Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora Mn
Council Meeting October 15, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm Oct.15, 2024 by Pres. M Hess.
President Hess welcomed all in attendance stating our agenda is shorter than usual this evening and went on to thank M Boback for replacing the stair rail on the southeast side of the fellowship hall. Pastor Greg lead us in devotion and prayer before releasing us to our boards.
Release to Boards 7:00
Council Meeting 7:05 With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:30 pm. In attendance were Pres. Hess, Pastor Greg, J Salo, P Peterson, D Peterson, Doug Shuck, D Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, M Castle, and D Maki
Approve the meeting Minutes of Sept. 17, 2024 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by P Peterson to approve the minutes, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Approve the Treasurers Report for Sept. 2024 Treasurer, T Salo presented and went over Sept’s treasurers report, having no questions and concerns a motion was made by D Barstad to accept the treasurer’s report; having no questions or concerns a motion was made by D Barstad to approve the treasures report, 2nd by
D Peterson. Motion approved.
Board of Deacons Presented by K Baxter
Dec. K Baxter
Jan. D Shuck
Oct: J Salo & P Peterson
Nov: D Maki & M Castle
Dec: L Ekman & Y Trowbridge
Board of Education No report available
Board of Stewardship
Old Business
Our nominating committee members at this time are: Mary Hess, Deb Maki, Pam Peterson, Doug Shuck and Kate Undeland.
New Business
Motion to adjourn by D Shuck at 7:40 pm, 2d by Peterson. Motion approved.
Next regular council meeting will be Nov 19th 2024 at 6:30pm.
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 16 20024
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm April 16, 2024 by Pres. M Hess
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pres. Hess lead us in prayer followed by devotional speaking of “Give-unselfishly deep within my Heart”.
Opening Remarks by Pres. Hess: President Hess reminded the council there was no council meeting held for the month of March due to the lack of business to conduct, Pastor Greg was not in attendance he was out with the bad cold that is going around.. Pres. Hess Reported the meatball supper was a huge success we served 147 people and it was a fun time mingling with all the people who attended. Pres. Hess thanked all the people who helped to make the dinner a wonderful event.
Release to Boards: 6:45
Resume Council meeting at 7:00 pm in attendance were Pres. Hess, M Boback, K Baxter, J Salo, T Salo, D Shuck, D Barstad, D Peterson, W Koski, M Mulari , M Castle, P Peterson and D Maki
Approve Minutes of April 15, 2024: A motion was made by M Boback , 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved
Approve Treasures Report for Feb. 13, 2024: The treasures report was presented by T Salo a motion was made by M Boback to accept the treasurers report as presented. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Board of Stewardship and Fellowship
Presented by K Baxter
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Motion to adjourn at 8 pm by T Salo, 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Next council meeting date is May 21 at 6:30 pm
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted, D Maki, Council Secretary
The councils is for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we shall see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm
All members are welcome to attend.
Next Council meeting is May 21, 2024
We go in Peace and Serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Council Meeting November 21, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm October 21, 2023 by Treas.. T Salo Treas. T Salo welcomed all.
DevotionsPastor Greg spoke on how to recognize Angels giving a list of ways for us to know Angels are among us and real including talking out loud. My thought was it would be fun to have a Bible study on Ang
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting
With boards prepared and ready T Salo resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20 pm, in attendance: T Salo, D Barstad, D Peterson, M Castle, W Koski, J Salo, D Shuck, P Peterson, K Baxter and D Maki.
Meeting minutes of Oct. 23, 2023 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the minutes, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by D Barstad to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Deacons Report K Baxter reported for the Bd of Deacons, Kathy started off
Deacon for Nov: J Salo
Eucharist Ministry: Nov: K Undeland and K Baxter
Dec: D Maki and M Castle
Jan. L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
K Baxter told the council how each and all those being visited by the Eucharist Committee are so very greatful and happy to be visited, Kathy also stated it is a very rewarding wonderful experience to be a part of this committee, Kathy also encourages others to join in on this wonderful experience. Please contact Kathy or anyone on the Eucharist Committee if you would l be interested in visiting our church members. it’s a blessed experience!
December Schedule: Sunday School Christmas Program December 10th during worship service.
Christmas Eve Service – Dec 24th 5:30 pm
No Christmas Day service
Pulpit Replacement on Sunday, Nov. 26 will be filled by Alyssa Hammond
Board of Education
The Sunday School Christmas Program will be held Sunday Dec. 10 during worship hour; following the worship service a Christmas Brunch will be served by the Board of Education and the board of Stewardship, a sign up sheet to provide egg bakes and other needs has been placed on the bulletin board in the narthex. Please sign up to donate.
December agenda items:
*After School Sunday School
*Children receiving bibles
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported to the council we have and will continue to do “Acts of Kindness” for our home bound members which could be visits or phone calls just checking in on our home bound member. During the Christmas season we too will be contacting our home bound members and members who have moved away spreading Christmas cheer! M Castle also reported, Sunday, November 19th our church celebrated “Giving
Thanks” President M Hess took care of ordering a delicious beautiful cake made by D Mugge Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” –Ephesians 5:20.
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board
The Reasons being presented to church’s are:
A motion was made by D Barstad that we support the reasoning and the financial reasoning of the request to allow staff of the Word and Service to administer communion. Motion 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved. Pastor Greg was not in attendance and the request will be given to him for his thoughts and considerations.
New BusinessChurch Christmas Decorating will take place after church on the Sunday following Thanksgiving. If it does not all get done it will be done the following Sunday, Dec. 31 after church.
Motion to Adjourn Motion to Adjourn by: P Peterson 2nd by K Baxter. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 8:15 pm
Next council meeting will be Dec, 19th at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
Council Meeting October 23, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm October 23, 2023 by Pres. M Hess
President Hess welcomed all.
Pastor Greg was not able to attend this evening, President Hess released us to our individual board meetings.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20 pm, in attendance: M Hess, M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad, D Peterson, M Castle, C Fallos, J Salo, D Shuck, P Peterson, K Baxter and D Maki.
Meeting minutes of Sept. 19th, 2023 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the minutes, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Boback to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Deacons Report K Baxter reported for the Bd of Deacons, Kathy started off
Deacon for Nov: J Salo
Eucharist Ministry: Oct: L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
Nov: K Undeland and K Baxter
Dec: D Maki and M Castle
Jan. L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
December Schedule: Sunday School Christmas Program (no date set yet)
Christmas Eve Service – Dec 24th 5:30 pm
No Christmas Day service
Board of Education
No one present to report, Sunday School will be serving Coffee An’ on Sunday, October 29th.
After School Sunday School is still being worked on, and possibly will be held at the school and hopefully will begin soon. Discussion was held regarding when children are receiving Bibles, it will be discussed with the Board of Education at the November council meeting.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported to the council we have and will continue to do “Acts of Kindness” for our home bound members which could be visits or phone calls just checking in on our home bound members. On Sunday, Sept. 24th we served cookies and Ice Cream Sundaes during coffee an’ after church for all members and welcomed back our Sunday School children with Ice Cream sundaes, Oct 15th was Pastor Appreciation Sunday we showed our gratitude to Pastor Greg for his commitment to our congregation and enjoyed cake and ice cream and fellowship.
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board
New Business
1. More churches are without a Pastor.
2. Trending low numbers of seminary graduates.
3. Numerous churches struggle to meet financial commitments for a full-time pastor 4. Pulpit supply isn’t always easy to find in rural areas.
5. If the parish has members that work shift work, those members might not be able to receive communion due to working on the given Sunday that the pulpit supply is able to cover.
6. Few ordained pastors are willing to bring their families up north, many feel North Mn is Duluth.
7. With little instruction lay people can give communion to the homes of members.
A motion was made by D Barstad that we support the reasoning and the financial reasoning of the request to allow staff of the Word and Service to administer communion. Motion 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved. Pastor Greg was not in attendance and the request will be given to him for his thoughts and considerations.
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by T Salo 2nd by M Boback . Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 8:30 pm
Next council meeting will be November, 21st at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 15, 2023
The meeting was called to order: at 6.30 pm August 15, 2023, by Pres. M Hess
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Greg spoke on Psalm 67 saying it is a Praising Psalm that God has blessed the whole earth with its beautiful rivers seas, fields, pastures and forests for all the people of the earth. God's people are called to praise God's many acts. Psalm 67 prays for God to continue blessing inhabitants of the whole earth which means asking God to supply that which the earth produces.
Opening Remarks by Pres. M Hess
• Vacation Bible School is being held this week having 24 children, The theme is:
K Feldt served as the Leader/Organizer/Craft Person, Katie's team includes J Dickinson, C Feldt, and C Peyla.
Release to Boards: 6:45
Resume Council meeting 7:00 pm. In attendances were Pres. M Hess, M Boback, Pastor G Anderson, J Salo, T Salo, D Shuck, W Koski, M Castle, M Mulari, M Koski, C Fallos, P Peterson, D Peterson and D Maki.
Approve Minutes of May 15, 2023. A motion was made by P Peterson, 2nd by W Koski. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for May 15, 2023 the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by M Boback to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by C Fallos. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Board of Deacons Report: P Peterson reported for the Board of Deacons
Vacation Bible School was held August 14-18 it was a huge success having 24 kids and a very talented team of leaders the kids had a lot of games, singing, art projects, crafts, walking to the park, storytelling and tenting, It was great week learning about how Jesus loves you S' MORE THAN YOU KNOW. The week ended on Friday with a "great" noon program for family and friends with a Sloppy Joe and
Hot Dog lunch for everyone provided and served by the Stewardship Board. First day of Sunday School begins Sept.24th
The Board of education is asking for people" young or old" to give of their time to sit with our youngest children in the Nursery (those too young to begin Sunday School) A sign-up sheet will be placed on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Confirmation- Pastor will be contacting Pastor Chuck Barnes of Faith Lutheran hoping to combine confirmation students into one class.
Council Meeting May 15, 2023
Vice President M Boback called the Council Meeting to order at 6:30 pm President M Hess was out of town. VP M Boback welcomed everyone and thanked all in attendance and asked Pastor Greg for devotions. Pastor Greg spoke on what happened in the ascension of Jesus. Christians believe that after Jesus rose from the dead, he did not die a 2nd time. Instead, 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus left the Earth by being taken up, body and soul to Heaven to rejoin God the Father. This event is called the ascension, and it was witnessed by Jesus eleven remaining apostles.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting 7:12
With boards prepared and ready VP M Boback resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:12 pm
In attendance: VP M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad, D Peterson, Pastor G Anderson, K Baxter, D Shuck, J Salo, M Castle and D Maki.
Meeting Minutes of April 14 2023 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the minutes, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by J Salo to approve the treasures report, 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Board of Deacons Chairman K Baxter reported for the Bd of Deacons:
Board of Education
Last day of Sunday School will be Sunday, May 21st.
In August we will have a week long Vacation Bible School, Katie Feldt will be the lead person and Information will come out after the Mesabi East school year is done. This year Vacation Bible School will be open to our communities children.
Board of Stewardship
M Castle reported for the board:
Board of Trustees
D Barstad reported for the Board
Old Business
Reminder to Everyone, Elsie Lehtinen’s son, Tom Lehtinen, his Memorial Service will be held “Here” at Our Savior’s on Wednesday, June 21st. The Women of the church will be handling the lunch.
New Business
Motion to Adjourn
Motion by D Peterson 2nd by M Castle
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 7:50
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting April 04-18-23
President Mary Hess welcomed all in attendance, the meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm April 18, 202 by Pres. Hess. President Hess reminded everyone the council did not meet in March as there was no business that needed attention. Pres. Hess went on extending our sincere sympathy to D Barstad and Family in the loss of Joanne and that the funeral will be held here at Our Saviors, Friday, April 21st at 10:30 am.
