2024 Voyagers Lutheran Ministry Camp Vermilion Campership Report
We continue to support Camp Vermilion and volunteer as much as we can. This camp is a very important part of Lutheran Ministry and is a fun and amazing place to spent time.
Our church sponsored three youth from our congregation this past summer, each of them spending one week at the camp. We are always eager to sponsor camperships as it is fun and an amazing learning experience.
Report submitted by
William and Deb Maki
Three of our youth will be attending Vermilion Bible Camp in July. We wish Ollie Feldt, Sawyer Feldt and Matias Honkola a wonderful spiritual learning experience and a great time. Please keep them in your prayers.
Bible Camp
An Outdoor Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry offers summer and year-round camping programs for God's people of all ages. Whether you are looking for a traditional summer camp experience, a location for your next retreat or family gathering, a programmed day or weekend event, or a guided trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, we can provide just the right location and program. Our two unique sites provide the perfect combination of Christian community and personal renewal. We look forward to seeing you in God's great northwoods!
VLM Camp Notes
~Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry~
There are lots reasons and lots of ways to give to camp. However, the best way to give is from the heart. Each one of us has a camp story to tell because camp has a continued impact on our lives.
By making a gift to VLM we continue to be part of that story of generosity and faith development surrounded by the wonders of Creation.
Whether it be a gift to the annual fund, the VLM Endowments, or a gift to a special project; our action supports the camp story for this year and years to come.
Thank you for your generosity to God’s mission at Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion.
When you support the programs at Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion, only making camp happen for VV
One Body – Many Gifts. St. Paul reminds us that we as a family of God have a deep diversity of gifts and talents. Sharing those gifts with the camp community not only gets a job done, but it helps to introduce and sharpen those skills in others.
Volunteers who work at the camps or the VLM office or in their home community build camp and the community. Some of the best ministry in this world is done side by side.
Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion have a long history of people who love to volunteer at camp. As you consider becoming a volunteer consider not only your schedule, but also consider the impact of passing that skill on to the next generation for the benefit of the camps.
We continue to support Camp Vermilion and volunteer as much as we can. This camp is a very important part of Lutheran Ministry and is a fun and amazing place to spent time.
Our church sponsored three youth from our congregation this past summer, each of them spending one week at the camp. We are always eager to sponsor camperships as it is fun and an amazing learning experience.
Report submitted by
William and Deb Maki
Three of our youth will be attending Vermilion Bible Camp in July. We wish Ollie Feldt, Sawyer Feldt and Matias Honkola a wonderful spiritual learning experience and a great time. Please keep them in your prayers.
Bible Camp
An Outdoor Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry offers summer and year-round camping programs for God's people of all ages. Whether you are looking for a traditional summer camp experience, a location for your next retreat or family gathering, a programmed day or weekend event, or a guided trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, we can provide just the right location and program. Our two unique sites provide the perfect combination of Christian community and personal renewal. We look forward to seeing you in God's great northwoods!
VLM Camp Notes
~Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry~
There are lots reasons and lots of ways to give to camp. However, the best way to give is from the heart. Each one of us has a camp story to tell because camp has a continued impact on our lives.
By making a gift to VLM we continue to be part of that story of generosity and faith development surrounded by the wonders of Creation.
Whether it be a gift to the annual fund, the VLM Endowments, or a gift to a special project; our action supports the camp story for this year and years to come.
Thank you for your generosity to God’s mission at Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion.
When you support the programs at Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion, only making camp happen for VV
One Body – Many Gifts. St. Paul reminds us that we as a family of God have a deep diversity of gifts and talents. Sharing those gifts with the camp community not only gets a job done, but it helps to introduce and sharpen those skills in others.
Volunteers who work at the camps or the VLM office or in their home community build camp and the community. Some of the best ministry in this world is done side by side.
Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion have a long history of people who love to volunteer at camp. As you consider becoming a volunteer consider not only your schedule, but also consider the impact of passing that skill on to the next generation for the benefit of the camps.