On September 26, 2024, Interchurch Ministries sponsored a Meatloaf Dinner for the purpose of funding the Food Shelf. Thanks to all for sharing your talents, efforts, service and support along with those congregations and individuals who donated baskets and prizes for the raffles. The evening was a huge success with $1,742.34 going to Food Shelf.
In addition, the City of Aurora waived the rental fee for the Community Center and also donated $1,500.00 for the Food Shelf. Thank you City of Aurora.
Because of our caring community, this was all possible.
East Range Churches Working Together
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 2:00p.m.
Biwabik United Church of Christ
The meeting was called to order by Joan Evans, Chair.
Stanley Bonnema – Trinity Methodist, HL Mark Skala- Our Lady of Hope
Vicky Michels – Faith Lutheran, HL Pr. Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pr. Mary Lou Sixberry-Trinity Methodist, HL Pr. Jeanne Madsen – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Janet Salo—Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora Kathy Kaliszewski – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Clair Lundberg-St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Alta Sprink-St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Joan Evans-Biwabik UCC Jan Mikolich – Biwabik UCC
Sara Barnes – Aurora United Methodist Pr. Barbara Hegfors – Aurora United Methodist
Ron Feldt – Aurora Area Food Shelf
DEVOTIONS: Joan led us in devotions reading from ‘Jesus Calling’ by Sara Young and also a devotion called ‘Pouring Out a Waterfall’.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: There were no minutes from March as the meeting was canceled due to a snowstorm.
Alta read the minutes from the February 27th meeting. Hearing no corrections or additions the minutes were accepted as read.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan handed out the treasurer’s report for March & April. Beginning bal: $3,176.84
Deposits from soup suppers & dues: $5,037.84; Disbursed to the food shelf: $4,523.00; Bal. 4/23/24: $514.84
Savings acc’t: $518.02. Janet motioned to accept, second by Mary Lou. MC
MEMA REPORT(Mesabi East Ministerial Ass’n) Pr. Barnes reported no requests were made. There was a $1000 contribution. Balance in the account: $3,269.49.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported for January 169 families; 411 people; February 140 families, 308 people; March 143 families, 356 people. 80% were inside shoppers. They are low on canned fruit such as mandarin oranges, Pineapple, spices. The remaining mortgage amount is $56,047 with a monthly payment of $405 which is paid by the 9 churches’ $400 yearly donations,.
OLD BUSINESS: Thank you to all the pastors who took part in the Lenten services ‘Walking with Jesus to the Cross’.
Our Food Shelf fund raiser meatball dinner will be held sometime in October at the Aurora Community Center.
PRAYER CONCERNS: Pastor led in prayer for the following:
We closed by joining in The Lord’s Prayer.
Adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 24, 2:00p.m. at Trinity Methodist, HL
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
East Range Churches Working Together
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Aurora United Methodist
The meeting was called to order by Joan Evans, Chair, at 2:00p.m.
Janice Mikolich, Biwabik UCC Joan Evans, Biwabik UCC
Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Karen Baker, Aurora United Methodist
Pr. Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL Pr. Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran
Doris Saarberg, Palo Congregational Pr. Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist, HL
Ron Feld, Aurora Food Shelf Patti Gaylord, Aurora United Methodist
Pam Peterson, Our Savior’s Lutheran Janet R. Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran
Sarah Barnes, Aurora United Methodist Debbie Servaty, Our Lady of Hope
Gloria Hammer, Our Lady of Hope Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL
Pr. Isabelle Westman, Palo Congregational/ Steven McGirh, Palo Congregational/Bassett C
Pr. Barb Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
DEVOTIONS: Pastor Barb gave the devotions from the daily devotional “Dynamic Prayer” Ephesians 3:16-19.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes of the November 28, ’23 meeting held at St. Mark’s.
Pam motioned to accept, second by Jan. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan handed out copies of the report: beginning checking bal.: $1194.84
Receipts: $860.00 No Disbursements. Ending bal.: $2054.84 Savings acc’t: $517.96
The $20 dues and $400 to defray the food shelf mortgage are due from each church by the end of March.
Janet motioned to accept, second by Mary Lou. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported a balance of $2,267.99.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported 180 households were served this past month. In 2023 there were 2186 households, 5351 individuals, 101,924# of food served. Donations have been phenomenal – struggling with electricity usage. Right now there’s a need for noodles, baking spices, sugar – diapers should be the bigger sizes. It was noted that bamboo diapers can be ordered from Amazon.
The March Campaign is coming up with a partial match. Churches could get a Thrivent grant for that event.
Pastor Barb’s church continues to do “Super Bowl of Caring” which does very well. Check out the website or with Pastor Barb for more details.
OLD BUSINESS: Vicky reported that Shannon Alaspa would be willing to cook a meal as a fund raiser for the food shelf. Thank you Vicky and Shannon! Suggested times would be in the fall, perhaps October, and a Thursday has been a good day from past meals we’ve done.
Pastor Jeanne announced that St. Mark’s is having a rock painting event with the confirmation and Sunday School kids but also with adults whoever are interested. Those from other churches are invited to come. The date is yet to be determined.
Lenten Schedule each Wed. with soup supper 5:30 and worship 6:00:
The theme is ‘Walking with Jesus to the cross’ from St. Luke.
Call 218-749-8910. Visit the website
PRAYER CONCERNS: Pastor Barb led in prayer for the following:
Marion Anderson
Deanna Kopp
Steven, Sr.
Vivian Williams
Kathie Birk
Bill Holmes
Thank you for Sadie as she’s doing well
We closed with The Lord’s Prayer.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, February 27 at Our Lady of Hope Catholic, Aurora.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Spink, Secretary
Each meeting begins at 2:00p.m.
Tuesday, January 23 Aurora United Methodist
Tuesday, February 27 -- Our Lady of Hope Catholic, Aurora
Tuesday, March 26 -- Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Tuesday, April 23 -- Biwabik United Church of Christ
Tuesday, October 22 Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
Tuesday, November 26 Palo Congregational
No December meeting
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
*When meetings are canceled due to bad weather it will then be held the next month on the schedule.
East Range Churches Working Together
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Interchurch met at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. Chair Joan Evans called the meeting to order at 2:00p.m.
Alta Spink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Pr. Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist, HL
Pr. Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran Pr. Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pr. Barb Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL
Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran
Ron Feldt, Food Shelf/Our Lady of Hope Jan Mikolich, Biwabik UCC
Joan Evans, Biwabik UCC
Pastor Jeanne gave the devotions - how we forget how much we are blessed by giving. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, Just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me”.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes of the October meeting. Pastor Barnes motioned to approve, second by Pastor Barb. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan reported that 2 churches had paid their dues/food shelf mortgage for 2024 and there were no disbursements. Checking balance: $1,194.84 Savings: $517.96.
Stanley motioned to approve, second by Pastor Mary Lou. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Chuck reported that a gift had been given to MEMA in the amount of $970.30 which then went out to buy a new refrigerator for a lady whose refrigerator quit working. Balance in the account: $2,061.87.
Pastor Barb motioned to approve, second by Pastor Mary Lou. MC
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported of 199 families came to the food shelf the month of Nov.
with a total of 477 people served. They had 16 new clients and gave out over 9000# of groceries + other. They are in need of cereal, shampoo, tissues, etc.
OLD BUSINESS: Joan reported that Hugh & Frannie Wood will not be available at this time to cook a community meal. Lots of thoughts and ideas came up about doing a meal but we still need someone to be in charge.
Pastor Chuck had sent out info to all the churches about the LSS frozen meals that are available for a cost.
Thank you to Pastor Chuck, Joan and Jan for delivering and to those who made cookies for the Mesabi East teachers.
NEW BUSINESS: Pastor Barnes brought up a concern that we should be doing something for the kids. There are 120 kids from 0-17 years old from the Food Shelf families. Several ideas floated around like doing an Angel Tree, but it would be too late for this year. We need to put it on the agenda for next year.
PRAYER CONCERNS: Pastor Jeanne led in prayer for:
Ed Baker
Sadie the dog
Katie Johnson
Frank Van Dehey, Jr.