President Hess welcomed all in attendance and asked Pastor Greg for devotions;
Pastor Greg spoke about Holy Week and Christ’s time leading up to his assention into Heaven,
Giving us everlasting life.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting 7:30
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:30 pm
In attendance: M Hess, Pastor G Anderson, K Baxter, D Shuck, J Dickinson J Salo, D Barstad M Boback, T Salo, M Mulari, W Koski, M Castle and D Maki.
Meeting Minutes of Feb 21, 2023 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by M Boback to approve the minutes, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by D Barstad to approve the treasures report, 2nd by W Koski. Motion approved.
Deacons Report Chairman K Baxter reported for the Bd of Deacons:
Deacon for April is: J Dickinson, May is M Hess, June is M Baxter, July is D Shuck, and August is
Eucharist Ministry for March: D Maki P Peterson.
First Communion: Aria Peyla received First Communion on Easter Sunday April 9th.
High School Seniors will be presented Quilts on May 7th by our Quilting Ministry women, those Receiving quilts are Carter Skelton, Patrick Douglas, Alexa Undeland and Adriana Sheets.
Eucharist Ministry: April is L Ekman and Y Trowbridge, May is K Undeland & K Baxter, June is M Castle and D Maki.
Board of Education J Dickinson reported we will once again be hosting Vacation Bible School this summer and Katie Feldt will be the lead person in charge of organizing it, the dates have not yet been set, the board of Stewardship will once again be the kitchen crew for meals during the week. The VBS will be open for other children this year not only our church member families. Beginning now and through the summer all coffee an money will go to support VBS.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship M Castle reported:
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board
Old Business
New Business
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by W Koski 2nd T Salo. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 7:45
Council Meeting February 21, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm Feb. 21, 2023 by Pres. M Hess.
President Hess welcomed all in attendance for the first regular council meeting of the year where all boards need to elect Chairman and Secretaries, additionally Pres. Hess went on to say “thank you” to all the newly appointed board members and current members who so willingly accept positions within our church, we stay busy and active in our church and community. Having no further announcements Pres. Hess asked P Peterson for devotions. P Peterson talked about kindness from Psalm 17. Thank you Pam.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting 7:05
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:05 pm
In attendance: T Salo, M Castle, K Fallos, J Salo, K Baxter D Shuck, D Barstad, M Mulari, W Koski, M Hess, P Peterson, D Peterson and D Maki
Meeting Minutes of Dec. 20, 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by W Koski to approve the minutes, 2nd by J Salo. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by P Peterson to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons
The new Chairperson will be K Baxter and P Peterson will be the Secretary
Deacon for March: P Peterson
Eucharist Ministry for March: D Maki
Board of Education
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship M Castle reported she will remain on as chairman and M Mulari will remain as the secretary to the Bd of Stewardship & Fellowship. M Castle reported she sent out get well cards, birthday cards and valentines cards to members and our home bound members, these acts of kindness continue all through the year and are so appreciated and meaningful to everyone. Chairman M Castle also reported the collection of hats, mittens and gloves were brought to our ME School and were very much appreciated. M Castle reported during Lent season “Journey to the Cross” we will be handing out labeled cans for “all” to collect their coins which will be given to the Aurora Food Shelf. The cans will be collected on Palm Sunday. As a reminder to all of us “ The month of March is Food Shelf Month and your donations to feed our hungry is so needed in our area and greatly appreciated.
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board
Motion to Adjourn by P Peterson 2nd W Koski. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 7:45
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
February 2023
Our Saviors’s Lutheran Church
2022 Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 22, 2023
President M Hess called the meeting to order at 11:15 am, in attendance were 27 members, the meeting was held in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service.
President Hess welcomed and thanked everyone stating, “we keep busy!” Special thanks was given to the snow plowers and shovelers, the quilters, the bandage rollers, our efforts to support the local food shelf and the schools kids closet, we accomplish so much for our small church in our community and the world.
President M Hess called for a motion to accept the minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting. A motion was made by M Boback, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Pastors Report: in addition to Pastor Greg’s report in the Annual Report, Pastor Greg thanked us for a great year and all the ventures we do, saying: “he looks forward to continuing God’s work with us.”
President M Hess reported we held 2 Executive/Special Council meetings: *1/23/22 we extended Pastor Greg Anderson’s call as our Pastor.
*5/22/22 we voted to purchase a new furnace to replace the old furnace.
President M Hess called for a motion to accept/approve the following reports as presented: Pastor Greg Anderson’s Report, Presidents Report, Parochial Report, Deacons, Trustees, Treasures, Financial Secretary, Stewardship, Education, Living Memorial Fund, WELCA, WELCA Treasurer, Voyager’s Lutheran Ministry.
President M Hess asked for volunteers to fill open positions on the following boards The boards still needing volunteers are:
President M Hess thanked all those volunteering to fill the open positions for the Nominating Committee. Having a slate of candidates. Pres. M Hess asked for a vote to approve the Nominating Committee Report. A motion was made by K Dickinson 2nd by M Mulari. Motion approved.
Having a completed slate of officers for election Pres. M Hess asked for a motion to waive constitution C11.03 to allow succession of officers, motion moved by M Boback, 2nd by J Salo. Motion approved.
Old Business:
New Business:
Having no other new business President M Hess thanked all our members who work so hard doing God’s work. President Hess asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion by M Boback 2nd by K Dickinson. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully Submitted,
D Maki Council Secretary
Council Meeting December 20, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm December 20, 2022 by Pres. M Hess
President Hess welcomed all in attendance having no announcements and asked Pastor Greg for devotions. Pastor Greg talked about the Native Americans and how the winter season is looked at as a restful time of year; for most of us the winter season brings the celebration of Jesus birth and being thankful and praising God for his son that gives his faithful followers everlasting life.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting 7:00
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:00 pm
In attendance: T Salo, M Boback, M Castle, K Fallos, J Salo, J Dickinson, D Shuck, D Barstad, M Mulari, Janet Salo, Deb Maki
Meeting Minutes of Nov 15, 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by M Boback to approve the minutes, 2nd by J Dickinson. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Boback to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Budget for 2023 was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no changes a motion was made by D Barstad to approve the 2023 Budget, 2nd by M Boback. Motion approved.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons
Deacon for January 2023: Will be D Shuck
Eucharist Ministry for January 2023 will be L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
Pulpit Replacement for January 1, 2023: Mary Hess
Board of Education J Dickinson reported the Christmas Program and Brunch was enjoyed by all, the kids had a great time doing the program and also helped serve the brunch (our future kitchen crew) A huge thank you to our leaders Jill and Jenna who do an outstanding job with our children. The brunch offerings were given to the Aurora Food Shelf who was very excited to receive during this high demand time of year!
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported the Stewardship Board continues to encourage coffee an money be given to the Local Food Shelf, the need for feeding the hungry is at a high point in our area. Mary also informed the council the Stewardship Board will be doing their 2nd year of asking for your donations of hats, mittens scarfs and gloves for our Mesabi East School kids “Grab and Go” project, a basket for your donations is located in the Narthex for, we will continue with the project through January. Pres. M Castle reported that in Nov. and Dec. the Stewardship Board has focused on being “Good Stewards” to our church and community, please continue to be diligent about ways we all can be involved being “Good Stewards” of our time, talents and our money.
Chairman M Castle informed the council the Stewardship Board will continue to do many projects in 2023 including:
Board of Trustees T Salo reported for the Trustee Board
Old Business
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by D Barstad 2nd by Tim S. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 7:30.
The Annual Meeting will be January 22, 2023 immediately following worship service all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
Council Meeting October 18, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm October 18, 2022 by Pres. M Hess
President Hess welcomed all
We were led by Pastor Greg he spoke on Psalms 84; the focus of Psalm 84 is the Delight of worship where our eyes are focused on God in a temple, in today's time our churches are our temple where we focus on our Lord.
Pastors Report
Confirmation is Sunday, Oct. 30th those being confirmed are Nick Butzke, Emily Forrett, Ethan Douglas and Miikah Honkola, Wednesday the 26th the confirmands pictures will be taken and a family dinner will be held at the church.
Pastor Greg also informed the council there are no confirmation students this school year that will be confirmed in October of 23; additionally Pastor continues to meet on Wednesday’s with a group of youth to play a biblical version of Dungeons and Dragons.
Release to Boards 7:20
Council Meeting
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20 pm, in attendance: Pastor Greg, T Salo, M Castle, J Salo, D Maki, Pres. M Hess, W Koski, and D Shuck.
Meeting minutes of Sept., 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by W Koski to approve the minutes, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Castle to approve the treasures report, 2nd by W Koski. Motion approved.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons
Nov. 6th Pastor will be gone and Pastor Art Dale will be with us.
Deacon for Nov: J Salo
Deacon for Dec: covered by all Deacons
Eucharist Ministry for Nov: K Undeland and K Baxter
Confirmation will be Oct. 30
Confirmands: N Butzke, E Douglas, M Honkola and E Forrett.
December Schedule: 12.18 Sunday School Program
12.24 Christmas Eve Service – 5:30 pm
12:25 No church service Sunday, Christmas Day
Live Streaming our worship services were discussed and will be worked on.
Board of Education Christmas Program will be December 18th during worship.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported: September was Service Month in our ELCA Churches, Mary reported we contacted or visited home members and will continue to do “Acts of Kindness” throughout the year. M Castle also reported the Stewardship Board is encouraging coffee an’ money starting in Oct. be given to the Local Food shelf, the need for feeding the hungry is at a high point in our area. Mary also informed the council the Stewardship Board will be doing their 2nd year of asking for your donations of hats, mittens and gloves for our Mesabi East School kids “Grab and Go” project, in December a basket for donations will be placed in the Narthex for collections. Deb Maki reported the months of Nov. and Dec. the Stewardship Board will focus on being good Stewards to our church; Please watch the November and December Eye Opener for ways we can be “Good Stewards”.
Board of Trustees T Salo reported for the Trustee Board
Old Business
Thursday, Nov 3rd - Rolling, Rolling and more Rolling, packaging, then clean up!
Friday, Nov 4th - Selling and pick up of orders.
Sunday, Nov 6th - Continue clean-up and hauling things to the basement storage.
We encourage Men,Women, and Teens to help with Lefse Rolling
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by J Salo 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 8:10 pm
Next council meeting will be Nov 22 at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, our Aurora, Mn
Council Meeting September 20, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm September 20, 2022 by Pres. M Hess
President Hess welcomed Fall and informed the council she received a message from secretary Kelly that a couple looking for a Lutheran Church left a message on the answering machine, President Hess returned the call and left them a message to return her call.
Were lead by Pastor Greg he spoke on Psalms 112 “Good will come to him who is Generous and lends freely”.
Release to Boards 7:41
Council Meeting
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20 pm, in attendance: Pastor Greg, M Boback, T Salo, J Dickinson, M Castle, K Fallos, M Mulari, P Peterson, J Salo and D Maki.
Meeting minutes of Aug. 16, 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by P Peterson to approve the minutes, 2nd by J Dickinson. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Boback to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Maki. Motion approved. D Maki updated the council the costs for Vacation Bible School a transfer of funds to the Board of Ed account will be done by the church treasurer.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons
Oct. 9 Pastor will be gone, and Pastor Art Dale will be r
Deacon for Oct:M Hess,
Deacon for Nov: J Salo
Deacon for Dec: covered by all Deacons
Readers for Sept:not available
Eucharist Ministry for Oct: L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
Confirmation will be Oct. 30
Confirmands: N Butzke, E Douglas, M Honkola
December Schedule: 12.18 Sunday School Program
12.24 Christmas Eve Service – 5:30 pm
12:25 No church service Sunday, Christmas Day
Live Streaming our worship services were discussed and will be working on it.
