More ways to connect...Our next Ladies Luncheon may be informally held on the Second Tuesday of the Summer months. Gathering at 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., time is very flexible -- come when you can. If anyone needs a ride, please let us know. This will be very informal, just a wonderful chance to socialize. Plan to attend and bring a friend. We hope to fill more than a couple of tables. Questions? Call Kate at 218-780-2436.
NEEDED: The Bandage Rolling Group can always use white flat sheets. They can also use flannel sheets, fabric, etc. This can be any color but black.
SALE TABLE: The Bandage Group continue to have their sale table in the Fellowship Hall. Proceeds from this sale help buy items for the mission projects. Please note that there are many new items such as graduation cards, encouragement cards and gift items. Please make sure items are paid for before taking. You can also stop by on Tuesdays between 8:30 and 11:30 to shop also and take a look at our working crew
WELCA 2024 Annual Report
Officers for 2024
President Kate Undeland
Vice President Pam Peterson
Secretary Lorna Kallio
Treasurer Mary Hess
Mission Action Lorna Kallio & Janet Salo
Mission Growth Lorraine Ekman
Mission Community Debbie Maki
Circle Chairwomen No Circle Meetings in 2024
Circle Chair for Funerals Kate Undeland & Pam Peterson
Vice President Pam Peterson, Secretary Lorna Kallio, and Mission Action Lorna and Janet Salo all renewed for another two-year term.
There was one General Meeting held during a special Valentine's coffee an’.
Our activities included a special Valentine’s coffee an’ in February, the Food Drive was held for our local food shelf in March and also in March, we had a special Coffee an’ for Easter. May was the quilt, kit and bandage blessing held on Senior Recognition Sunday. There were 2 seniors this year. We provided one soup supper in February with UCC in Biwabik providing bars and helping with serving and cleanup. In June we provided punch, snacks, etc., for Elsie Lehtinen’s birthday; she turned 100 on the 8th. Instead of our usual lefse bake, we had a Meatball Fundraiser in April which was a huge success and will do again next year.
Five of us attended the Spring Gathering in Tower and we hosted the Fall Gathering at Our Saviors with about 40 women in attendance. President Kate attended the Summer Gathering at Grand Rapids. Many attended the Bible Study which started in Sept. In December, we had the Christmas dinner/silent auction with 67 ladies attending (half of the proceeds went to the Local Food Shelf and half to Mesabi East Kids Closet $1,100 for each). We had an Appreciation cake for all the volunteers of the church in November and WELCA hosted a Christmas Brunch in December. The women of the church, Bandage Rollers and Quilters have lunch the second Tuesday of the month at a local restaurant. A special appreciation lunch was prepared by President Mary Hess for all the women of the church, the bandage rollers and quilters in November in the Fellowship Hall.
Purchases for 2024 included kitchen glasses and miscellaneous items as needed for the kitchen, many orders of quilt batting, sheets for backing and miscellaneous quilting supplies. One subscription to the Northern Lights Newsletter for the church.
We donated as a benevolence from our projects or budgeted to the Food Shelf, Project Comfort, Camp Vermilion, Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry, Camperships, Spring and Fall Gatherings, NE MN Convention Fund and Offering, NE MN Synod Delegate, Triennial Convention Offering (every 3 years), Fair Trade Coffee and Kool Aid for all church functions, entertainment for our Christmas party, Penny Fund and Global Health.
Our $400 budgeted for ELCA Good Gifts: 7 flocks of chicks ($70), 2 roosters ($30), couple of goats ($100), school fees and uniforms for 3 girls ($40/girl or $120), and stock a health clinic for a week ($75) for a total of $395.
Two quilts were given to our graduating seniors; 20 quilts to Project Elf at Mesabi East; 20 quilts were delivered to Katherine’s House in Eveleth (a Women’s Rehab Center); and one quilt was given after foot surgery. Two quilts were given to grandchildren of a deceased quilter for their graduation. We boxed up 24 quilts for Lutheran World Relief that were delivered to the volunteer Quilt Truck at the Spring Gathering in June along with a check for $128 for shipping.
We served bars, coffee and Kool aid at one funeral (Hansen). All money received for funerals goes into the kitchen fund. (Also deceased this year, a member John Long, former member Bill Utley and former Pastor Floyd Synstelien.)
Eighty-eight (88) quilts were made during the 2024 Quilting Season (December to January). This is more than the normal because we also quilt during the summer months. We did not do any school kits.
For Global Health Ministries, the bandage rollers (Rippers, Strippers & Rollers) sent 10,015 rolled bandages, 89 hospice kits and 94 newborn kits. They also sent 168 baby Afghans. and 69 baby blankets.