Thank you for prayers for Christina as she’s doing well.
We closed by saying The Lord’s Prayer together.
Adjourned at 3:15p.m.
NEXT MEETING is January 23, 2024, 2:00p.m. at Aurora United Methodist.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Spink, Secretary
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 2:00p.m.
Interchurch met at the Palo Congregational Church on Tuesday, October 24th, 2023. Chair Joan Evans called the meeting to order at 2:00p.m.
Jan Mikolich, UCC Biwabik Joan Evans, UCC Biwabik
Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora Doris Saarberg, Palo Congregational
Art Maki, Palo Congregational Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Pr. Isabelle West man, Palo Congregational Steven McGill, Jr, Palo Congregational
Pr. Charles Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL Pr. Barbara Heifers, Aurora United Methodist
Alta Spink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Pastor Isabelle read devotions from Our Daily Bread, “do not lose heart, trust in God through Christ, be renewed daily” 2nd Corinthians, 4. Prayers were said for those concerns in our families and churches:
Marie Dahlman, Barb Travica, Sherry Oman, Christine Ahman, Ed Baker, Steven, Sr.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from the September meeting. There were no corrections.
Pastor Isabelle motioned to approve, second by Vicky. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan reported there was no activity since last month. The balance remains at $354.84 in checking and $517.96 in savings.
She handed out the dues slips for the coming year that go to each church with some corrections noted in the wording.
Motioned to approve by Janet, second by Stanley, MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported there was no activity. The balance in the account is $2,032.19. $500 had appeared in the account but don’t know from where.
Motion made to approve by Jan, second by Pastor Barb. MC
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clair handed out copies of “Facts and Tidbits About the Aurora Area Food Shelf” which had been given out at the Open House.
The needs now are cereal, feminine hygiene items, diapers for ages 2 & up, baby wipes, other hygiene products, etc.
Ron is willing to give individual tours. Phone: 218-780-4114
OLD BUSINESS: Hugh & Frannie Wood were contacted by Joan & Mary Kurtz about cooking a meal, but they have not heard back.
There’s been no more follow-up on release time.
Thank you to Pastor Barnes for delivering cookies for the teachers in October. Joan volunteered to deliver cookies at the November teachers conferences on the 7th.
NEW BUSINESS: There was to be an election of officers, but no one seemed to be willing to take on a job. We have no vice chair at this time which we do need. The election was tabled.
There will be no Remembrance Service this year.
Pastor Barnes told of a new Lutheran Social Service available of frozen/pre-packaged dinners delivered to your home. There will be more information coming.
Trunk or Treat, Oct. 31st 4:00-6:00, along with a community meal. at the Aurora Methodist
Trunk or Treat also at Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
Christmas Dinner/Silent Auction, December 11, 5:00 at Our Savior’s, Aurora
Christmas Bazaar, December 18, 9:30-12:30 at Ladies of Kaleva in Virginia
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, November28, 2:00p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran in Palo.
Meeting adjourned at 3:14p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Spink, Secretary
Trinity Methodist, Hoyt Lakes
Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 2:00p.m.
Pastor Mary Lou called the meeting to order.
She then offered devotions for the day from a daily devotional called “Jesus Always” by Sara Young reading verses from Philippians and Psalms.
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Pr. Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist, HL
Ron Feldt, Aurora Food Shelf Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Aurora Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pr. Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora Pr. Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes of the April 25th meeting held at Biwabik UCC. Janet moved to approve, second by Jim. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported that there was no activity. There is approximately $1,500 in the account.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported that a grant paid for the electrical work. They served 174 families in May – 68 new clients – 19,316(?) pounds of food. Pop-up produce was given out on the 2nd Monday. The Super Shelf should start up the 2nd Tues. in June. There is $59,000 left to pay on the mortgage. The Food Shelf has been in this building for 3 years. Clair reported they have about 25 volunteers. That is amazing!
The needs now are toilet paper, diapers age 2 and above and feminine products.
OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS: Janet reported that Pastor Barb had talked to the school about release time and found out that they are not willing to release the kids during school hours. Perhaps there could be an ‘after school religious time’ which went well a few years ago and the kids had a good time. All churches need to be united on this. As the discussion went on there were many questions and no answers. Need to have a committee work on it other than Interchurch.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 2:00p.m. at Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
No meetings June, July or August
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, secretary
East Range Churches Working Together
Biwabik UCC, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 2:00p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Joan Evans.
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Pastor Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Pastor Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran
Joan Evans, Biwabik UCC Pastor John Szarke, Biwabik UCC
Janice Micholich, Biwabik UCC Pr. Barb Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
Pastor Charles Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL Pr. Isabelle Westman, Palo Congregational
Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
Opening devotions from John 20 were given by Pastor Szarke on Jesus death and the gift of the Holy Spirit following with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes of the March 28th meeting held at Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora. Barb motioned to approve, second by Mary Lou. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan reported a previous balance: $3,079.64; receipts $3,107.00;
Dispersed to the Food Shelf and MEMA $5,427.00. Balance 4/25/23 - $759.64.
Savings acc’t balance: $517.86
A motion made by Vicky to give $259.00 from Interchurch to the Food Shelf in memory of Gladys Anderson, second by Janet. MC (Personal checks were also included with a total of $334.00 to the food shelf in memory of Gladys.)
Mary Lou moved to accept the report, second by Stanley. MC
MEMA REPORT: No activity
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clair reported that the electrical work was finished and hope to have the Super Shelf open by June. An average of 175 families were served in April.
NEW BUSINESS: Pastor Jeanne introduced an idea for us as a ministry to learn to play the bagpipes. She had spoken to someone who was willing to train and would meet a couple times a month. We need to ask around – already a few are interested. If interested, email [email protected].
Janet brought up a concern from Our Savior’s about reinstituting Release Time from school. It is something to think about and work on before fall when school starts up again.
Pastor Szarke led in prayer for Art Cherro family, Ed Baker, Christine who has lung cancer.
No coming events were announced.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 23, 2:00 at Trinity Methodist, Hoyt Lakes
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora
Tuesday, March 28, 2:00p.m., 2023
The meeting was called to order at 2:05p.m. by Janet Salo in absence or our Chairperson, Joan, who was on vacation.
Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope Catholic Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Pam Peterson, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Pastor Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran Pastor Barbara Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Janet Salo read from Christ in Our Home devotional taken from John 11:35 – “Jesus Wept”.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta handed out copies of the minutes of the Feb. 28th meeting. Pam motioned to approve, second by Pastor Barb. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan was also on vacation. The February 28th checking balance was $3,079.64.
Her co-worker reported $1,132.00 was taken in at the 4 Lenten Soup Suppers which was sent in to the food shelf. $4,000.00, given by the area churches to help defray the food shelf mortgage, was also sent in.
MEMA REPORT: No activity.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported 165 families were served in March with 65 new families, 11,405# of food distributed. They need to decrease that in order to maintain what they do. Families have become larger. Waiting on a grant to come through to finish up with the Super Shelf project which they hope to have open in May.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussed pros and cons of the Lenten Soup Suppers:
Ed Baker
Gladys Anderson
People in Nashville and Mississippi
Homeless in the area
Pastor Barb led in prayer for these people and closed with The Lord’s Prayer.
COMING EVENTS: None announced.
Motion to adjourn was made by Clair, 2nd by Stanley. 2:47p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 25, 2:00p.m. at UCC in Biwabik.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 2:05p.m. by Chairperson, Joan Evans.
Alta Sprink – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Pam Peterson, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Pastor Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist Pastor Barbara Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
Joan Evans, Biwabik UCC Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Ron Feldt, Aurora Food Shelf
Pastor Barb opened with prayer and a devotion on Lent.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from the January 24th meeting. Pam motioned to approve, second by Pastor Barb. MC
TREASURERS REPORT: A copy of Jan’s report was handed out.
Previous balance: $2,219.64; receipts for Food Shelf and dues: $860.00; Balance 2/28/23: $3,079.64.