Board of Education J Dickinson reported for the Board of Education,
Sunday school began on Sept 18th the kids gave the congregation a fun robust entrance with them marching in, singing all the songs they learned in our 1st ever Vacation Bible School.
An exciting arm waving time for the kids that put big smiles and applauses from their church audience. They dismissed to Sunday school and are anxious for a fun filled year.
Jill reported the kids will be serving coffee an Sunday Oct 25th.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported that September was Service Month in our ELCA Churches we have and will continue to do “Acts of Kindness” for our shut in members which could be visits or phone calls just checking in on home bound members. On Sunday Sept. 18th we had an Ice Cream Social after church for all members and welcomed back our Sunday School children with Ice Cream Sundaes. D Maki is in charge of our section of our churches road side pick up on Hwy 138 heading to Giants Ridge, she and her grandchildren have taken care of our churches section the past few years. M Castle also reported the Stewardship Board is encouraging coffee an money starting in Oct. be given to the Local Food shelf the need for feeding the hungry is at a high point in our area. Mary also informed the council the Stewardship Board will also be doing their 2nd year of asking for your donations of hats, mittens and gloves for our Mesabi East School kids “Grab and Go” project; a basket for donations will be placed in the Narthex for collections. D Maki reported she will be working to put out “Good Stewardship and Fellowship” information to all member of the congregation.
Board of Trustees M Boback reported for the Trustee Board
Old Business
New Business
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by M Boback 2nd by M Hess. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 8:30 pm
Next council meeting will be October 18 at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
Council Meeting August, 16, 2022
The meeting was called to order 6:30 pm August 16, 2022 by Pres. M Hess.
Opening Remarks: Pres. Hess talked about our Vacation Bible School held here at our church it’s been busy fun
and rewarding, we’ve had 24 children, lead by a wonderful team with K Feldt as the Creator and
organizer/leader, team leaders are J & J Dickinson, K Peyela, C Feldt, M Honkola, kitchen helpers are M Hess, J
Salo and D Maki, Friday’s lunch was prepared and served by the kitchen crew and the Board of Stewardship,
Pastor Greg was here Tuesday to join in with the VBS fun.
President Hess informed and asked for prayers for D Peterson and J & M Nelson.
Devotions and prayers we’re lead by Pastor Greg he spoke on “Praise the Lord for Goodness & Strength”.
Council Meeting
With all boards prepared for the council meeting M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20
pm, in attendance: M Boback, T Salo, K Dickinson, D Barstad, M Honkola, M Castle, K Fallos, W Koski, D Maki, J
Dickinson, P Peterson, J Salo, and Pastor Greg.
Meeting minutes of May 17, 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by P Peterson to approve the minutes, 2nd by J Dickinson. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Boback to
approve the treasures report, 2nd by K Dickinson. Motion approved.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons: the Deacon for Sept. will be J Dickinson; Y Trowbridge
and L Ekman will serve for the Eucharist Ministry.
J Salo reported when Pastor was gone Sunday, May 29th he was replaced by M Hess, Pastor Art Dale was out
with Covid. Thank you to M Hess. For filling in you did an awesome job.
Chairman J Salo informed the council we will need pulpit replacement on October 9th . Chairman Salo also
reported that May 8th we honored our graduates S & S Hakala, C Long, E Skelton & J Undeland, Pastor Greg
made it a “fun” entertaining and memorable experience, they were presented with a quilt from our quilters
group. We are down 2 Deacons and are looking for replacements, please prayerfully consider filling the open
spots when asked!
Board of Education J Dickinson reported for the Board of Education, for the 1st time ever our church is holding
Vacation Bible School this week August 15-19, K Feldt is our lead organizer of the 5 day event we have 24
wonderful kids attending that are having a great time! Our leader Katie Feldt has worked so hard and long
putting this week together, the team of leaders are wonderful and it has been rewarding for all involved in the
J Dickinson also reported that Sunday Schools Rally Day will be Sunday, September 18th when the Stewardship
Board will have an Ice Cream Social during coffee an after church.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported that September is Service Month in our ELCA Churches we have several things in
the brew and will be doing “Acts of Kindness” which could be visits or phone calls just checking in on home
bound members. On Sunday Sept. 18th we will have an Ice Cream Social after church for all members and will
welcome back our Sunday School children with the Ice Cream social that day as well. Road side pick up will be
done again this fall on our 2 mile stretch on the giants Ridge road, M Castle also reported the Stewardship
Board will be serving the Vacation Bible School lunch on Friday, August 19th after the program to celebrate
their great fun filled week!
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported
• The replacement of the furnace is underway the old furnace has been removed and the new furnace
has been ordered and will be installed as soon as it arrives.
• The Fellowship hall and rooms need to be cleaned. Calls will be made to set up a cleaning date.
Old Business
• The Executive Committee will be looking at updating job descriptions for the church’s hired positions.
Secretary/Cleaning person
• The Mutual Ministry Committee C Worshek has moved and in Dec. she will be replaced.
New Business
• Vacation Bible School funding tally will be updated for our Sept meeting
• Kitchen and building use schedule needs to be kept on a calendar where we can look back and see who
has been scheduled and used the church facility for gatherings. Pres. M Hess will talk to Kelly to
arrange a written schedule.
• Mutual Ministry Committee member C Worshek has moved and in Dec. she will be replaced. Current
members are T Salo, M Boback, D Maki, T Honkola and J Dickinson.
• Questions and concerns with the Alter Committee, Pres. M Hess will meet and talk with them.
A motion to adjourn was made by T Salo, 2nd by K Dickinson. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lords Prayer 8:15pm
Next council meeting will be September 20 at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the
congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and
God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable
Council Meeting April 19, 2022
The meeting was called to order: 6:30 pm April 19, 2022, by President M Hess
Opening Remarks by President M Hess, thank you to those who helped with Coffee An’ Easter Sunday morning before church. Topics for tonight’s meeting: Special Congregational meeting held to vote on Roofing Project estimates, May Pulpit Replacement, Quilt Dedication, Senior Recognition, Gas Leak.
Devotions were given by Pastor Greg
Released to Special Meeting for the Roof Project:
In attendance we’re: K Fallos, L Kallio, M Castle, W Koski, D Maki, J Dickinson, P LaFrenier, J Salo, D Shuck, M Hess, P Skelton, D Skelton, B Maki, D Undeland, K Undeland, M Honkola, K Dickinson, D Barstad, J Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, T Honkola, M Honkola, M Mulari, D Boback, Pastor G Anderson, R Trowbridge, & Y Trowbridge.
D Skelton presented the roofing bid received by Perrault Construction having 3 different roofing options, after much discussion and analyzing each option a motion was made by M Boback to accept the shingle bid of $37,750 half being paid upfront $18,875 and the other half being paid at completion of the project along with additional roofing expense to cover underlayment expenses and unseen problems it could cost between 50 to 60K total for the project The motion was 2nd by K Dickinson, ,motion unanimously approved. A Motion was made by D Barstad to use funds from the building fund and various available other funds to complete the roofing project, 2nd by M Boback. Motion unanimously approved.
President M Hess made a-motion for people to work and oversee the Roofing Committee, those volunteering and accepting appointments are D Barstad, D Skelton, T Salo and M Boback, 2nd by K Undeland. Motion unanimously approved.
Resumed with the Regular Council Meeting April 19, 2022 at 7:50
Council meeting in attendance: Pres. M Hess, W Koski, M Castle, K Fallos, D Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, J Salo, K Dickinson, P LaFrenier, J Barstad, D Boback, J Dickinson, J Salo, D Shuck, P LaFrenier, T & M Honkola, D Maki.
Approve minutes of March 15, 2022. M Boback noted that B Getman’s name was omitted when thanking those who participated in the Celtic Christian Service on Sunday, April 3rd, Beth played the violin in the group and it was a beautiful addition to the service, I apologize for not recognizing Beth we are grateful and thankful for you and your talents. A motion to accept the minutes for March 15th with corrections was made by W Koski, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Treasurers report was presented by Treas. T Salo a motion was made by M Boback to approve the Treasurers Report, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons
Board of Education: J Dickinson Reported the Sunday schools last day will be May 15th the kids will have a song during the children’s sermon and a fun outing is being planned for the kids to end the year.
Our church is talking about having a “Day Camp” this summer for kids, it’s in the talking/planning stage. We will need volunteers please contact Katie Feldt if you can help; We plan to keep it on a small scale as we need to see how it works out getting volunteers.
Stewardship & Fellowship: M Castle reported:
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported:
Old Business:
New Business:
Motion to adjourn by J Salo 2nd by M Boback
Closed with the Lords Prayer 8:20pm
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.
All members and Friends of the congregation are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, May 17, 2022
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting March 15, 2022
The meeting was called to order: 6:30 pm March. 15, 2022 by President M Hess
Opening Remarks and Agenda by President M Hess:
Devotions were given by P Peterson
Released to Boards at 6:45
Council meeting 7:15pm In attendance Pres. M Hess, Vice Pres. C Worshek, W Koski, M Castle, K Fallos, D Peterson, D Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, J Salo, P Peterson, J Dickinson, P LaFrenier, D Maki
Approve minutes of Feb 15, 2022. A motion was made by C Worshek, 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Treasurers report was presented by Treas. T Salo a motion was made by M Boback to approve the Treasurers Report, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons, J Dickinson will serve as Deacon for April, Eucharist Ministry person at this time is unknown. J Salo reported Senior Recognition will be Sunday, May 15th and the Quilts from the quilting ladies will be dedicated on May 15th as well.
Board of Education: J Dickinson Reported the Sunday school will be serving up a Chili Feed on Sunday, March 27th the funds raised will go to the Aurora Food Shelf. Jill also informed that on Maundy Thursday there will be child/children receiving First Communion.
Stewardship & Fellowship: M Castle reported:
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported:
Old Business:
New Business: Received Easter Service advertising information from the Mesabi Tribune, after discussion we will keep our advertising local with the East Range Shopper for our Easter Holy week advertising.
Motion to adjourn by P Peterson 2nd by P LaFrenier
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer 7:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.
All members and Friends of the congregation are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, April 19, 2022
The meeting was called to order: 6:30 pm Feb. 15, 2022 by President M Hess
Opening Remarks and Agenda by President M Hess:
*Pastor Greg’s Letter of call officially approved by the congregation at a special congregational meeting on Jan 23, 2022 held before the Annual meeting. Pastors Installation date will be determined at a later date and announced.
*Welcome new council members and scheduling council meetings for 2022.
*Reorganization of all boards elect chairman’s, secretaries and set goals for each boards and assign duties.
*Topics of discussion: Snow shoveling, parking lot power pole, Lenten. Services/Easter.
*Pastors Comments/Devotions/Prayers
Released to Boards at 6:45
Council meeting 7:15pm In attendance Pres. M Hess, Vice Pres. C Worshek, M Mulari, W Koski, M Castle, K Fallos, D Maki, D Peterson, D Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, K Dickinson, J Salo, P Peterson, K Peyla, J Dickinson, P LaFrenier, J Barstad
Approve minutes of Dec. 21, 2021. A motion was made by D Peterson, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Treasurers report for Dec 2021 was presented by Treas. T Salo a motion was made by P Peterson to approve the Treasurers Report, 2nd by M Boback. Motion approved
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating J Salo will serve as Chairman and P Peterson will serve as Secretary for the ensuring year; P Peterson will serve as Deacon for March and D Maki will be doing Eucharist Ministry for March; J Salo also reported Pastors Installation will be planned after hearing back from the Synod with a date for his Installation; J Salo also reported they will be setting up a Deacons schedule for the Lent season.