Our Women of the ELCA thank everyone for their support, donations and encouragement. We have crochet/knitters making blankets, hats, sweaters for the kits. The Rippers Strippers and Rollers meet on Tuesday at 8:30 am and the quilters meet on Wednesday at 9:00 am.
Please join us, it is a joy and a blessing.
Secretary Mission Action Global Health Ministries
Lorna Kallio Lorna & Janet Salo Jan Moore
Women of the ELCA February Happenings
This will be very informal, just a wonderful chance to socialize. Plan to attend and bring a
friend. We hope to fill more than a couple tables. Questions? Call Kate at 218-780-2436.
Quilting is ongoing and many creative designs are taking shape. Remember, no prior
experience is necessary to join in and share time with these talented ladies, meeting every
Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. in the church basement.
The Rippers, Strippers and Rollers meet every Tuesday at 9:00; a wonderful time of
fellowship while doing mission work.
These are great opportunities for fellowship and creating new friendships.
On Sunday, February 11, 2024, the WELCA will host a Special Valentines Coffee an’ following worship. If anyone would like to contribute, you are welcome to do so.
On Behalf of WELCA at Our Savior's,
Kate Undeland (218) 780-2436
Wanted ~ Donated white sheets for the mission project of making bandages for Global Ministries. If you have any questions, please call Jan Moore at 218-229-3466.
Please remember the Ladies Christmas Dinner and Silent Auction on Monday, December 11, 2023. The social hour begins at 5:00 PM with dinner to follow at 6:00 PM. Immediately following dinner, entertainment by the choral group, “A Touch of Class”. If you have items for the Silent Auction, please have them at the Church by 4:30 PM on the 11th, preferably earlier. For reservations, please contact Kate Undeland by December 5, 2023 at 218-780-2436.
Bandage Rolling
Our Group the Rippers, Strippers, and Rollers will return on September 5th.
Our month long vacation will end that morning at 8:30 and end at 12:00.
If you have not been part of this group come, and see what we do. You will see how much fun we have and see that we can do mission work right here in Aurora.
There is a gift table in the fellowship room, when you purchase items on the table it helps us buy supplies (for items that go into the kits we make up) we do this besides making bandages. In September some of the items will go on sale and some will be added. Put the money in an envelope and give it to Jan Moore, or put the envelope in her mailbox.
Hope to see you on the 5th or any Tuesday morning in the Fellowship room.
God’s blessings on each of you! Jan Moore
Wanted ~ Donated white sheets for the mission project of making bandages for Global Ministries. If you have any questions, please call Jan Moore at 218-229-3466.
Women of the ELCA
The Quilters had a very productive year also, producing 64 quilts. We donate about 10 –12 to Project Elf at Mesabi East School each year, give a quilt to graduating seniors, give to fire victims, about 4 to 6 to Carefree Living and anyone in need. We were blessed with 3 angels this year (Gwen, Lynn and Cindy) who join us every Wednesday. Much appreciated. We boxed up 24 quilts to be sent to the Summer Gathering in Grand Rapids in June to be loaded on the quilt truck to Lutheran World Relief.
We used to do many kits, especially School Kits but we need someone to volunteer to take charge of this project. Lorna Kallio - Mission Action
(Janet, Diane, Linda, Paula, Debbie, Maren, Gwen, Lynn, Cindy, Lorna)
Jan Moore is in charge of the Rippers, Strippers and Rollers and she reported that they have produced 8,708 Rolled Bandages, 206 Afghans, 26 Baby Blankets, 69 Hospice Kits and 129 New Born Kits for Global Health Ministries. A very busy group.
(Jan, Kate, Lynn, Linda, Sue, Wendy, Sue, Sherry, Wanda, Janice, Eunice, Brenda Regina,)
January 2023 News
The Christmas dinner and silent auction was a wonder event. Vaughn's
catered a delicious dinner; and beautiful Christmas music was provided
by Diane Boback playing the organ and Lizbeth Getman on the violin. We
are so fortunate to have their professional talents in our congregation.
The silent auction, handled by Mary Mulari, brought in over $1,650.
which half was sent to the local food shelf and half to Mesabi East
Kids' Closet. Many thanks to all who donated items for the auction,
and also to the generous bidders. We couldn't do this without you.
It was a great evening. Both charities were very grateful to receive
these donations.
Also, I want to especially thank the ladies who serve on the WELCA Board:
Pam Peterson, Lorna Kallio, Mary Hess, Deb Maki, Janet Salo and Lorraine
Ekman. These ladies are dedicated and work hard on our projects and events
throughout the year, along with other members who participate in mission
work. We appreciate the support from all our members who always answer
our calls when needed. Please refer to the annual report for a summary
of our activities throughout the year.