Savings acc’t: $517.81. Jan sent a reminder that checks made out at the soup suppers should be made out to Interchurch. Jim motioned to approve, second by Stanley. MC
MEMA REPORT: Joan reported $1,720.96 in the account with no known activity.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clair handed out Food Shelf March Campaign ‘Fill this Plate’ posters for each church to put up. This is a statewide campaign and is partially matched by the Greater Mn Council of Churches. Make sure checks are made out to Aurora Food Shelf or Interchurch. Ron Feldt reported the food shelf served 145 families, 340 individuals and over 9000# of food in Feb. Emergency needs have been increasing. They are always in need of more volunteer drivers with pickups.
OLD BUSINESS: Pastor Barb reported $550 was collected by way of Super Bowl of Caring Sunday and the Aurora Methodist.
NEW BUSINESS: None heard.
Pastor Barb offered prayers for:
Vicky & Tom Michaels
Christine – in Maui and was shot
Charlotte & Kenny
Friday, March 3, 10:00a.m. -World Day of Prayer at Our Lady of Hope
Saturday, March 4 – Pepsi Challenge at Giant’s Ridge
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 28, 2:00p.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 2:00p.m. by Chairperson, Joan Evans.
Introductions were made all around. Joan presented the question to us, “How ARE you doing?” with some responding and others with food for thought.
Pastor John Szarke, UCC Biwabik Pastor Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pastor Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist, HL Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL
Joan Evans, UCC, Biwabik Janice Mikolich, UCC, Biwabik
Pamela Peterson, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope Catholic, Aurora Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Ron Feldt, Food Shelf rep. Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pastor Isabelle Westman, Palo Congregational Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Pastor Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran
Pastor Barb Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
Pastor Barnes opened with prayer.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from November 22, 2022. Pam motioned to approve, second by Pastor Barb. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan handed out her report showing a previous balance of $1,339.64;
Income for the food shelf and MEMA: $2,161.00; Disbursed: $1,281.00; Balance 1/24/23: $2,219.64.
Savings acc’t: $517.81. Alta motioned to approve, second by Pastor Bell. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported $880.83 in the account. A donation of $800 was received from Elliot Painting. Joan Evans may now also be called on to refer someone in need.
Pastor Barnes – 218-742-6525
Joan Evans– 218-269-1807
Jim moved to accept, second by Jan. MC
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron Feldt reported 14,000 pounds of food was distributed in December for 371 people, 195 families. The food shelf served 8,739 people in 2022, on an average of 60# of food per box. 299 people, 160 families were served in January, ’23 which takes 450 volunteer hours a month.
Super Shelf is getting closer to being a reality. Someone donated $1000 for the Holiday turkeys.
The Food Shelf goal is to notify churches on ‘here is what we need’ on a monthly basis.
Any questions, please call Ron Feldt at 218-780-4114.
OLD BUSINESS: Concern as to Biwabik Covenant dropping out of Interchurch. Mary Kurtz will be contacting them.
NEW BUSINESS: Pastor Barnes reported on Lenten Services. They will be held on Wednesdays, 4:30-5:00 soup, 5;00 worship service.
Ash Wed., February 22 at individual churches
March 1 – Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
March 8 – St. Mark’s Lutheran with Palo Congregational
March 15 – yet to be determined
March 22 – yet to be determined
March 29 – 12:30p.m. Community Forum @ Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
Wednesday offerings will go to the Aurora Food Shelf and Good Friday’s to MEMA.
PRAYER CONCERNS: Pastor Barnes offered prayer
Charlotte & Kenny
Continued prayers for Ed
Next meeting: Tuesday, February 28, 2:00p.m. at Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Respectively submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2022, 2:00p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Clair Lundberg.
Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL
Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Pastor John Dietz, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Catholic Pastor Isabelle Westman, Palo Congregational
Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope Pastor Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
DEVOTIONS: Pastor Dietz opened with devotions taken from Ephesians 4 on unity and all of us being parts of one body of Christ…
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The minutes of the last meeting, April 26th at Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora was read by Alta, as well as copies handed out. Stanley motioned to approve, second by Jim. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Copies of Jan’s treasurer’s report were distributed. Beginning balance: $792.33; Donations: 2 Rivers Auction - $250.00; Our Lady of Hope - $500.00;
Balance, May 17, ’22: $1,542.33. Jan requested a motion to send $730.00 to the Food Shelf leaving $812.33 in the checking account. Rita made a motion to send $730.00 to the food shelf, second by Pastor Isabelle. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported there was one request for help paying her water bill. $145.74 was given out. Balance: $583.74
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clair stated that about 200 families use the food shelf. Right now they are short of volunteers to help and need drivers on Fridays to haul food from Virginia. The food shelf is open from 10:00-1:00pm on Tuesdays. On the second Wednesday they get lots of food from the 2nd Harvest Food Bank. A large food donation was received from the school. There has been enough diaper donations for babies, but are in need of adult size diapers. Refrigerators and freezers have been placed on order.
Any questions, call Clair Lundberg – 218-229-3236.
Pastor Barnes suggested soliciting individuals to give directly to the food shelf to help defray mortgage expenses so it could be paid off sooner. Clair will look into it.
NEW BUSINESS: New rotation meeting schedule for 2022 and 2023 were handed out.
Pastor Dietz closed with prayer and all joined in The Lord’s Prayer.
Pastor Isabelle motioned to adjourn, second by Vickie.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 27th at Aurora United Methodist.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
Pastor Barnes hand
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Faith Lutheran Church, Hoyt Lakes
The meeting was called to order at 2:00p.m. by Chairman, Lynn Voss
Everyone introduced themselves.
Hugh Wood – MEMA, Biwabik Covenant Alta Sprink – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Jim Flanagan – Lady of Hope Catholic Rita Flanagan – Lady of Hope Catholic
Carol Johnson – Faith Lutheran, HL Vicky Michels – Faith Lutheran, HL
Karen Baker – United Methodist, Aurora Beth Babcock – Palo Congregational
Pastor Charles Barnes – Faith Lutheran HL Jan Mikolich – UCC, Biwabik
Pastor John Szarke – UCC Biwabik Lynn Voss – Chairman
Janet Salo – Our Savior’s Lutheran Aurora Pam Peterson – Our Savior’s Lutheran Aurora
Stanley Bonneman – Trinity Methodist, HL
Devotions were given by Lynn Voss from ‘Everyday with Jesus’ on how we as people or a group influence others. Pastor Szarke led in prayer.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from the April 27th meeting held at the Food Shelf.
Jim made a motion to accept, second by Hugh. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT; Jan reported that all of the 10 churches have paid the $400 for the year. Thank you to all for doing that during these hard times. She has received several thank yous from the Food Shelf.
Previous month’s balance: $820.81 Receipts & Dues: $400.00 Disbursements: $400.00
Balance 6/23/21: $820.81 Savings acc’t: $517.44
Janet motioned to accept, second by Pastor Barnes. MC
MEMA REPORT: There have been no changes or calls. Churches might not be aware that we still have this fund and, also, there are new jobs opening up on the Range so their might not be quite the need for help.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clients coming to the food shelf have dropped off. The average now is about 25. A $10,000 grant was received from Essentia for up-grades, a $5,000 grant upped to $10,000 was received from MN Power so they will be purchasing a new door. A $91,000 grant is being applied for and will be coming later in the year. They have not heard back from the city about the signage bill which was paid. Need to inquire about allowing a big banner to fly outside.
Hugh noted that no one has to qualify now for the Food shelf as this has been done away with. Anyone can come.
A volunteer has come forward to mow the lawn. A thank you card was passed around for everyone to sign.
A motion was made by Jim, second by Karen for Lynn to put a large 1/6 page ad in the East Range Shopper with a list of our churches and their services offered and about MEMA and other events.
The Food Shelf has a new mailbox. The address is 301 S 2nd St E or Forestry Rd and 2nd St.
OLD BUSINESS: Discussed what individual churches could do for a fund raiser for the Food shelf like a special Sunday, a special week. Pastor Barnes made a motion, second by Vicky to make the whole month of November Food Shelf Month and leave it up to the churches on how they want to handle it.