Board of Education: J Dickinson Reported that she would be serving as Chairman/secretary of the Board of Education, their board consists of young mothers who have young children when evening meetings are mostly not possible to attend and communication is handled thru texts and it works well.
J Dickinson shared a young person wanting to send her children to Sunday School and found no advertising of churches offering Sunday School, D Maki stated she has contacted the Shopper asking to include Sunday School in our ad, some way it had been removed? J Dickinson also stated new ways of promoting our SS will be looked at; the board will also be looking to add more children’s. books to our church library.
Stewardship & Fellowship: M Castle reported that M Castle will be the chairman and Mulari will be the secretary.
Goals for the Stewardship Board in 2022 are:
*January: Mittens and Hats will be collected for the Mesabi East elementary students the project “Grab and Go” will happen again in 2023, the school was very grateful receiving the many items donated in Feb 2022 from our congregation.
*Lenten Season the board will promote FoodShelf donations to the needy during coffee an’
*Roadside pick up will be done in the spring and the fall.
*Spring the flowers will be planted in the big pots and in the church sign planter.
*July an Ice Cream Rootbeer Float Social is planned.
*November is Service month where we will recognize our Pastor and Fill In Pastors plus thanking our Fire Department with fresh baked cookies.
*November is Stewardship month where we will be thanking all our people with their money, time and talents given to do “Gods Work. Our Hands.” By serving cake and ice cream.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported that he is the Chairman and D Worshek is the secretary, that the snow shoveling list may need some tweaking, for next year K Dickinson will ready the mowing equipment, work will continue as needed on any church repairs, D Barstad worked on installing vents for the left furnace room, many thanks to Don for all his work and thanks to R Hess for providing snow removal; Many thanks to all the members for keeping up with snow shoveling as our winter continues you all are so appreciated. D Barstad reported the trustees will continue to get bids on the church roof none have been found yet, lastly the light pole has been straightened by MN power.
Old Business:
New Business:
*Lent service times will all take place at 5:30 in the evening, there will be no Inter Church services or soup suppers this year, during the lent season being there will be no Inter Church soup suppers and no offerings going to Food Shelf and NEMA, please during the month of March consider your Food Shelf offerings and NEMA; the Month of March is MN Food Share Month which should help our food shelf in Aurora.
* We have hired a cleaning person she began the 1st week of February, D Maki will be the contact person with her if anyone has suggestions or questions please contact D Maki.
Motion to adjourn by M Boback, 2nd by D Peterson
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer 7:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.
All members and Friends of the congregation are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, March 16, 2022
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, December 21, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6.35 pm Dec. 21, 2021 by Pres. M Boback
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pam Peterson
Opening Remarks by Pres. M Boback with Agenda Topics:
Agenda Topics:
Release to Boards: 6:45
Resume Council meeting 7:15 pm. In attendances were Pres. M Boback, Vice Pres. M Hess, J Salo, T Salo, D Barstad, D Shuck, M Castle, M Mulari, P Peterson, D Peterson and D Maki.
Approve Minutes of Nov. 16, 2021. A motion was made by T Salo, 2nd by M Hess. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for Nov 16, 2021 the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by D Peterson to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Board Reports:
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating she would be serving as Deacon of the Month for January and J Salo also reported L Ekman & Y Trowbridge will be handling Eucharist ministry for the month of January. Christmas Eve Service will be Friday, December 24th at 5:30 pm and at the November council meeting it was decided we would not have worship service on Sunday, Dec. 26th when Pastor Greg would be gone.
Board of Education: No one present but Pres. Mark Boback gave a “Huge Thank You” to the Sunday School for the wonderful Christmas program, it was “Awesome” and the talent was “Amazing”! Pres. Boback also thanked all those who contributed to the brunch afterwards with their donations and help!
Stewardship and Fellowship: M Castle reported that in the month of January the Stewardship Board will hold a “Grab and Go Hat and Mitten Drive” for the Mesabi east elementary grade school children. A box or basket will be placed in the Narthex where everyone can contribute to this needed project for our elementary students; the 1st week in February our donations will be delivered to the Mesabi East School where children in need can “Grab and Go” with hats, mittens and scarves, to keep them warm!
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported for the Trustees:
Adjourned at 8:30 pm with the Lord’s Prayer.
Annual Meeting, January 23rd 2022 immediately following worship.
Next regular Council meeting, February 16th, 2022
Respectfully, D Maki Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends of the church attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
All are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, Tuesday, February 16th, 2022
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6.40 pm Nov. 16, 2021 by Pres. M Boback
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor G Anderson
Opening Remarks by Pres. M Boback with Agenda Topics:
Agenda Topics:
Release to Boards:
Resume Council meeting 7:15 pm. In attendances were Pres. M Boback, Vice Pres. M Hess, Pastor Greg Anderson, J Salo, T Salo, D Barstad, D Shuck, W Koski, M Castle, M Mulari and D Maki.
Approve Minutes of Oct. 18,2021. A motion was made by M Hess 2nd by W Koski. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for Oct 18, 2021 the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by T Salo to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating P Peterson would be serving as Deacon of the Month for December; J Salo informed the council there is a new pulpit replacement list out; Pastor A Dale provided pulpit supply Nov. 7th and he and the congregation enjoyed having him back filling in it had been a long time. Janet also reported D Maki will be handling Eucharist ministry for the month of December. Christmas Eve service was discussed having input from all in attendance. Christmas Eve Service will be Friday, December 24th at 5:30 pm; after continued discussion the council voted to not hold a Sunday worship service on Sunday, Dec. 26th when Pastor Greg will be gone. A motion was made by M Hess to forego Sunday worship service on Sunday, Dec. 26th, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved. J Salo also reported the Women of our church will be having their Annual Thank Offering Service this coming Sunday, Nov. 21 during worship service.
Board of Education: D Maki reported the Christmas Program will be held during worship service on Sunday, Dec. 19th with a brunch to follow. Everyone is invited!
Stewardship and Fellowship: M Castle reported November is Stewardship Month. The Board will serve coffee and cake on November 21 in honor of Stewardship Month; the cake will read “Giving Thanks” to go along with the Women’s annual “Thank Offering Service” held that day; Donations will be given to the local Food Shelf. M Castle also reported the Stewardship Board has been working on updating members and families address and contact information. The Stewardship board asks all members and friends of the congregation to call the church office with updated information when it changes.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board:
The church cleaning position was discussed and a committee was formed to figure out just what we need and want. The committee consists of M Hess, W Koski and D Maki. They will meet and bring it to the exec council for a vote of approval.
New Business:
Pres. M Boback reported the Nominating Committee made up of D Maki, P & D Peterson, D Worshek and K Baxter will begin meetings to fill the open board positions. He asks that when they call that everyone is willing and open to accept a position. The Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. Please say YES to the Nominating Committee when they call!
Don Reported the freezer is old and quit working. It was voted to purchase a new 7 cubic foot freezer from Menards costing $229 it comes with an 11% discount which will be used for church supplies at the time of receipt. A motion was made by D Barstad and 2nd by M Hess we purchase the freezer coming from the remaining funds in the Notes and Wraps fund. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next council meeting date is December 21, 2021
Respectfully, D Maki Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30. All members are welcome to attend. Next Council Meeting, December 21, 2021.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 17, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6:35 pm August, 18, 2021 by Pres. M Boback
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Greg Anderson
Opening Remarks by Pres. M Boback with Agenda Topics:
Agenda Topics:
Release to Boards:
Resume Council meeting 7:15
Council Meeting 7:15 PM In attendance were Pres. Boback, VP M Hess, Pastor Greg, P Peterson, J Salo, T Salo, D Barstad, and D Shuck, K Peyla, D Maki
Approve Minutes of May 18, 2021. A motion was made by D Barstad 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for May 18, 2021 the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by M Hess to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating that P Peterson will serve as deacon of August, J Dickinson will serve the month of September. Pulpit replacement will be needed for Sept. 12th – Alyssa Hammond, Sept. 26th- Pastor Kristen Foster and Nov. 9thto be determined. J Salo reported D Maki will serve Aug/Sept for Eucharist Ministry. J Salo also informed the Council we are looking for additional people to serve our members for our Eucharist Ministry. Eucharist Ministry is as meaningful for those who receive and serve. Anyone who would like to become part of this wonderful ministry please contact any Deacon or people on the Eucharist Ministry team.
Board of Education: K Peyla and D Maki spoke for the Bd. of Ed, Sunday school start date is tentatively set for September 19ththe3rd Sunday of September; The Bd. Of Ed. will be purchasing new curriculum for the year.
Confirmation: C Worshek has decided to step aside from Confirmation, the Council thanks Cyndi for all her years of dedication to the confirmands. You will be missed. We are happy to report T Honkola will continue giving her time and talents to the Conformation program along with Pastor Greg. The kids are in good hands!
Pastor Greg during the summer has been meeting with a group of our confirmation kids on Wednesdays where they get together and play a Christian version of Dungeons and Dragons; it has been fun and energetic for all of them. Thank you to Pastor Greg for doing this ministry!
Stewardship and Fellowship: no one was present but the council is asking the Stewardship board if they could do outreach to members to get current phone, cell phone and email addresses. Also it is a great way to continue asking members for this information in the monthly Eye Opener. Members please call the church office and leave a message on the phone for Kelly and she will be happy to make the changes.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board letting us know that he has attempted to get bids on the roof and has had no luck, he will continue to make attempts and report back, Don also reported the water heater igniter had an issue and is now repaired.
Old Business:
New Business: The Mutual Ministry Committee consisting of D Maki, J Dickinson, M Boback, C Worshek and T Salo held discussion regarding renewing Pastor Greg’s contract before the last day in Sept. President M Boback and Pastor Greg worked together going over the continued contract and the Mutual Ministry Committee voted unanimously to increase his annual salary by $1000 and follow Synod guidelines for pay increases. A motion was made by Pres. M Boback to renew Pastor Greg’s contract and increase his annual salary by $1000, 2nd by Mary Hess. Motion approved.
A motion to adjourn by M Boback, 2ndby D Barstad Motion approved8pm
Next council meeting date is Sept. 21, 2021
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
All members are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, September 21, 2021
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 18, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6.31 pm May, 18, 2021 by Vice President M Hess
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Greg Anderson
Opening Remarks by M Hess with Agenda Topics:
Agenda Topics:
Council Meeting 6:55 PM In attendances were VP M Hess, Pastor Greg, P Peterson, J Salo, M Castle, K Undeland, M Mulari, T Salo, K Norman, D Barstad, and D Peterson.
Approve Minutes of April 20, 2021. No minutes were available for approval and will be approved at the August 17th, 2021 Council Meeting.
Approve Treasurers Report for April 20, 2021the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by P Peterson to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating that J Salo will serve as Chairman and P Peterson will serve as Secretary for the ensuring year; D Shuck will serve as Deacon of the month for May and M Hess will serve as Deacon of the month for June; July Deacon will be C Worshek and August Deacon will be P Peterson.
The Eucharist Committee for May is Y Trowbridge and L Ekman; June will be K Undeland and K Baxter.
Discussion took place regarding an updated Pulpit Replacement List, J Salo will follow-up on this; also we need a current copy of the Pastor’s Schedule, J Salo will follow-up. Discussion took place on Holy Communion; since we have an abundance of pre-package communion elements we should continue to use those cups. Lastly an updated deacons Schedule will be posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Board of Education:No one present
Stewardship and Fellowship:M Castle reported for theSF Board indicating M Castle will serve as Chairman and M Mulari as Secretary for the ensuing year.