Wishing you all a wonderful New Year from the ladies at Our Savior's.
Kate Undeland, WELCA President
November News
When you receive this month's EyeOpener, the Lefse Bake fundraiser will be starting as follows:
November 2, Wednesday, 9:00 peeling potatoes.
1:00 ricing and mixing
November 3, Thursday, 8:00 making balls; 9:00 rolling.
12:00 general meeting
November 4, Friday, 10:00 to 12:00 pickup for lefse sales.
Many thanks to everyone for giving their time and talents in supporting
our major fundraising effort. We couldn't do this without your helping hands.
As we prepare for the month of November and Thanksgiving, we also have set
the date for our Ladies ThankOffering service, which is November 20.
Save the date for our Christmas Dinner and silent auction, which is
December 12. Signup sheets will be posted on the Narthex bulletin board.
More information will follow in the December EyeOpener.
Thank you to all the ladies and men who give their time and participate
in so many ways.
Kate Undeland
Women of the ELCA April News
We welcome spring with our activities starting up again with Covid being somewhat under control. Just to recap some past events, the WELCA ThankOffering service was held last fall where a collection was taken up to support Women in Ministry church-wide and their organizations. Many thanks for your generous donation of $460.
We used our project circle money to donate disposable diapers to the local Food Shelf, which totaled $152.
Our congregation is blessed to have the installation of Pastor Greg on April 3, after which the ladies of our church will be serving a lunch.
The WELCA Laurentian Spring Gathering will be held on April 23 at Zion Lutheran Church in International Falls. At this gathering we will be collecting items for the in-kind offering which are used for emergency and temporary housing. The list consists of paper towels, tissues, toilet paper, laundry detergent, soap, cleaning supplies, garbage bags, towels, dishcloths. If you would like to donate, please leave your items in the small classroom down the hall on the right. All women are invited to attend; if you are interested, please let me know. More information is posted in the Narthex. Carpooling is available.
Our church will host the Interchurch meeting on April 26, and the ladies will provide coffee an'.
The mission work of the bandage rollers continues. This group of dedicated volunteers locally and from nearby communities meet every Tuesday morning at 8:30 to 12:00 at OSL, but you're welcome to come as your schedule allows. The quilters have also resumed their activities, which take place every Wednesday from 9:00 to 12:00. These are great opportunities for fellowship and creating new friendships.
On Behalf of WELCA at Our Savior's,
Kate Undeland
December 2021 News
Our Lefse Bake fundraiser brought the women of our church together once again. It was a great time of fellowship and sharing. Many thanks to everyone for giving of their time and talents in supporting our major fundraising effort. We couldn't do this without all of your participation.
The WELCA ThankOffering service was held on November 21. This ThankOffering is an annual Women's offering where we take up a collection as an expression of gratitude for our many blessings over the past year and to support women church-wide. The very first ThankOffering service was held in 1889, and today Women of the ELCA collect more than $1 million in ThankOfferings annually for the mission of our women's organization.
Unfortunately, we will not be having our Women's Christmas dinner this year due to Covid concerns. Hopefully we can resume this wonderful event for Christmas of 2022.
The mission work of the bandage rollers continues. This group of dedicated volunteers locally and from nearby communities meet every Tuesday morning at 8:30 to 12:00 at OSL, but you're welcome to come as your schedule allows. The quilters have also resumed their activities, which take place every Wednesday from 9:00 to 12:00. These are great opportunities for fellowship and creating new friendships.
On Behalf of WELCA at Our Savior's,
Kate Undeland (218) 780-2436
September Happenings 2021
After a year and a half since the Covid 19 Pandemic started, the WELCA Board had its long-anticipated first meeting on August 3, 2021. It was wonderful to gather and share fellowship. We are still in unpredictable times with the Covid pandemic/Delta variant but are hopeful in continuing our activities and fundraising work.
The NE MN Synod Women's Organization is also starting their activities with their 2021 Fall Gathering on September 11 in Grand Rapids, MN. All women are invited to attend. For this gathering our Laurentian Conference will be collecting foster care kits for children (sizes 3T-5T). The kits include the following: Backpack, throw blanket, pajamas, socks, underwear, toothbrush/toothpaste, comb/brush, stuffed animal, small toy, book. These kits can be designated to be given locally or synod-wide. If you are able to contribute or have any questions, please let me know.
The mission work of the bandage rollers and assembling various kits started earlier this summer. This group of dedicated volunteers locally and from nearby communities meet every Tuesday morning at 8:30 to 12:00 at OSL, but you're welcome to come as your schedule allows. It's a great time for fellowship and creating new friendships.
On Behalf of WELCA at Our Savior's,
Kate Undeland (218) 780-2436