Since the last meeting, Vicky had approached the city of Hoyt Lakes about helping out and supporting the Food Shelf. They would prefer to have a letter from Interchurch on the matter. Between Alta, Lynn, and Pastor Barb a letter was formed to be given to the three cities of Aurora, Hoyt Lakes and Biwabik. Vicky took the letter to Hoyt Lakes council and Jan M. took a letter to Biwabik city council and have not heard back. Hugh will be taking a letter to Aurora City.
NEW BUSINESS: Lynn will work on a draft for the next meeting for an insert for church newsletters and bulletins on what Interchurch involves.
Gladys Anderson on her behalf
Sylvia on her behalf
Marge Jussila is home
Steven – progress in healing
Eric Butler – cancer single father of 2
Arlene Johnson whose son, David, has cancer
Saturday, August 21, 9:00-12, St. Mark’s Rummage Sale at Loon Lake Community Center
Jan motioned to adjourn, second by Hugh.
NEXT MEETING: August 24, 2:00p..m. at Palo Congregational Church.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, secretary
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Aurora Area Food Shelf
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lynn Voss at 2:00p.m.
Introductions were made around the table.
ATTENDANCE: 17 present
Stanley Bonnema – Trinity Methodist Karen Baker – Aurora United Methodist
Pastor Mary Lou Sixberry – Trinity Methodist Hugh Wood – MEMA
Janet Salo – Our Savior’s Lutheran Jan Mikolich – Biwabik UCC
Lynn Voss – Chairman Jim Flannagan – Our Lady of Hope
Rita Flannagan – Our Lady of Hope Pamela Peterson – Our Savior’s Lutheran
Clair Lundberg – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Alta Sprink – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Pastor Barbara Hegfors – Aurora UMC Pastor John Szarke – UCC Biwabik
Pastor Isabelle Westman – Palo Congregational Pastor Chuck Barnes – Faith Lutheran, HL
Vicky Michels – Faith Lutheran, HL
Devotions were read by Lynn Voss entitled “Get in the Wheelbarrow” by Greg Laurin. James 2:14-17
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from the October 20, 2020 held at the Food Shelf.
Pastor Barnes made a motion to accept, second by Jan. MC.
(I sent a sympathy card to Bea Collins on the death of her husband from Interchurch).
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan handed out copies of the treasurer’s report. Previous balance: $575.81
Income receipts & dues: $4,100.00; Disbursements: $3,855.00(food shelf & stamps)
Balance April 27: $820.81. Savings Balance: $517.44
The rent deposit for the Community Center was refunded in November.
Pastor Barnes motioned to accept, second by Pastor Barb. MC
MEMA: Hugh reported $563.71 in the account with no disbursements since the last meeting. Not having a full-time pastor in the area has made it difficult to handle this fund. Pastor Barnes volunteered and Hugh Wood agreed to stay on. Pastor Barnes: 218-742-6525 Hugh: 218-721-2368
Lynn made motion No. 1: New MEMA officers are Pastor Chuck Barnes and Hugh Wood. No discussion. Motion carried.
Motion No. 2: Pastor Barnes and Hugh Wood are the names to be on the bank account. The names Clyde Harvey and John Szarke are to be taken off. No discussion. Motion carried.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: The food shelf is doing well. They are waiting on the grant for the garage door. A new freezer was purchased with grant money. Trying to get data entered on the computer. Serve 150 households(500 people) each week. Usually have about 14 volunteers on Tuesdays.
It has been said that Aurora has the best model of a food shelf around.
New chairman of the board is Ron Feldt. The food shelf phone no. is 218-306-6116.
Vicky Michels and Jan Salo volunteered to speak to their city mayors / wives about getting help and support for our food shelf as there has been none.
Hugh also expressed how nice it is to see Pastors attending our meeting. Their input and support is much needed.
NEW BUSINESS: Fund raisers for the Food Shelf was discussed. Suggested that churches could do their own individual appeal for funds suggesting having a small wheelbarrow for cash donations or similar gimmick. Checks should be made out to Interchurch which will be passed on to the food shelf. We should make it more known in our churches the importance of Interchurch and our support of the food shelf.
Still due to COVID uncertainty, the discussion of fund raisers will be tabled until the next meeting on June 22.
Northern Pines nursing home in Aurora is asking for worship services to return.
Mary Kurtz is coordinator for New Journey in Biwabik.
Gladys Anderson is home
Sylvia Maki – pacemaker
Steven, son of Pastor Isabelle – cancer
Lynn Voss’ grandsons – accidents
Marge Jussila – broken leg
EVENTS: Pastor John Szarke would like to have Lenten soup suppers again on Wednesdays in 2022.
NEXT MEETING: Lynn made a motion that we meet every other month, second by Jan Mikolich. MC
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 22, 2:00p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church in Hoyt Lakes.
Jim Flanagan motioned to adjourn at approximately 3:30p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, secretary
JULY 14, 2020, 1:30P.M.
Chairperson, Lynn Voss, officially opened the meeting at 1:30p.m.
Pastor Barb led in opening prayer.
Lynn began by explaining what has been happening concerning the Aurora Food Shelf building that we rent. It has been for sale and there has been some interest in buying it, but nothing has been down in writing, so far. The food shelf needs a permanent home and it is better to be prepared. Therefore, we have looked at two buildings, Grace Church and Jehovah’s Witnesses. It was decided that Grace had too many issues that we didn’t want to deal with, but the Jehovah’s building would work well with a bit of upgrade. It’s 2,028 sq. ft. for $95,000. Of the two buildings AEOA recommended the Jehovah building over the Grace building. A proposal needs to be in this week to AEOA. We would offer $85,000. The $25,000 down payment would be our responsibility. We could possibly get a grant from IRRRB for the upgrades. We are under the umbrella of AEOA and they would be the ones doing the negotiating and signing. They would also help with any future fund raisers. Nothing would come out of the Interchurch treasury. No offers have been given or accepted yet from the Jehovah Witnesses.
Hugh Wood made a motion for Interchurch and Aurora Area Food Shelf to allow AEOA to be the negotiator and to make a proposal for the Jehovah building starting at $85,000. Upon the final price agreed on, the Aurora Area Food Shelf will be responsible for a down payment, which will be based on funds in the Aurora Area Food Shelf account and input from AEOA. Depending on the final agreement with financing through AEOA the monthly payment would be determined. Food Shelf guarantees $25,000 down payment. Jan Mikolich second the motion. MC
Lynn will bring the motion to the AEOA .
We will probably need to have a meeting in August. Look for further details.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, secretary
On September 26, 2024, Interchurch Ministries sponsored a Meatloaf Dinner for the purpose of funding the Food Shelf. Thanks to all for sharing your talents, efforts, service and support along with those congregations and individuals who donated baskets and prizes for the raffles. The evening was a huge success with $1,742.34 going to Food Shelf.
In addition, the City of Aurora waived the rental fee for the Community Center and also donated $1,500.00 for the Food Shelf. Thank you City of Aurora.
Because of our caring community, this was all possible.
East Range Churches Working Together
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 2:00p.m.
Biwabik United Church of Christ
The meeting was called to order by Joan Evans, Chair.
Stanley Bonnema – Trinity Methodist, HL Mark Skala- Our Lady of Hope
Vicky Michels – Faith Lutheran, HL Pr. Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pr. Mary Lou Sixberry-Trinity Methodist, HL Pr. Jeanne Madsen – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Janet Salo—Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora Kathy Kaliszewski – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Clair Lundberg-St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Alta Sprink-St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Joan Evans-Biwabik UCC Jan Mikolich – Biwabik UCC
Sara Barnes – Aurora United Methodist Pr. Barbara Hegfors – Aurora United Methodist
Ron Feldt – Aurora Area Food Shelf
DEVOTIONS: Joan led us in devotions reading from ‘Jesus Calling’ by Sara Young and also a devotion called ‘Pouring Out a Waterfall’.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: There were no minutes from March as the meeting was canceled due to a snowstorm.