The SF Board will resume Coffee An’ beginning May 23, 2021.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board indicating D Barstad will serve as Chairman and K Norman will serve as Secretary for the ensuring year.
Don Barstad reported that the church roof needs repair. How much will done depends on estimates and budget?
The Lawn mowing schedule needs to be posted. R Salo will provide.
Lawn treatment needs to be done, usually R Salo does this.
Old Business:
The Mutual Ministry Committee consisting of D Maki, J Dickinson, M Boback, C Worshek and T Salo will be in discussion with Pastor Greg regarding his extension of contract. M Boback indicated through correspondence that the Synod will approve an extension. Pastor’s contract ends on the last day of Sept. 2021. Pastor Greg commented on the extension and indicated some terms may be discussed: Housing Allowance, Insurance, etc.
A motion was made by T Salo and 2nd by D Peterson for the committee to proceed with the negotiations. Motion approved.
New Business:
A motion was made by P Peterson and 2nd by J Salo to have no Council Meetings in June and July but resume Council Meetings in August. An August meeting is necessary to act on Pastor’s Contract. Motion approved.
Changes in Covid Restrictions took place; the general consensus was no mask requirement, allow singing of hymns and liturgy, continue communion with pre-packaged element cups, continue to place our offerings on the table in the Narthex, and resume Coffee An’. A motion to the affect was made by D Barstad, 2nd by T Salo. Motion approved. (Basically following the State of MN Regulations).
D Barstad brought up discussion regarding Communion at the Communion Rail; Pastor Greg offered input on how this could be done using prepackaged communion cups. A motion was made D Barstad and 2nd by D Peterson to go to the Communion Rail beginning June 1, 2021. Motion approved.
A motion to adjourn by P Peterson, 2ndby Pastor Greg. Motion approved
Next council meeting date is August 17, 2021
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Vice President M Hess, (filling in for D Maki’s absence)
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
All members are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, August 17, 2021
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 20, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6.30 pm April 20, 2021 by President M Boback
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Greg Anderson
Agenda Topics:
Release to Boards:
Because of low attendance at individual board levels the chairman and secretaries were not able to be picked for the 2021 year and will be done at the May council meeting
Council Meeting 6:45 PM In attendance were President M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad, D Maki and Pastor Greg Anderson, J Salo, D Shuck
Approve Minutes of March 9, 2021 Executive council meeting a motion was made by D Barstad, 2nd by T Salo. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for March 9, 2021the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by D Maki to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports:
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Deacons stating D. Shuck is the Deacon for the month of May the Eucharist Committee is back visiting our members in April, D Maki Is doing April and the month of May it will be Y Trowbridge and L Ekman.
Board of Education:
Stewardship and Fellowship:
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported work will begin as soon as it warms up abit, they will be putting together the lawn mowing schedule, servicing the lawnmowers and cleaning up the dirt clods from snow plowing.
Old Business: At the Annual meeting for year 2020 held on March 28, 2021 the wrong annual meeting minutes were included in the 2020Annual Report. A motion was made by D Maki to approve the minutesdated January 19, 2020 and inserted in the 2020 report, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
New Business: President Boback informed the council the Mutual Ministry Committee made up of D Maki, J Dickinson, M Boback, and C Worshek would be entering into discussion with Pastor Anderson about whether to extend his contract or offer him a settled call. M Boback will seek advice from the NE MN Synod.
Discussion was held in regard to adding families who attend our church but are not members but their children are members by Confirmation and is felt that their families need to be added to the church directory and receive the monthly Eye Opener; In addition we have young families who attend church, their children attend Sunday School it is also felt those families need to be added to our directory as friends of the congregation so they too can receive our Eye Opener; by doing this we are being evangelical and living out our affiliation with the ELCA; D Maki will work to get families added and the information to our church secretary.
Discussion was also held regarding concerned members who feel social distancing and mask wearing is not being followed in the church. Some small groups who are fully vaccinated are able to meet without wearing masks if all in the group agree. The small group guidelines come from the ELCA, CDC and State guidelines.
The council will continue in service worshiping where everyone is required to wear a mask, social distance and sanitize their hands upon entering the church. The council will relook at all the CDC and agency guidelines again before the next council meeting on May 18th, until then if you are feeling ill please stay home and remain safe.
A motion to adjourn by M Boback, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved
Next council meeting date is May 18, 2021
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.All members are welcome to attend.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Special Executive Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 1:00 pm March 9, 2021 by President M Boback
Opening Prayer: Pastor Greg Anderson
In attendance were President M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad, D Maki and Pastor Greg Anderson, M Hess, K Baxter, J Moore, P & D Peterson, L Loeffler
Agenda Topics:
In Service Worship- President M Boback called for input from each of the meeting attendees with their thoughts and concerns about returning to worship, after hearing their thoughts it was decided that it was safe to return to church. The phone and text survey from members showed most all the members age 65 and older have had 1 or both of the Covid vaccines and the variant strains of the virus have not been an issue in our area.
New Business/Discussions
Annual meeting will be held directly after worship service in the fellowship hall on Palm Sunday, March. 28th
Discussion was held regarding possibilities of supplemental computerized organ music as a back up to our organist. Discussion/research will continue to be looked at in the future.
A motion to adjourn was made by M Hess 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved 2:15pm
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer
Go in Peace and Serve the Lord. Amen
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Council Meeting, Tuesday, October 20, 2020
The meeting was called to order: at 6:35 pm Oct. 20, 2020 by President M Boback
Agenda/Opening Remarks by President M Boback;
• What did you think of worship on Sunday? How can we do it better? What would you change? Next Sunday is confirmation. There are eight confirmands. Ideas on social distancing with extra people in church.
• With Covid rising at an alarming rate we need to be very careful as we worship. Please help the rest of the members to remember to wash hands, social distance and wear masks. I am quite leery of the short term future.
In attendance were M Boback, T Salo, R Salo, D Barstad, K Baxter, J Salo, K Norman, D Barstad, D Peterson, C Worshek, K Baxter, M Mulari, M Hess, P Peterson and D Maki.
• Open Discussion was held regarding the topics listed above the consensus was the social distancing with mask wearing went really well; sanitizing stations are placed at the east and south entrances, temperatures were taken, people social distanced when greeting each other, people passed by a table where they picked up their bulletins, picked up individual communion sacraments and dropped their offerings into a basket before entering the sanctuary where pew rows were roped off to allow social distancing; the service was spoken, hymns were played but no singing, it was discussed we could hum if you’d like. After the service we were ushered out nodding and greeting one another. It was good to be with one another again! We enjoyed Pastor Greg’s first service with us and look forward to getting to know him more and more each week!!
• The second question “With Covid rising at an alarming rate we need to be very careful as we worship. Please help the rest of the members to remember to wash hands, social distance and wear masks. The consensus after discussion was that we base our decision to gather in worship by paying close attention to the rise of Covid cases within our community and school; we are doing our best to provide a safe place of worship and follow safe practices. We recommend that each family and individual make their own decision to attend worship, in the mean time we will be sending out the weekly bulletin and sermon by either email or US mail to all households, “if we have proper email addresses.” We ask that you please contact us with your updated email address if you are not receiving emails.
Approve Minutes of September 15, 2020 council meeting. A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the minutes, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report as of September 30, 2020 the treasures report was presented by T Salo and approved by the Board of Trustees a motion was made by P Peterson to approve the treasurer’s report as presented, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Board of Deacon’s: K Baxter reported that J Salo will be the November Deacon of the month and the Eucharist Committee is not able to visit members in assisted living because of the Corona pandemic. K Baxter informed us we have 6 confirmands being confirmed on Sunday, Oct. 25th there will be no celebration after the service because of the Corona Virus.
Board of Ed: By phone call J Dickinson reported to Pres. M Boback that no weekly Sunday school is planned at this time but the Board of Ed is working on things that could take place as the Covid Pandemic allows. C Worshek informed the council we have 6 students in Confirmation class this year 2 of which have chosen to return to confirmation for a 3rd year.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship: D Maki reported the board members are working together to reach out to our church members with needs that come about, we ask anyone with needs to contact the church office and leave a message. The survey to attend church during the Covid turned out that over 50% would attend church “if” the pandemic numbers allowed for save worshiping.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported the preparation for winterizing the church is complete; the snow shoveling list will be published in the November Eye Opener.
Old Business:
New Business: Shown above under Opening Remarks.
Motion to adjourn was made by M Boback 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable. Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Special Council Meeting, Tuesday, September 15, 2020
The meeting was called to order: at 6:35 pm Sept. 15, 2020 by President M Boback
In attendance were M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad Baxter, R Salo, J Salo and D Maki.
Agenda/Opening Remarks 6:30 PM Sept. 15, 2020 by President M Boback;
Approve Minutes of the last two special meetings Aug. 6th and 25th. Also July 21, 2020. A motion was made by T Salo, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report as of August 31, 2020 the treasures report was presented by T Salo a motion was made by M Boback to approve the treasurer’s report as presented, 2nd by K Baxter. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Board of Deacon’s: K Baxter reported that M Hess will be the October Deacon of the month and the Eucharist Committee is not able to visit members in assisted living because of the Corona pandemic.
Board of Ed: Absent Council members will contact the Board of Ed to find out the number of confirmation students and their plans on Sunday school.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship: D Maki reported that the committee is working on contacting members with cards, calls, emails and texts. They will be surveying members on whether they will attend church services during the pandemic. The Board of Stewardship will have information in the October Eye Opener about the survey to attend church; they will ask you to return a call to D Maki.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported he worked removing the wood chips from the stump that was ground; he leveled it and seeded it. A big “thank you” to Don for the big removal project! Don informed the council the furnace is checked and running and the air conditioner covers are on and ready for cold weather. Don reported we received a renewal insurance policy from Grinnell and asked we make a motion to approve the renewal policy. A motion was made by D Maki to approve the Grinnell Renewal Policy, 2nd by M Boback. Motion approved.
Old Business:
New Business: M Boback informed the council cluster flies are especially bad this year, Jeff Eidola sprayed today. Discussion was held regarding the Rippers and Strippers starting up and it was decided they could start the week of October 11 with the group following all safe guidelines by wearing masks and social distancing. The group will be responsible for sanitizing and cleaning their work area.
The head ushers are working to accommodate the needs and tasks for worshiping, the needs are: folding and setting out bulletins, take temps, and supervise social distancing.
There will be no coffee an served during the pandemic.
Motion to adjourn was made by M Boback 2nd by D Maki. Motion approved.
Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable. Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Special Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 6, 2020
The meeting was called to order: at 6:35 pm Aug. 6, 2020 by President M Boback
In attendance were President M Boback, T Salo, R Salo, K Norman, D Peterson, M Mulari, M Castle, D Maki, K Baxter, C Worshek and T Honkola.
Agenda for the evening:
President Boback and K Baxter Chairman of the Call Committee presented all in attendance with revised financial packages for our candidate of choice, after discussion we found one that seemed to work. A motion was made by C Worshek to accept the financial package for the 1 year term ½ time position beginning Oct 1, 2020, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
President Boback asked that we find members who would serve on a “ Mutual Ministry Committee” who would work with the Pastor in getting to know the goings on of our church; those who volunteered are: C Worshek, D Maki, J Dickinson, T Honkola and M Boback.
Returning to worship was discussed and agreed on; we will be opening our doors for worship beginning October 11th our service time will be 10:30 am, our term Pastor serves a church prior to our service at 8:30 in Soudan.
A motion to adjourn was made by C Worshek 2nd by M Boback. Motion approved 7:45 pm.
