, 3-year terms, 2 go off each year, can succeed themselves. Treasure a permanent member. President Boback asked for a motion to establish the Mutual Ministry Committee. Motion by M Boback, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved. Presently serving on the committee are M Boback, D Maki, J Dickinson, C Worshek, T Honkola and Treasurer, T Salo.
Covid Concern and Masking Discussion: After discussion the congregation feels we will continue with worship services giving each person the choice to wear masks or not to wear masks. People attending distance themselves well and if not feeling well people stay home from church showing respect to others. The church does provide disinfectants at the door entrances and at all sinks.
President Boback thanked all our members who work so hard doing God’s work with their hands.
President Boback asked for a motion to adjourn, motion by D Barstad, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully Submitted,
D Maki Council Secretary
Annual Meeting
January, 2020
President M Boback called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. in attendance were 32 members; the meeting was held in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service.
President Boback gave thanks to all the people who work behind the scenes and keep our church going on a weekly basis, Kelly our secretary, Pam our janitor, R Hess who does our snow plowing, all those that shovel, the trustees who fix and replace, Diane who provides us with beautiful music, the nominating committee for finding willing people to fill the open positions on our boards, and thank you to all of you who said yes to the nominating committee. Special thanks to all our lay-people within our church, to all those who have provided pulpit supply to our church this past year and thank you Pastor Barb who has rejoined us in our ministry.
A motion was called to accept the minutes of the 2019Annual Meeting. A motion was made by K Norman, 2nd by M Hess. Motion approved.
President M Boback called for a motion to approve the following reports as presented Parochial Report, President, NLP Financial Report, Deacons, Trustees, Board of Stewardship, Board of Education, Thrivent, Living Memorial, Food Stand, WELCA, WELCA Treasurer Report, Faith Circle, Hope Circle, OSLC Choir,, Youth and Rippers, Strippers Rollers . A motion was made by D Barstad 2nd by D. Peterson. Motion approved.
Pastors Report: The NLP has been without a pastor since August 26th 2018, in 2019 the Northern Lights Parish dissolved; the congregation has been blessed with many lay-people and ministers who have provided us with God’s Word. In 2020 we will be served 1⁄2 time by Pastor B Hegfors of the UMC and continue to work with the NE MN Synod in search of a pastor.
Presentation of candidates (Nominating Committee Report)
The Nominating Committee was not able to fill all open positions before the annual meeting, President Boback asked for people to volunteer for 5 positions on the Nominating Committee; those volunteering are: D Maki, K Undeland, D Barstad, J Salo & D Peterson; 1 position was open for the VLM delegate and K Norman volunteered to fill the position. Having a full slate of candidates President M Boback asked for a motion to waive constitution C11.03 to allow for succession of officers, motion by D Peterson, 2nd by K Norman. Motion Approved. A motion was asked by President Boback to accept the full slate of officers, a motion by D Bergren, 2nd by C Worshek. Motion approved.
Old Business:
New Business:
Approve the Proposed Budget/Treasurers Report for 2020:D Barstad/T Salo gave a summary and answered any questions regarding the treasurer’s report; a motion was made by R Salo 2nd by D Barstad to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion approved. President M Boback applauded the efforts of the Board of Trustees and our Church Treasurer T Salo for working hard throughout the year and finding ways to save money.
Distribution of the Food Stand Money: President Boback thanked everyone for their work with the food stand another great year was had. After discussing the youth needs at this time a motion was made by C Worshek to leave the profits of $4270.15 in the Food Stand Fund 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Splash Pad Donation: T Honkola talked to the congregation about the Caring for Kids Community project where a splash pad will be placed in Aurora’s Pine Grove Park; the fundraising committee is selling bricks to raise money for the project. Informative discussion was held and a final motion was made by D Maki that OSLC purchase a $500 brick having and the money coming out of the food stand fund, the motion was 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved. Special thanks to T Honkola for bringing her idea to our annual meeting to support the splash pad which will be a big draw for our town.
Pastor Barb’s Contract: President Boback has worked hard behind the scenes to find a longer term Pastor to fill our needs; Pastor Barb responded positively and President Boback and Pastor Barb worked with the UMC and the NE MN Synod and this quest came to be on 12.3.19 Pastor Barb signed a contract with our church. The contract is a 6 month renewable contract serving us 2 Sundays a month. Pastor Barb began in January 2020.
Call Committee: President Boback has worked closely with the NE MN Synod and it is their feeling that we form a Call Committee as Pastor Barb will not be available indefinitely to serve us. After discussing the topic President Boback asked for 6 people who would like to volunteer to be on the call committee. Those volunteering are President Boback, C Worshek, D Maki, D Peterson, K Baxter and M Mulari. President Boback will begin by contacting the Synod to set up the preliminary meeting. President Boback thanked everyone who volunteered.
Look at the Constitution: J Dickinson asked if we could change the amount of people that serve on the Alter Board, with discussion and lookup we found it is possible to change the # of people who serve on this board, it was decided the Alter Board would meet and discuss reducing the members down to 6 rather than eight. For 2020 there will be 8 members as they did find 8 who responded positively to serve. Favorable discussion was that during the year we look at the constitution/bylaws for any other changes that could be made.
Trustee Suggestion: A suggestion was made by R Salo that 4 copies of the weekly financial report be distributed for enhanced accounting.
President Boback thanked all our members who work so hard doing God’s work with their hands.
President Boback asked for a motion to adjourn, motion by D Peterson, 2nd by C Worshek. Motion approved. Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer 10:24a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary
D. Maki