Alta read the minutes from the February 27th meeting. Hearing no corrections or additions the minutes were accepted as read.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan handed out the treasurer’s report for March & April. Beginning bal: $3,176.84
Deposits from soup suppers & dues: $5,037.84; Disbursed to the food shelf: $4,523.00; Bal. 4/23/24: $514.84
Savings acc’t: $518.02. Janet motioned to accept, second by Mary Lou. MC
MEMA REPORT(Mesabi East Ministerial Ass’n) Pr. Barnes reported no requests were made. There was a $1000 contribution. Balance in the account: $3,269.49.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported for January 169 families; 411 people; February 140 families, 308 people; March 143 families, 356 people. 80% were inside shoppers. They are low on canned fruit such as mandarin oranges, Pineapple, spices. The remaining mortgage amount is $56,047 with a monthly payment of $405 which is paid by the 9 churches’ $400 yearly donations,.
OLD BUSINESS: Thank you to all the pastors who took part in the Lenten services ‘Walking with Jesus to the Cross’.
Our Food Shelf fund raiser meatball dinner will be held sometime in October at the Aurora Community Center.
- There will be a meeting on August 13th at Faith Lutheran in Hoyt Lakes, for anyone who can make it, to go over some of the details. All churches will need to help out with the dinner.
- This proposal needs to go back to the churches for further ideas and discussion.
PRAYER CONCERNS: Pastor led in prayer for the following:
- Pr. Art Dale
- New born twins recovering from MERSA
- Pat
We closed by joining in The Lord’s Prayer.
Adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 24, 2:00p.m. at Trinity Methodist, HL
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
East Range Churches Working Together
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Aurora United Methodist
The meeting was called to order by Joan Evans, Chair, at 2:00p.m.
Janice Mikolich, Biwabik UCC Joan Evans, Biwabik UCC
Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Karen Baker, Aurora United Methodist
Pr. Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL Pr. Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran
Doris Saarberg, Palo Congregational Pr. Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist, HL
Ron Feld, Aurora Food Shelf Patti Gaylord, Aurora United Methodist
Pam Peterson, Our Savior’s Lutheran Janet R. Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran
Sarah Barnes, Aurora United Methodist Debbie Servaty, Our Lady of Hope
Gloria Hammer, Our Lady of Hope Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL
Pr. Isabelle Westman, Palo Congregational/ Steven McGirh, Palo Congregational/Bassett C
Pr. Barb Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
DEVOTIONS: Pastor Barb gave the devotions from the daily devotional “Dynamic Prayer” Ephesians 3:16-19.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes of the November 28, ’23 meeting held at St. Mark’s.
Pam motioned to accept, second by Jan. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan handed out copies of the report: beginning checking bal.: $1194.84
Receipts: $860.00 No Disbursements. Ending bal.: $2054.84 Savings acc’t: $517.96
The $20 dues and $400 to defray the food shelf mortgage are due from each church by the end of March.
Janet motioned to accept, second by Mary Lou. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported a balance of $2,267.99.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported 180 households were served this past month. In 2023 there were 2186 households, 5351 individuals, 101,924# of food served. Donations have been phenomenal – struggling with electricity usage. Right now there’s a need for noodles, baking spices, sugar – diapers should be the bigger sizes. It was noted that bamboo diapers can be ordered from Amazon.
The March Campaign is coming up with a partial match. Churches could get a Thrivent grant for that event.
Pastor Barb’s church continues to do “Super Bowl of Caring” which does very well. Check out the website or with Pastor Barb for more details.
OLD BUSINESS: Vicky reported that Shannon Alaspa would be willing to cook a meal as a fund raiser for the food shelf. Thank you Vicky and Shannon! Suggested times would be in the fall, perhaps October, and a Thursday has been a good day from past meals we’ve done.
Pastor Jeanne announced that St. Mark’s is having a rock painting event with the confirmation and Sunday School kids but also with adults whoever are interested. Those from other churches are invited to come. The date is yet to be determined.
Lenten Schedule each Wed. with soup supper 5:30 and worship 6:00:
The theme is ‘Walking with Jesus to the cross’ from St. Luke.
- Feb. 21st: At St. Mark’s with Palo Congregational, “Jesus Foretells His Death”
- Feb. 28th: At Our Savior’s Lutheran with Biwabik UCC, “The Good Samaritan”
- Mar 6th: At Faith Lutheran, HL with Trinity Methodist, “Jesus Denounces Pharisees and Lawyers”
- Mar 13th: At Trinity Methodist with Faith Lutheran, HL, “Jesus Prays on Mount of Olives”
- Mar 20th: At Our Lady of Hope, Aurora, “Jesus Sentenced to Death”
- Mar 29th, Good Friday Service, 12:00 noon at Aurora United Methodist with coffee an’.
Call 218-749-8910. Visit the website
PRAYER CONCERNS: Pastor Barb led in prayer for the following:
Marion Anderson
Deanna Kopp
Steven, Sr.
Vivian Williams
Kathie Birk
Bill Holmes
Thank you for Sadie as she’s doing well
We closed with The Lord’s Prayer.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, February 27 at Our Lady of Hope Catholic, Aurora.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Spink, Secretary
Each meeting begins at 2:00p.m.
Tuesday, January 23 Aurora United Methodist
Tuesday, February 27 -- Our Lady of Hope Catholic, Aurora
Tuesday, March 26 -- Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Tuesday, April 23 -- Biwabik United Church of Christ
- No meetings May, June, July and August
Tuesday, October 22 Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
Tuesday, November 26 Palo Congregational
No December meeting
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
*When meetings are canceled due to bad weather it will then be held the next month on the schedule.
East Range Churches Working Together
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Interchurch met at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. Chair Joan Evans called the meeting to order at 2:00p.m.
Alta Spink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Pr. Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist, HL
Pr. Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran Pr. Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pr. Barb Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL
Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran
Ron Feldt, Food Shelf/Our Lady of Hope Jan Mikolich, Biwabik UCC
Joan Evans, Biwabik UCC
Pastor Jeanne gave the devotions - how we forget how much we are blessed by giving. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, Just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me”.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes of the October meeting. Pastor Barnes motioned to approve, second by Pastor Barb. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan reported that 2 churches had paid their dues/food shelf mortgage for 2024 and there were no disbursements. Checking balance: $1,194.84 Savings: $517.96.
Stanley motioned to approve, second by Pastor Mary Lou. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Chuck reported that a gift had been given to MEMA in the amount of $970.30 which then went out to buy a new refrigerator for a lady whose refrigerator quit working. Balance in the account: $2,061.87.
Pastor Barb motioned to approve, second by Pastor Mary Lou. MC
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported of 199 families came to the food shelf the month of Nov.
with a total of 477 people served. They had 16 new clients and gave out over 9000# of groceries + other. They are in need of cereal, shampoo, tissues, etc.
OLD BUSINESS: Joan reported that Hugh & Frannie Wood will not be available at this time to cook a community meal. Lots of thoughts and ideas came up about doing a meal but we still need someone to be in charge.
Pastor Chuck had sent out info to all the churches about the LSS frozen meals that are available for a cost.
Thank you to Pastor Chuck, Joan and Jan for delivering and to those who made cookies for the Mesabi East teachers.
NEW BUSINESS: Pastor Barnes brought up a concern that we should be doing something for the kids. There are 120 kids from 0-17 years old from the Food Shelf families. Several ideas floated around like doing an Angel Tree, but it would be too late for this year. We need to put it on the agenda for next year.
PRAYER CONCERNS: Pastor Jeanne led in prayer for:
Ed Baker
Sadie the dog
Katie Johnson
Frank Van Dehey, Jr.
Thank you for prayers for Christina as she’s doing well.
We closed by saying The Lord’s Prayer together.
Adjourned at 3:15p.m.
NEXT MEETING is January 23, 2024, 2:00p.m. at Aurora United Methodist.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Spink, Secretary
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 2:00p.m.
Interchurch met at the Palo Congregational Church on Tuesday, October 24th, 2023. Chair Joan Evans called the meeting to order at 2:00p.m.