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable. Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting July 21, 2020
The Council meeting was called to order: at 6:35 PM July, 21, 2020 by President M Boback
In attendance were President M Boback, T Salo, R Salo, D Barstad, K Norman, D Peterson, M Mulari, P Peterson, M Castle, D Maki, K Baxter, J Salo, C Worshek, J Dickinson,
Agenda for the evening: Information regarding Pastor Barb’s contract with us; Call Committee Update: Covid 19 Emergency Preparedness Plan.
D Maki informed the Council of the Virtual Blue Grass Festival, our church will have a basket for us all to bid on. Our basket is called “Enjoying Life with the Covid” bidding opens July 23 and ends July 25, go to this link to bid on the MANY baskets and items to support the Voyagers Lutheran Ministry and our Camp Vermilion that provides “Christ-centered spiritual growth, leadership development, and outreach in God’s great Northwood’s”. Go to vlmcamps.org click on calendar of events then Bluegrass Festival. Kelly has emailed you a like that connects you automatically.
Eye Opener will be printed after each month and sent out by email, mail or can be picked up at the church on the table in the Narthex. As always we encourage you to email Kelly in the office any articles or news you have. It’s important for us to keep in touch!
Motion to adjourn by M Boback, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved. 8:15 pm.
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable. Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
Council Meeting October 15, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm Oct.15, 2024 by Pres. M Hess.
President Hess welcomed all in attendance stating our agenda is shorter than usual this evening and went on to thank M Boback for replacing the stair rail on the southeast side of the fellowship hall. Pastor Greg lead us in devotion and prayer before releasing us to our boards.
Release to Boards 7:00
Council Meeting 7:05 With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:30 pm. In attendance were Pres. Hess, Pastor Greg, J Salo, P Peterson, D Peterson, Doug Shuck, D Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, M Castle, and D Maki
Approve the meeting Minutes of Sept. 17, 2024 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by P Peterson to approve the minutes, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Approve the Treasurers Report for Sept. 2024 Treasurer, T Salo presented and went over Sept’s treasurers report, having no questions and concerns a motion was made by D Barstad to accept the treasurer’s report; having no questions or concerns a motion was made by D Barstad to approve the treasures report, 2nd by
D Peterson. Motion approved.
Board of Deacons Presented by K Baxter
- Deacon of the month Oct. - Mary Hess
Dec. K Baxter
Jan. D Shuck
- Eucharist Ministry Teams:
Oct: J Salo & P Peterson
Nov: D Maki & M Castle
Dec: L Ekman & Y Trowbridge
Board of Education No report available
Board of Stewardship
- On Sunday Nov. 17th during worship service we will have a “Giving Thanks Service” where we will be recognizing and giving thanks to organizations and groups within our church community who do so much for the good of so many!
- Board Member M Mulari will contact the school to check if they are still wanting to receive hats and mittens for children at school during our cold season, if so we will place a basket in the church Narthex where you can drop your donations.
- Christmas Brunch will be Sunday, Dec. 22nd after church in the Fellowship Hall, please plan to attend and bring your family and a dish to share with everyone, this is a wonderful time of gathering filled with yummy eats!
- The Trustees have negotiated a new insurance plan that is more acceptable for our church buildings.
Old Business
- Nominating Committee will begin meeting and contacting the members of our church to fill the open positions on our board that need to be filled. Please say yes when you are called or talked with to fill
Our nominating committee members at this time are: Mary Hess, Deb Maki, Pam Peterson, Doug Shuck and Kate Undeland.
New Business
- Bible Study is held every Wednesday at 1pm with pastor Greg in the Fireside Room, come and join us as we grow in our faith, love of God and our appreciation of others.
- Giving Thanks Sunday is 11-17-24
- Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec 24th the time was not determined but most likely it will be the same time as usual on Christmas Eve. The time will be determined and put in the November Eye Opener as soon as it is determined.
Motion to adjourn by D Shuck at 7:40 pm, 2d by Peterson. Motion approved.
Next regular council meeting will be Nov 19th 2024 at 6:30pm.
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 16 20024
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm April 16, 2024 by Pres. M Hess
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pres. Hess lead us in prayer followed by devotional speaking of “Give-unselfishly deep within my Heart”.
Opening Remarks by Pres. Hess: President Hess reminded the council there was no council meeting held for the month of March due to the lack of business to conduct, Pastor Greg was not in attendance he was out with the bad cold that is going around.. Pres. Hess Reported the meatball supper was a huge success we served 147 people and it was a fun time mingling with all the people who attended. Pres. Hess thanked all the people who helped to make the dinner a wonderful event.
Release to Boards: 6:45
Resume Council meeting at 7:00 pm in attendance were Pres. Hess, M Boback, K Baxter, J Salo, T Salo, D Shuck, D Barstad, D Peterson, W Koski, M Mulari , M Castle, P Peterson and D Maki
Approve Minutes of April 15, 2024: A motion was made by M Boback , 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved
Approve Treasures Report for Feb. 13, 2024: The treasures report was presented by T Salo a motion was made by M Boback to accept the treasurers report as presented. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Board of Stewardship and Fellowship
Presented by K Baxter
- Deacon of the month of May: Mary Hess
- Eucharistic Ministry for May: Y Trowbridge and L Ekman
- We have (2) 5th graders who will receive First Communion on Easter Sunday, Myla Fallos and Sawyer Feldt
- We have two Graduating Seniors in May: Danny Knapper and Eldrid Peterson
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
- M Castle reported Easter cards have been sent out to our home members
- The Stewardship Board members baked and delivered home made goodies for the firemen at our Aurora
- Roadside pickup for our churches 2 mile stretch on the Giants Ridge road will be done by K Baxter who volunteered to take care of it this year; Thank you Kathy!
- The Board of Stewardship will again this year be providing a picnic lunch for the final day (Friday) of the week long Vacation Bible School. Starting Immediately the Coffee An’ money will be used to fund Vacation Bible School. Please sign up to help fund our Vacation Bible School by volunteering to make and serve coffee an,
- M Boback reported a change fill valve was replaced on the furnace, no more cold problems in the basement.
- Back steps need repair and will be worked on soon.
- The SE door handrail needs fixing or replacing.
- Trustees for the month is D Peterson and Kim Norman
- The lawn mowing schedule is out and ready for the grass to be mown.
- Memorial Service is coming up
- Quilt Recognition is coming soon
- The months of June and July there will be NO monthly council meetings held. Pleas call Pres. M Hess if anything of importance needs addressing.
Motion to adjourn at 8 pm by T Salo, 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Next council meeting date is May 21 at 6:30 pm
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted, D Maki, Council Secretary
The councils is for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we shall see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm
All members are welcome to attend.
Next Council meeting is May 21, 2024
We go in Peace and Serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Council Meeting November 21, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm October 21, 2023 by Treas.. T Salo Treas. T Salo welcomed all.
DevotionsPastor Greg spoke on how to recognize Angels giving a list of ways for us to know Angels are among us and real including talking out loud. My thought was it would be fun to have a Bible study on Ang
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting
With boards prepared and ready T Salo resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20 pm, in attendance: T Salo, D Barstad, D Peterson, M Castle, W Koski, J Salo, D Shuck, P Peterson, K Baxter and D Maki.
Meeting minutes of Oct. 23, 2023 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the minutes, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by D Barstad to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Deacons Report K Baxter reported for the Bd of Deacons, Kathy started off
Deacon for Nov: J Salo
Eucharist Ministry: Nov: K Undeland and K Baxter
Dec: D Maki and M Castle
Jan. L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
K Baxter told the council how each and all those being visited by the Eucharist Committee are so very greatful and happy to be visited, Kathy also stated it is a very rewarding wonderful experience to be a part of this committee, Kathy also encourages others to join in on this wonderful experience. Please contact Kathy or anyone on the Eucharist Committee if you would l be interested in visiting our church members. it’s a blessed experience!
December Schedule: Sunday School Christmas Program December 10th during worship service.
Christmas Eve Service – Dec 24th 5:30 pm
No Christmas Day service
Pulpit Replacement on Sunday, Nov. 26 will be filled by Alyssa Hammond
Board of Education
The Sunday School Christmas Program will be held Sunday Dec. 10 during worship hour; following the worship service a Christmas Brunch will be served by the Board of Education and the board of Stewardship, a sign up sheet to provide egg bakes and other needs has been placed on the bulletin board in the narthex. Please sign up to donate.
December agenda items:
*After School Sunday School
*Children receiving bibles
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported to the council we have and will continue to do “Acts of Kindness” for our home bound members which could be visits or phone calls just checking in on our home bound member. During the Christmas season we too will be contacting our home bound members and members who have moved away spreading Christmas cheer! M Castle also reported, Sunday, November 19th our church celebrated “Giving
Thanks” President M Hess took care of ordering a delicious beautiful cake made by D Mugge Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” –Ephesians 5:20.
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board
- The water heater is up and running
- Delays on the east entrance step have been delayed, people have been either sick, busy or gone. W Koski offered lumber in her garage to be used for the east entrance step, the trustees thanked her and will call her soon to come and take a look.
- Nominating Committee for 2024 will begin meetings and filling open positions very soon, Please say “Yes” to the nominating committees calls to fill our open board positions! Our church needs you!
- Our church and many other ELCA Churches have a received a questionnaire asking our opinions regarding: Allowing Rostered Ministers of Word and Service “staff” to administer the Sacrament of Eucharist in our ELCA churches.
The Reasons being presented to church’s are:
- More churches are without a Pastor.
- Trending low numbers of seminary graduates.
- Numerous churches strugle to meet financial commitments for a full-time pastor
- Pulpit supply isn’t always easy to find in rural areas.
- If the parish has members that work shift work, those members might not be able to receive communion due to working on the given Sunday that the pulpit supply is able to cover. 6. Few ordained pastors are willing to bring their families up north, many feel North Mn is Duluth.
A motion was made by D Barstad that we support the reasoning and the financial reasoning of the request to allow staff of the Word and Service to administer communion. Motion 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved. Pastor Greg was not in attendance and the request will be given to him for his thoughts and considerations.
New BusinessChurch Christmas Decorating will take place after church on the Sunday following Thanksgiving. If it does not all get done it will be done the following Sunday, Dec. 31 after church.
Motion to Adjourn Motion to Adjourn by: P Peterson 2nd by K Baxter. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 8:15 pm
Next council meeting will be Dec, 19th at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
Council Meeting October 23, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm October 23, 2023 by Pres. M Hess
President Hess welcomed all.
Pastor Greg was not able to attend this evening, President Hess released us to our individual board meetings.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20 pm, in attendance: M Hess, M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad, D Peterson, M Castle, C Fallos, J Salo, D Shuck, P Peterson, K Baxter and D Maki.
Meeting minutes of Sept. 19th, 2023 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the minutes, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Boback to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Deacons Report K Baxter reported for the Bd of Deacons, Kathy started off
Deacon for Nov: J Salo
Eucharist Ministry: Oct: L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
Nov: K Undeland and K Baxter
Dec: D Maki and M Castle
Jan. L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
December Schedule: Sunday School Christmas Program (no date set yet)
Christmas Eve Service – Dec 24th 5:30 pm
No Christmas Day service
Board of Education
No one present to report, Sunday School will be serving Coffee An’ on Sunday, October 29th.
After School Sunday School is still being worked on, and possibly will be held at the school and hopefully will begin soon. Discussion was held regarding when children are receiving Bibles, it will be discussed with the Board of Education at the November council meeting.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported to the council we have and will continue to do “Acts of Kindness” for our home bound members which could be visits or phone calls just checking in on our home bound members. On Sunday, Sept. 24th we served cookies and Ice Cream Sundaes during coffee an’ after church for all members and welcomed back our Sunday School children with Ice Cream sundaes, Oct 15th was Pastor Appreciation Sunday we showed our gratitude to Pastor Greg for his commitment to our congregation and enjoyed cake and ice cream and fellowship.
- Sunday, November 19th our church will celebrate “Giving Thanks” President M Hess will take care of ordering a cake for the celebration!
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board
- The water heater is up and running
- The east entrance step will be worked on soon
- The pantry door has been completed by B Maki
New Business
- Received a thank you from the Food Shelf for our donations and continuous support.
- Nominating Committee for 2024 will begin meetings and filling open positions soon, Please say “Yes” to the nominating committees calls to fill our open board positions! Our church needs you!
- Our church and many other ELCA Churches have a received a questionnaire asking our opinions regarding: Allowing Rostered Ministers of Word and Service “staff” to administer the Sacrament of Eucharist in our ELCA churches.
1. More churches are without a Pastor.
2. Trending low numbers of seminary graduates.
3. Numerous churches struggle to meet financial commitments for a full-time pastor 4. Pulpit supply isn’t always easy to find in rural areas.
5. If the parish has members that work shift work, those members might not be able to receive communion due to working on the given Sunday that the pulpit supply is able to cover.
6. Few ordained pastors are willing to bring their families up north, many feel North Mn is Duluth.
7. With little instruction lay people can give communion to the homes of members.
A motion was made by D Barstad that we support the reasoning and the financial reasoning of the request to allow staff of the Word and Service to administer communion. Motion 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved. Pastor Greg was not in attendance and the request will be given to him for his thoughts and considerations.
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by T Salo 2nd by M Boback . Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 8:30 pm
Next council meeting will be November, 21st at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 15, 2023
The meeting was called to order: at 6.30 pm August 15, 2023, by Pres. M Hess
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Greg spoke on Psalm 67 saying it is a Praising Psalm that God has blessed the whole earth with its beautiful rivers seas, fields, pastures and forests for all the people of the earth. God's people are called to praise God's many acts. Psalm 67 prays for God to continue blessing inhabitants of the whole earth which means asking God to supply that which the earth produces.
Opening Remarks by Pres. M Hess
• Vacation Bible School is being held this week having 24 children, The theme is:
K Feldt served as the Leader/Organizer/Craft Person, Katie's team includes J Dickinson, C Feldt, and C Peyla.
Release to Boards: 6:45
Resume Council meeting 7:00 pm. In attendances were Pres. M Hess, M Boback, Pastor G Anderson, J Salo, T Salo, D Shuck, W Koski, M Castle, M Mulari, M Koski, C Fallos, P Peterson, D Peterson and D Maki.
Approve Minutes of May 15, 2023. A motion was made by P Peterson, 2nd by W Koski. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for May 15, 2023 the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by M Boback to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by C Fallos. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Board of Deacons Report: P Peterson reported for the Board of Deacons
- Pulpit Replacement for Sunday. August 20th will be Ellen Taube with communion e Deacon of the month for September: J Dickinson
- Eucharist Ministry for September - D Maki & M Castle
Vacation Bible School was held August 14-18 it was a huge success having 24 kids and a very talented team of leaders the kids had a lot of games, singing, art projects, crafts, walking to the park, storytelling and tenting, It was great week learning about how Jesus loves you S' MORE THAN YOU KNOW. The week ended on Friday with a "great" noon program for family and friends with a Sloppy Joe and
Hot Dog lunch for everyone provided and served by the Stewardship Board. First day of Sunday School begins Sept.24th
The Board of education is asking for people" young or old" to give of their time to sit with our youngest children in the Nursery (those too young to begin Sunday School) A sign-up sheet will be placed on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Confirmation- Pastor will be contacting Pastor Chuck Barnes of Faith Lutheran hoping to combine confirmation students into one class.
Council Meeting May 15, 2023
Vice President M Boback called the Council Meeting to order at 6:30 pm President M Hess was out of town. VP M Boback welcomed everyone and thanked all in attendance and asked Pastor Greg for devotions. Pastor Greg spoke on what happened in the ascension of Jesus. Christians believe that after Jesus rose from the dead, he did not die a 2nd time. Instead, 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus left the Earth by being taken up, body and soul to Heaven to rejoin God the Father. This event is called the ascension, and it was witnessed by Jesus eleven remaining apostles.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting 7:12
With boards prepared and ready VP M Boback resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:12 pm
In attendance: VP M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad, D Peterson, Pastor G Anderson, K Baxter, D Shuck, J Salo, M Castle and D Maki.
Meeting Minutes of April 14 2023 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the minutes, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by J Salo to approve the treasures report, 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Board of Deacons Chairman K Baxter reported for the Bd of Deacons:
- Pulpit Replacement for Sunday, May 28th will be Alyssa Hammond
- Deacons: June - K Baxter, July – D Shuck, August – P Peterson
- Eucharist Ministry: June – D Maki & M Castle, July – Lorraine E & Yvonne T, August – K Undeland & K Baxter.
Board of Education
Last day of Sunday School will be Sunday, May 21st.
In August we will have a week long Vacation Bible School, Katie Feldt will be the lead person and Information will come out after the Mesabi East school year is done. This year Vacation Bible School will be open to our communities children.
Board of Stewardship
M Castle reported for the board:
- During the summer months we will be sending out birthday cards to members
- We will be sending cards or calling our Home Members
- We will be promoting all members to do coffee an’s, the donations for coffee an will go to fund our week of Vacation Bible School.
- Roadside Pick Up on the Giants Ridge Road will be done by Deb and Bill Maki and their grandchildren.
Board of Trustees
D Barstad reported for the Board
- Choir room cupboard door needs repaired done to the lock or a new lock is needed.
- D.Barstad reported the lawn mowing list is out and asks those mowing “If you are not able to do your assigned date check the list “early on” and switch your date with someone else. “You” need to find your own replacement.
- Air conditioners and lawnmowers are ready to cut grass.
Old Business
Reminder to Everyone, Elsie Lehtinen’s son, Tom Lehtinen, his Memorial Service will be held “Here” at Our Savior’s on Wednesday, June 21st. The Women of the church will be handling the lunch.
New Business
- Changing the time of Coffee An’ has had discussion the past month and it has been decided with input from many, that we will continue doing coffee an’ after church as usual.
- The Mutual Ministry Committee will be meeting Wednesday evening, May 16 and will be discussing the finances and budget.
- The WELCA women have set June 6th and 7th do do spring cleaning, we invite everyone to come. The more the better and the faster to get it done. We didn’t set a time but 8/9 am each day is the probable time.
Motion to Adjourn
Motion by D Peterson 2nd by M Castle
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 7:50
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting April 04-18-23
President Mary Hess welcomed all in attendance, the meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm April 18, 202 by Pres. Hess. President Hess reminded everyone the council did not meet in March as there was no business that needed attention. Pres. Hess went on extending our sincere sympathy to D Barstad and Family in the loss of Joanne and that the funeral will be held here at Our Saviors, Friday, April 21st at 10:30 am.
President Hess welcomed all in attendance and asked Pastor Greg for devotions;
Pastor Greg spoke about Holy Week and Christ’s time leading up to his assention into Heaven,
Giving us everlasting life.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting 7:30
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:30 pm
In attendance: M Hess, Pastor G Anderson, K Baxter, D Shuck, J Dickinson J Salo, D Barstad M Boback, T Salo, M Mulari, W Koski, M Castle and D Maki.
Meeting Minutes of Feb 21, 2023 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by M Boback to approve the minutes, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by D Barstad to approve the treasures report, 2nd by W Koski. Motion approved.
Deacons Report Chairman K Baxter reported for the Bd of Deacons:
Deacon for April is: J Dickinson, May is M Hess, June is M Baxter, July is D Shuck, and August is
Eucharist Ministry for March: D Maki P Peterson.
First Communion: Aria Peyla received First Communion on Easter Sunday April 9th.
High School Seniors will be presented Quilts on May 7th by our Quilting Ministry women, those Receiving quilts are Carter Skelton, Patrick Douglas, Alexa Undeland and Adriana Sheets.
Eucharist Ministry: April is L Ekman and Y Trowbridge, May is K Undeland & K Baxter, June is M Castle and D Maki.
Board of Education J Dickinson reported we will once again be hosting Vacation Bible School this summer and Katie Feldt will be the lead person in charge of organizing it, the dates have not yet been set, the board of Stewardship will once again be the kitchen crew for meals during the week. The VBS will be open for other children this year not only our church member families. Beginning now and through the summer all coffee an money will go to support VBS.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship M Castle reported:
- The Stewardship Bd will once again be the kitchen crew for the week in August when we Host our 2nd Vacation Bible School.
- Highway clean up dates are not set yet, D Maki will be in charge and will keep all members updated when it will be held.
- In Sept. the Stewardship Bd will welcome the return of fall and serve cookies and ice cream.
- The Stewardship Bd will continue to reach out to our members with cards and phone calls.
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board
- Thank you to Richard Hess for all the snow plowing of continuous snow and wind blown snow. Thank you to all who shovel and keep our side walks clear.
- Looking ahead for warmer weather to work on outside projects (east side entrance steps)
- Chairman for Bd of Deacons is D Barstad, Secretary is T Salo.
Old Business
- Spring clean up for the women of the church to be determined at the next women’s board meeting.
New Business
- Senior Sunday will be Sunday, May 7th, when our 4 seniors will be presented Quilts by our Quilting Ministry women, those Receiving quilts are Carter Skelton, Patrick Douglas, Alexa Undeland and Adriana Sheets.
- May 7th Our Church will be dedicating and thanking our Mission Groups for everything they do to help missions throughout our church, community and the world. Thank you to all who give of yourself, your time and your talents.
- Pastor will be gone April 30 th to attend the NE Synod Assembly, a pulpit supply still needed.
- Pastor will be gone May 28th and Alyssa Hammond will be filling the pulpit that day.
- Mutual Ministry meeting date to be determined to discuss concerns.
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by W Koski 2nd T Salo. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 7:45
Council Meeting February 21, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm Feb. 21, 2023 by Pres. M Hess.
President Hess welcomed all in attendance for the first regular council meeting of the year where all boards need to elect Chairman and Secretaries, additionally Pres. Hess went on to say “thank you” to all the newly appointed board members and current members who so willingly accept positions within our church, we stay busy and active in our church and community. Having no further announcements Pres. Hess asked P Peterson for devotions. P Peterson talked about kindness from Psalm 17. Thank you Pam.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting 7:05
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:05 pm
In attendance: T Salo, M Castle, K Fallos, J Salo, K Baxter D Shuck, D Barstad, M Mulari, W Koski, M Hess, P Peterson, D Peterson and D Maki
Meeting Minutes of Dec. 20, 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by W Koski to approve the minutes, 2nd by J Salo. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by P Peterson to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons
The new Chairperson will be K Baxter and P Peterson will be the Secretary
Deacon for March: P Peterson
Eucharist Ministry for March: D Maki
Board of Education
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship M Castle reported she will remain on as chairman and M Mulari will remain as the secretary to the Bd of Stewardship & Fellowship. M Castle reported she sent out get well cards, birthday cards and valentines cards to members and our home bound members, these acts of kindness continue all through the year and are so appreciated and meaningful to everyone. Chairman M Castle also reported the collection of hats, mittens and gloves were brought to our ME School and were very much appreciated. M Castle reported during Lent season “Journey to the Cross” we will be handing out labeled cans for “all” to collect their coins which will be given to the Aurora Food Shelf. The cans will be collected on Palm Sunday. As a reminder to all of us “ The month of March is Food Shelf Month and your donations to feed our hungry is so needed in our area and greatly appreciated.