Jan Mikolich, UCC Biwabik Joan Evans, UCC Biwabik
Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora Doris Saarberg, Palo Congregational
Art Maki, Palo Congregational Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Pr. Isabelle West man, Palo Congregational Steven McGill, Jr, Palo Congregational
Pr. Charles Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL Pr. Barbara Heifers, Aurora United Methodist
Alta Spink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Pastor Isabelle read devotions from Our Daily Bread, “do not lose heart, trust in God through Christ, be renewed daily” 2nd Corinthians, 4. Prayers were said for those concerns in our families and churches:
Marie Dahlman, Barb Travica, Sherry Oman, Christine Ahman, Ed Baker, Steven, Sr.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from the September meeting. There were no corrections.
Pastor Isabelle motioned to approve, second by Vicky. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan reported there was no activity since last month. The balance remains at $354.84 in checking and $517.96 in savings.
She handed out the dues slips for the coming year that go to each church with some corrections noted in the wording.
Motioned to approve by Janet, second by Stanley, MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported there was no activity. The balance in the account is $2,032.19. $500 had appeared in the account but don’t know from where.
Motion made to approve by Jan, second by Pastor Barb. MC
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clair handed out copies of “Facts and Tidbits About the Aurora Area Food Shelf” which had been given out at the Open House.
The needs now are cereal, feminine hygiene items, diapers for ages 2 & up, baby wipes, other hygiene products, etc.
Ron is willing to give individual tours. Phone: 218-780-4114
OLD BUSINESS: Hugh & Frannie Wood were contacted by Joan & Mary Kurtz about cooking a meal, but they have not heard back.
There’s been no more follow-up on release time.
Thank you to Pastor Barnes for delivering cookies for the teachers in October. Joan volunteered to deliver cookies at the November teachers conferences on the 7th.
NEW BUSINESS: There was to be an election of officers, but no one seemed to be willing to take on a job. We have no vice chair at this time which we do need. The election was tabled.
There will be no Remembrance Service this year.
Pastor Barnes told of a new Lutheran Social Service available of frozen/pre-packaged dinners delivered to your home. There will be more information coming.
Trunk or Treat, Oct. 31st 4:00-6:00, along with a community meal. at the Aurora Methodist
Trunk or Treat also at Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
Christmas Dinner/Silent Auction, December 11, 5:00 at Our Savior’s, Aurora
Christmas Bazaar, December 18, 9:30-12:30 at Ladies of Kaleva in Virginia
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, November28, 2:00p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran in Palo.
Meeting adjourned at 3:14p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Spink, Secretary
Trinity Methodist, Hoyt Lakes
Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 2:00p.m.
Pastor Mary Lou called the meeting to order.
She then offered devotions for the day from a daily devotional called “Jesus Always” by Sara Young reading verses from Philippians and Psalms.
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Pr. Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist, HL
Ron Feldt, Aurora Food Shelf Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Aurora Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pr. Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora Pr. Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes of the April 25th meeting held at Biwabik UCC. Janet moved to approve, second by Jim. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported that there was no activity. There is approximately $1,500 in the account.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported that a grant paid for the electrical work. They served 174 families in May – 68 new clients – 19,316(?) pounds of food. Pop-up produce was given out on the 2nd Monday. The Super Shelf should start up the 2nd Tues. in June. There is $59,000 left to pay on the mortgage. The Food Shelf has been in this building for 3 years. Clair reported they have about 25 volunteers. That is amazing!
The needs now are toilet paper, diapers age 2 and above and feminine products.
OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS: Janet reported that Pastor Barb had talked to the school about release time and found out that they are not willing to release the kids during school hours. Perhaps there could be an ‘after school religious time’ which went well a few years ago and the kids had a good time. All churches need to be united on this. As the discussion went on there were many questions and no answers. Need to have a committee work on it other than Interchurch.
- Vicky’s nephew, Brian, had a successful bone marrow transplant
- Mary Stodola has health issues
- Emma Swanson
- Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora, will have Bible School in August, open to the public.
- Tom Lehtinen funeral Wed., June 21 at Our Savior’s.
- Bible School at Faith Lutheran, HL, August 7th….. Open to the public.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 2:00p.m. at Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
No meetings June, July or August
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, secretary
East Range Churches Working Together
Biwabik UCC, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 2:00p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Joan Evans.
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Pastor Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Pastor Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran
Joan Evans, Biwabik UCC Pastor John Szarke, Biwabik UCC
Janice Micholich, Biwabik UCC Pr. Barb Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
Pastor Charles Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL Pr. Isabelle Westman, Palo Congregational
Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
Opening devotions from John 20 were given by Pastor Szarke on Jesus death and the gift of the Holy Spirit following with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes of the March 28th meeting held at Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora. Barb motioned to approve, second by Mary Lou. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan reported a previous balance: $3,079.64; receipts $3,107.00;
Dispersed to the Food Shelf and MEMA $5,427.00. Balance 4/25/23 - $759.64.
Savings acc’t balance: $517.86
A motion made by Vicky to give $259.00 from Interchurch to the Food Shelf in memory of Gladys Anderson, second by Janet. MC (Personal checks were also included with a total of $334.00 to the food shelf in memory of Gladys.)
Mary Lou moved to accept the report, second by Stanley. MC
MEMA REPORT: No activity
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clair reported that the electrical work was finished and hope to have the Super Shelf open by June. An average of 175 families were served in April.
NEW BUSINESS: Pastor Jeanne introduced an idea for us as a ministry to learn to play the bagpipes. She had spoken to someone who was willing to train and would meet a couple times a month. We need to ask around – already a few are interested. If interested, email [email protected].
Janet brought up a concern from Our Savior’s about reinstituting Release Time from school. It is something to think about and work on before fall when school starts up again.
Pastor Szarke led in prayer for Art Cherro family, Ed Baker, Christine who has lung cancer.
No coming events were announced.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 23, 2:00 at Trinity Methodist, Hoyt Lakes
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora
Tuesday, March 28, 2:00p.m., 2023
The meeting was called to order at 2:05p.m. by Janet Salo in absence or our Chairperson, Joan, who was on vacation.
Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope Catholic Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Pam Peterson, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Pastor Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran Pastor Barbara Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Janet Salo read from Christ in Our Home devotional taken from John 11:35 – “Jesus Wept”.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta handed out copies of the minutes of the Feb. 28th meeting. Pam motioned to approve, second by Pastor Barb. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan was also on vacation. The February 28th checking balance was $3,079.64.
Her co-worker reported $1,132.00 was taken in at the 4 Lenten Soup Suppers which was sent in to the food shelf. $4,000.00, given by the area churches to help defray the food shelf mortgage, was also sent in.
MEMA REPORT: No activity.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron reported 165 families were served in March with 65 new families, 11,405# of food distributed. They need to decrease that in order to maintain what they do. Families have become larger. Waiting on a grant to come through to finish up with the Super Shelf project which they hope to have open in May.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussed pros and cons of the Lenten Soup Suppers:
- Attendance count was down since held before the pandemic.
- Bad weather
- The time of day was not good for the people that work and will need to be adjusted for future.
- On the plus side, the soups were delicious; there was wonderful fellowship and fun times had working with other churches.
Ed Baker
Gladys Anderson
People in Nashville and Mississippi
Homeless in the area
Pastor Barb led in prayer for these people and closed with The Lord’s Prayer.
COMING EVENTS: None announced.
Motion to adjourn was made by Clair, 2nd by Stanley. 2:47p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 25, 2:00p.m. at UCC in Biwabik.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 2:05p.m. by Chairperson, Joan Evans.
Alta Sprink – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope
Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL Pam Peterson, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Pastor Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist Pastor Barbara Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
Joan Evans, Biwabik UCC Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Ron Feldt, Aurora Food Shelf
Pastor Barb opened with prayer and a devotion on Lent.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from the January 24th meeting. Pam motioned to approve, second by Pastor Barb. MC
TREASURERS REPORT: A copy of Jan’s report was handed out.
Previous balance: $2,219.64; receipts for Food Shelf and dues: $860.00; Balance 2/28/23: $3,079.64.
Savings acc’t: $517.81. Jan sent a reminder that checks made out at the soup suppers should be made out to Interchurch. Jim motioned to approve, second by Stanley. MC
MEMA REPORT: Joan reported $1,720.96 in the account with no known activity.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clair handed out Food Shelf March Campaign ‘Fill this Plate’ posters for each church to put up. This is a statewide campaign and is partially matched by the Greater Mn Council of Churches. Make sure checks are made out to Aurora Food Shelf or Interchurch. Ron Feldt reported the food shelf served 145 families, 340 individuals and over 9000# of food in Feb. Emergency needs have been increasing. They are always in need of more volunteer drivers with pickups.
OLD BUSINESS: Pastor Barb reported $550 was collected by way of Super Bowl of Caring Sunday and the Aurora Methodist.
NEW BUSINESS: None heard.
Pastor Barb offered prayers for:
Vicky & Tom Michaels
Christine – in Maui and was shot
Charlotte & Kenny
Friday, March 3, 10:00a.m. -World Day of Prayer at Our Lady of Hope
Saturday, March 4 – Pepsi Challenge at Giant’s Ridge
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 28, 2:00p.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 2:00p.m. by Chairperson, Joan Evans.
Introductions were made all around. Joan presented the question to us, “How ARE you doing?” with some responding and others with food for thought.
Pastor John Szarke, UCC Biwabik Pastor Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pastor Mary Lou Sixberry, Trinity Methodist, HL Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL
Joan Evans, UCC, Biwabik Janice Mikolich, UCC, Biwabik
Pamela Peterson, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora Janet Salo, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora
Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope Catholic, Aurora Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Ron Feldt, Food Shelf rep. Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
Pastor Isabelle Westman, Palo Congregational Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Pastor Jeanne Madsen, St. Mark’s Lutheran
Pastor Barb Hegfors, Aurora United Methodist
Pastor Barnes opened with prayer.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from November 22, 2022. Pam motioned to approve, second by Pastor Barb. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan handed out her report showing a previous balance of $1,339.64;
Income for the food shelf and MEMA: $2,161.00; Disbursed: $1,281.00; Balance 1/24/23: $2,219.64.
Savings acc’t: $517.81. Alta motioned to approve, second by Pastor Bell. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported $880.83 in the account. A donation of $800 was received from Elliot Painting. Joan Evans may now also be called on to refer someone in need.
Pastor Barnes – 218-742-6525
Joan Evans– 218-269-1807
Jim moved to accept, second by Jan. MC
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Ron Feldt reported 14,000 pounds of food was distributed in December for 371 people, 195 families. The food shelf served 8,739 people in 2022, on an average of 60# of food per box. 299 people, 160 families were served in January, ’23 which takes 450 volunteer hours a month.
Super Shelf is getting closer to being a reality. Someone donated $1000 for the Holiday turkeys.
The Food Shelf goal is to notify churches on ‘here is what we need’ on a monthly basis.
Any questions, please call Ron Feldt at 218-780-4114.
OLD BUSINESS: Concern as to Biwabik Covenant dropping out of Interchurch. Mary Kurtz will be contacting them.
NEW BUSINESS: Pastor Barnes reported on Lenten Services. They will be held on Wednesdays, 4:30-5:00 soup, 5;00 worship service.
Ash Wed., February 22 at individual churches
March 1 – Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
March 8 – St. Mark’s Lutheran with Palo Congregational
March 15 – yet to be determined
March 22 – yet to be determined
March 29 – 12:30p.m. Community Forum @ Faith Lutheran, Hoyt Lakes
Wednesday offerings will go to the Aurora Food Shelf and Good Friday’s to MEMA.
PRAYER CONCERNS: Pastor Barnes offered prayer
Charlotte & Kenny
Continued prayers for Ed
- Aurora United Methodist does a Super Bowl of Caring Sunday. Anyone can join in by Googling it.
- Friday, March 3, 10:00a.m., World Day of Prayer hosted by Our Lady of Hope, Aurora, beginning with a movie. Lunch to follow. RSVP to Renee Koroshec by February 24, 218-780-6052.
Next meeting: Tuesday, February 28, 2:00p.m. at Our Lady of Hope, Aurora
Respectively submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2022, 2:00p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Clair Lundberg.
Alta Sprink, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Stanley Bonnema, Trinity Methodist, HL
Clair Lundberg, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Pastor John Dietz, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Jim Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope, Catholic Pastor Isabelle Westman, Palo Congregational
Rita Flanagan, Our Lady of Hope Pastor Chuck Barnes, Faith Lutheran, HL
Vicky Michels, Faith Lutheran, HL
DEVOTIONS: Pastor Dietz opened with devotions taken from Ephesians 4 on unity and all of us being parts of one body of Christ…
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The minutes of the last meeting, April 26th at Our Savior’s Lutheran, Aurora was read by Alta, as well as copies handed out. Stanley motioned to approve, second by Jim. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT: Copies of Jan’s treasurer’s report were distributed. Beginning balance: $792.33; Donations: 2 Rivers Auction - $250.00; Our Lady of Hope - $500.00;
Balance, May 17, ’22: $1,542.33. Jan requested a motion to send $730.00 to the Food Shelf leaving $812.33 in the checking account. Rita made a motion to send $730.00 to the food shelf, second by Pastor Isabelle. MC
MEMA REPORT: Pastor Barnes reported there was one request for help paying her water bill. $145.74 was given out. Balance: $583.74
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clair stated that about 200 families use the food shelf. Right now they are short of volunteers to help and need drivers on Fridays to haul food from Virginia. The food shelf is open from 10:00-1:00pm on Tuesdays. On the second Wednesday they get lots of food from the 2nd Harvest Food Bank. A large food donation was received from the school. There has been enough diaper donations for babies, but are in need of adult size diapers. Refrigerators and freezers have been placed on order.
Any questions, call Clair Lundberg – 218-229-3236.
Pastor Barnes suggested soliciting individuals to give directly to the food shelf to help defray mortgage expenses so it could be paid off sooner. Clair will look into it.
NEW BUSINESS: New rotation meeting schedule for 2022 and 2023 were handed out.
- Kenny Spencer
- Bea Collins – Covid
- Janet Salo – Lymes disease
- Steven – cancer
- Tom M.
- Chris Swanson
- Pam Peterson – recovering / heart surgery
- Marjorie Marquart – Covid
- Tom Welch
Pastor Dietz closed with prayer and all joined in The Lord’s Prayer.
Pastor Isabelle motioned to adjourn, second by Vickie.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 27th at Aurora United Methodist.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, Secretary
Pastor Barnes hand
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Faith Lutheran Church, Hoyt Lakes
The meeting was called to order at 2:00p.m. by Chairman, Lynn Voss
Everyone introduced themselves.
Hugh Wood – MEMA, Biwabik Covenant Alta Sprink – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Jim Flanagan – Lady of Hope Catholic Rita Flanagan – Lady of Hope Catholic
Carol Johnson – Faith Lutheran, HL Vicky Michels – Faith Lutheran, HL
Karen Baker – United Methodist, Aurora Beth Babcock – Palo Congregational
Pastor Charles Barnes – Faith Lutheran HL Jan Mikolich – UCC, Biwabik
Pastor John Szarke – UCC Biwabik Lynn Voss – Chairman
Janet Salo – Our Savior’s Lutheran Aurora Pam Peterson – Our Savior’s Lutheran Aurora
Stanley Bonneman – Trinity Methodist, HL
Devotions were given by Lynn Voss from ‘Everyday with Jesus’ on how we as people or a group influence others. Pastor Szarke led in prayer.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from the April 27th meeting held at the Food Shelf.
Jim made a motion to accept, second by Hugh. MC
TREASURER’S REPORT; Jan reported that all of the 10 churches have paid the $400 for the year. Thank you to all for doing that during these hard times. She has received several thank yous from the Food Shelf.
Previous month’s balance: $820.81 Receipts & Dues: $400.00 Disbursements: $400.00
Balance 6/23/21: $820.81 Savings acc’t: $517.44
Janet motioned to accept, second by Pastor Barnes. MC
MEMA REPORT: There have been no changes or calls. Churches might not be aware that we still have this fund and, also, there are new jobs opening up on the Range so their might not be quite the need for help.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: Clients coming to the food shelf have dropped off. The average now is about 25. A $10,000 grant was received from Essentia for up-grades, a $5,000 grant upped to $10,000 was received from MN Power so they will be purchasing a new door. A $91,000 grant is being applied for and will be coming later in the year. They have not heard back from the city about the signage bill which was paid. Need to inquire about allowing a big banner to fly outside.
Hugh noted that no one has to qualify now for the Food shelf as this has been done away with. Anyone can come.
A volunteer has come forward to mow the lawn. A thank you card was passed around for everyone to sign.
A motion was made by Jim, second by Karen for Lynn to put a large 1/6 page ad in the East Range Shopper with a list of our churches and their services offered and about MEMA and other events.
The Food Shelf has a new mailbox. The address is 301 S 2nd St E or Forestry Rd and 2nd St.
OLD BUSINESS: Discussed what individual churches could do for a fund raiser for the Food shelf like a special Sunday, a special week. Pastor Barnes made a motion, second by Vicky to make the whole month of November Food Shelf Month and leave it up to the churches on how they want to handle it.
Since the last meeting, Vicky had approached the city of Hoyt Lakes about helping out and supporting the Food Shelf. They would prefer to have a letter from Interchurch on the matter. Between Alta, Lynn, and Pastor Barb a letter was formed to be given to the three cities of Aurora, Hoyt Lakes and Biwabik. Vicky took the letter to Hoyt Lakes council and Jan M. took a letter to Biwabik city council and have not heard back. Hugh will be taking a letter to Aurora City.
NEW BUSINESS: Lynn will work on a draft for the next meeting for an insert for church newsletters and bulletins on what Interchurch involves.
Gladys Anderson on her behalf
Sylvia on her behalf
Marge Jussila is home
Steven – progress in healing
Eric Butler – cancer single father of 2
Arlene Johnson whose son, David, has cancer
Saturday, August 21, 9:00-12, St. Mark’s Rummage Sale at Loon Lake Community Center
Jan motioned to adjourn, second by Hugh.
NEXT MEETING: August 24, 2:00p..m. at Palo Congregational Church.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, secretary
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Aurora Area Food Shelf
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lynn Voss at 2:00p.m.
Introductions were made around the table.
ATTENDANCE: 17 present
Stanley Bonnema – Trinity Methodist Karen Baker – Aurora United Methodist
Pastor Mary Lou Sixberry – Trinity Methodist Hugh Wood – MEMA
Janet Salo – Our Savior’s Lutheran Jan Mikolich – Biwabik UCC
Lynn Voss – Chairman Jim Flannagan – Our Lady of Hope
Rita Flannagan – Our Lady of Hope Pamela Peterson – Our Savior’s Lutheran
Clair Lundberg – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo Alta Sprink – St. Mark’s Lutheran, Palo
Pastor Barbara Hegfors – Aurora UMC Pastor John Szarke – UCC Biwabik
Pastor Isabelle Westman – Palo Congregational Pastor Chuck Barnes – Faith Lutheran, HL
Vicky Michels – Faith Lutheran, HL
Devotions were read by Lynn Voss entitled “Get in the Wheelbarrow” by Greg Laurin. James 2:14-17
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Alta read the minutes from the October 20, 2020 held at the Food Shelf.
Pastor Barnes made a motion to accept, second by Jan. MC.
(I sent a sympathy card to Bea Collins on the death of her husband from Interchurch).
TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan handed out copies of the treasurer’s report. Previous balance: $575.81
Income receipts & dues: $4,100.00; Disbursements: $3,855.00(food shelf & stamps)
Balance April 27: $820.81. Savings Balance: $517.44
The rent deposit for the Community Center was refunded in November.
Pastor Barnes motioned to accept, second by Pastor Barb. MC
MEMA: Hugh reported $563.71 in the account with no disbursements since the last meeting. Not having a full-time pastor in the area has made it difficult to handle this fund. Pastor Barnes volunteered and Hugh Wood agreed to stay on. Pastor Barnes: 218-742-6525 Hugh: 218-721-2368
Lynn made motion No. 1: New MEMA officers are Pastor Chuck Barnes and Hugh Wood. No discussion. Motion carried.
Motion No. 2: Pastor Barnes and Hugh Wood are the names to be on the bank account. The names Clyde Harvey and John Szarke are to be taken off. No discussion. Motion carried.
FOOD SHELF REPORT: The food shelf is doing well. They are waiting on the grant for the garage door. A new freezer was purchased with grant money. Trying to get data entered on the computer. Serve 150 households(500 people) each week. Usually have about 14 volunteers on Tuesdays.
It has been said that Aurora has the best model of a food shelf around.
New chairman of the board is Ron Feldt. The food shelf phone no. is 218-306-6116.
Vicky Michels and Jan Salo volunteered to speak to their city mayors / wives about getting help and support for our food shelf as there has been none.
Hugh also expressed how nice it is to see Pastors attending our meeting. Their input and support is much needed.
NEW BUSINESS: Fund raisers for the Food Shelf was discussed. Suggested that churches could do their own individual appeal for funds suggesting having a small wheelbarrow for cash donations or similar gimmick. Checks should be made out to Interchurch which will be passed on to the food shelf. We should make it more known in our churches the importance of Interchurch and our support of the food shelf.
Still due to COVID uncertainty, the discussion of fund raisers will be tabled until the next meeting on June 22.
Northern Pines nursing home in Aurora is asking for worship services to return.
Mary Kurtz is coordinator for New Journey in Biwabik.
Gladys Anderson is home
Sylvia Maki – pacemaker
Steven, son of Pastor Isabelle – cancer
Lynn Voss’ grandsons – accidents
Marge Jussila – broken leg
EVENTS: Pastor John Szarke would like to have Lenten soup suppers again on Wednesdays in 2022.
NEXT MEETING: Lynn made a motion that we meet every other month, second by Jan Mikolich. MC
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 22, 2:00p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church in Hoyt Lakes.
Jim Flanagan motioned to adjourn at approximately 3:30p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, secretary
JULY 14, 2020, 1:30P.M.
Chairperson, Lynn Voss, officially opened the meeting at 1:30p.m.
Pastor Barb led in opening prayer.
Lynn began by explaining what has been happening concerning the Aurora Food Shelf building that we rent. It has been for sale and there has been some interest in buying it, but nothing has been down in writing, so far. The food shelf needs a permanent home and it is better to be prepared. Therefore, we have looked at two buildings, Grace Church and Jehovah’s Witnesses. It was decided that Grace had too many issues that we didn’t want to deal with, but the Jehovah’s building would work well with a bit of upgrade. It’s 2,028 sq. ft. for $95,000. Of the two buildings AEOA recommended the Jehovah building over the Grace building. A proposal needs to be in this week to AEOA. We would offer $85,000. The $25,000 down payment would be our responsibility. We could possibly get a grant from IRRRB for the upgrades. We are under the umbrella of AEOA and they would be the ones doing the negotiating and signing. They would also help with any future fund raisers. Nothing would come out of the Interchurch treasury. No offers have been given or accepted yet from the Jehovah Witnesses.
Hugh Wood made a motion for Interchurch and Aurora Area Food Shelf to allow AEOA to be the negotiator and to make a proposal for the Jehovah building starting at $85,000. Upon the final price agreed on, the Aurora Area Food Shelf will be responsible for a down payment, which will be based on funds in the Aurora Area Food Shelf account and input from AEOA. Depending on the final agreement with financing through AEOA the monthly payment would be determined. Food Shelf guarantees $25,000 down payment. Jan Mikolich second the motion. MC
Lynn will bring the motion to the AEOA .
We will probably need to have a meeting in August. Look for further details.
Respectfully submitted,
Alta Sprink, secretary