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board
- Thank you to Richard Hess for all the snow plowing of continuous snow and wind blown snow. Thank you to all who shovel and keep our side walks clear.
- Looking ahead for warmer weather to work on outside projects (east side entrance steps)
- Chairman and Secretary for 2023 Trustees to be determined next month.
- Soup suppers begin Wed. March 1st at Faith Lutheran in Hoyt Lakes. Please check the schedule within this months Eye Opener for the full Soup Supper schedule.
- Installation of off 2023 of board members will be done on Sunday, Feb 26th during worship service.
- Our church will host the March 22nd Soup Supper
- Our church will host Inter Church on Tuesday, March 28th talk to J Salo or P Peterson with questions.
- Spring clean up for the women of the church to be determined at the next women’s board meeting.
Motion to Adjourn by P Peterson 2nd W Koski. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 7:45
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
February 2023
Our Saviors’s Lutheran Church
2022 Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 22, 2023
President M Hess called the meeting to order at 11:15 am, in attendance were 27 members, the meeting was held in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service.
President Hess welcomed and thanked everyone stating, “we keep busy!” Special thanks was given to the snow plowers and shovelers, the quilters, the bandage rollers, our efforts to support the local food shelf and the schools kids closet, we accomplish so much for our small church in our community and the world.
President M Hess called for a motion to accept the minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting. A motion was made by M Boback, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Pastors Report: in addition to Pastor Greg’s report in the Annual Report, Pastor Greg thanked us for a great year and all the ventures we do, saying: “he looks forward to continuing God’s work with us.”
President M Hess reported we held 2 Executive/Special Council meetings: *1/23/22 we extended Pastor Greg Anderson’s call as our Pastor.
*5/22/22 we voted to purchase a new furnace to replace the old furnace.
President M Hess called for a motion to accept/approve the following reports as presented: Pastor Greg Anderson’s Report, Presidents Report, Parochial Report, Deacons, Trustees, Treasures, Financial Secretary, Stewardship, Education, Living Memorial Fund, WELCA, WELCA Treasurer, Voyager’s Lutheran Ministry.
President M Hess asked for volunteers to fill open positions on the following boards The boards still needing volunteers are:
- The Nominating Committee(5) positions. Those volunteering are M Hess, D Maki, D Shuck, P Peterson, D Peterson
- NEMN Synod/Laurentian Conference (2) positions.
President M Hess thanked all those volunteering to fill the open positions for the Nominating Committee. Having a slate of candidates. Pres. M Hess asked for a vote to approve the Nominating Committee Report. A motion was made by K Dickinson 2nd by M Mulari. Motion approved.
Having a completed slate of officers for election Pres. M Hess asked for a motion to waive constitution C11.03 to allow succession of officers, motion moved by M Boback, 2nd by J Salo. Motion approved.
Old Business:
New Business:
- Treasurer, T Salo presented the 2023 budget having no questions or changes a motion by D Barstad to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
- M Boback informed all present to “be sure” all lights are checked and “turned off” before leaving the church. Electricity is very expensive!
- M Boback reported the individual final financial reports were placed in your mailboxes the end of December, it was noticed that some were crumbled and stuffed into another mail box. Please contact M Boback if you are missing your yearend financial report.
Having no other new business President M Hess thanked all our members who work so hard doing God’s work. President Hess asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion by M Boback 2nd by K Dickinson. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully Submitted,
D Maki Council Secretary
Council Meeting December 20, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm December 20, 2022 by Pres. M Hess
President Hess welcomed all in attendance having no announcements and asked Pastor Greg for devotions. Pastor Greg talked about the Native Americans and how the winter season is looked at as a restful time of year; for most of us the winter season brings the celebration of Jesus birth and being thankful and praising God for his son that gives his faithful followers everlasting life.
Release to Boards 6:45
Council Meeting 7:00
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:00 pm
In attendance: T Salo, M Boback, M Castle, K Fallos, J Salo, J Dickinson, D Shuck, D Barstad, M Mulari, Janet Salo, Deb Maki
Meeting Minutes of Nov 15, 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by M Boback to approve the minutes, 2nd by J Dickinson. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Boback to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Budget for 2023 was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no changes a motion was made by D Barstad to approve the 2023 Budget, 2nd by M Boback. Motion approved.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons
Deacon for January 2023: Will be D Shuck
Eucharist Ministry for January 2023 will be L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
Pulpit Replacement for January 1, 2023: Mary Hess
Board of Education J Dickinson reported the Christmas Program and Brunch was enjoyed by all, the kids had a great time doing the program and also helped serve the brunch (our future kitchen crew) A huge thank you to our leaders Jill and Jenna who do an outstanding job with our children. The brunch offerings were given to the Aurora Food Shelf who was very excited to receive during this high demand time of year!
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported the Stewardship Board continues to encourage coffee an money be given to the Local Food Shelf, the need for feeding the hungry is at a high point in our area. Mary also informed the council the Stewardship Board will be doing their 2nd year of asking for your donations of hats, mittens scarfs and gloves for our Mesabi East School kids “Grab and Go” project, a basket for your donations is located in the Narthex for, we will continue with the project through January. Pres. M Castle reported that in Nov. and Dec. the Stewardship Board has focused on being “Good Stewards” to our church and community, please continue to be diligent about ways we all can be involved being “Good Stewards” of our time, talents and our money.
Chairman M Castle informed the council the Stewardship Board will continue to do many projects in 2023 including:
- Acts of Kindness to members in need will be ongoing throughout the year.
- Lenten Journey to the Cross (soup can coin collection) for Food Shelf.
- Vacation Bible School help in kitchen & Picnic,
- Spring Road-side Pick Up
- Welcome Sunday School back with Ice cream and treats
- Celebrating “Giving Thanks Service”with cake and ice cream
- Assist with Sunday School brunch
- “Grab and Go” A collection of hats and mittens for ME School kids.
Board of Trustees T Salo reported for the Trustee Board
- Thank you to Richard Hess for all his snowplowing the past week with our almost 2’ of heavy wet snow, with running a business and having breakdowns he still got the church open for Sunday Service.
Old Business
- Nominating Committee completed its work finding new board members with a few exceptions that will be filled at the annual meeting on January 22, 2023.
- Pastor Greg had a call and request from Pastor Barnes asking us if we would be interested in participating in Lenten Soup Suppers and Services, at this time we do not know what churches would be involved and are waiting to hear how the Inter Church Committee is feeling on the matter; our Women’s group sounds favorable to being involved.
- The Annual meeting date will be held Sunday, January 22, 2023 immediately following the worship service in the fellowship hall! Please everyone make plans to attend.
- Reminder to everyone December 31st is the due date for all boards/committees to have their Annual Reports into Kelly in the office. Please be diligent in doing this! Thank you!
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by D Barstad 2nd by Tim S. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 7:30.
The Annual Meeting will be January 22, 2023 immediately following worship service all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
Council Meeting October 18, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm October 18, 2022 by Pres. M Hess
President Hess welcomed all
We were led by Pastor Greg he spoke on Psalms 84; the focus of Psalm 84 is the Delight of worship where our eyes are focused on God in a temple, in today's time our churches are our temple where we focus on our Lord.
Pastors Report
Confirmation is Sunday, Oct. 30th those being confirmed are Nick Butzke, Emily Forrett, Ethan Douglas and Miikah Honkola, Wednesday the 26th the confirmands pictures will be taken and a family dinner will be held at the church.
Pastor Greg also informed the council there are no confirmation students this school year that will be confirmed in October of 23; additionally Pastor continues to meet on Wednesday’s with a group of youth to play a biblical version of Dungeons and Dragons.
Release to Boards 7:20
Council Meeting
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20 pm, in attendance: Pastor Greg, T Salo, M Castle, J Salo, D Maki, Pres. M Hess, W Koski, and D Shuck.
Meeting minutes of Sept., 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by W Koski to approve the minutes, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Castle to approve the treasures report, 2nd by W Koski. Motion approved.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons
Nov. 6th Pastor will be gone and Pastor Art Dale will be with us.
Deacon for Nov: J Salo
Deacon for Dec: covered by all Deacons
Eucharist Ministry for Nov: K Undeland and K Baxter
Confirmation will be Oct. 30
Confirmands: N Butzke, E Douglas, M Honkola and E Forrett.
December Schedule: 12.18 Sunday School Program
12.24 Christmas Eve Service – 5:30 pm
12:25 No church service Sunday, Christmas Day
Live Streaming our worship services were discussed and will be worked on.
Board of Education Christmas Program will be December 18th during worship.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported: September was Service Month in our ELCA Churches, Mary reported we contacted or visited home members and will continue to do “Acts of Kindness” throughout the year. M Castle also reported the Stewardship Board is encouraging coffee an’ money starting in Oct. be given to the Local Food shelf, the need for feeding the hungry is at a high point in our area. Mary also informed the council the Stewardship Board will be doing their 2nd year of asking for your donations of hats, mittens and gloves for our Mesabi East School kids “Grab and Go” project, in December a basket for donations will be placed in the Narthex for collections. Deb Maki reported the months of Nov. and Dec. the Stewardship Board will focus on being good Stewards to our church; Please watch the November and December Eye Opener for ways we can be “Good Stewards”.
Board of Trustees T Salo reported for the Trustee Board
- The replacement of the furnace is installed and after a few hick-ups is running well.
- Tim reported and discussed with the board a preliminary budget for 2023 additional work will be done and voted on at our Nov. Council meeting.
Old Business
- The Executive Committee will be looking at updating job descriptions for the church’s hired positions. Pastor, Secretary and Cleaning person. (still in process)
- Mutual Ministry Committee member C Worshek has moved and in Dec. she will be replaced by the Nominating Committee in December, current members are: T Salo, M Boback, D Maki, T Honkola and J Dickinson.
- Received a request for financial support from ELCA Mission Outreach – No action taken.
- Serving on the Nominating Committee are: M Hess, Kate Undeland, D Shuck, P LaFrenier, K Baxter, 1 person is needed.
- Lefse Rolling with the original recipe will begin:
Thursday, Nov 3rd - Rolling, Rolling and more Rolling, packaging, then clean up!
Friday, Nov 4th - Selling and pick up of orders.
Sunday, Nov 6th - Continue clean-up and hauling things to the basement storage.
We encourage Men,Women, and Teens to help with Lefse Rolling
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by J Salo 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 8:10 pm
Next council meeting will be Nov 22 at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable”.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, our Aurora, Mn
Council Meeting September 20, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm September 20, 2022 by Pres. M Hess
President Hess welcomed Fall and informed the council she received a message from secretary Kelly that a couple looking for a Lutheran Church left a message on the answering machine, President Hess returned the call and left them a message to return her call.
Were lead by Pastor Greg he spoke on Psalms 112 “Good will come to him who is Generous and lends freely”.
Release to Boards 7:41
Council Meeting
With boards prepared and ready Pres. M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20 pm, in attendance: Pastor Greg, M Boback, T Salo, J Dickinson, M Castle, K Fallos, M Mulari, P Peterson, J Salo and D Maki.
Meeting minutes of Aug. 16, 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by P Peterson to approve the minutes, 2nd by J Dickinson. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Boback to approve the treasures report, 2nd by D Maki. Motion approved. D Maki updated the council the costs for Vacation Bible School a transfer of funds to the Board of Ed account will be done by the church treasurer.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons
Oct. 9 Pastor will be gone, and Pastor Art Dale will be r
Deacon for Oct:M Hess,
Deacon for Nov: J Salo
Deacon for Dec: covered by all Deacons
Readers for Sept:not available
Eucharist Ministry for Oct: L Ekman and Y Trowbridge
Confirmation will be Oct. 30
Confirmands: N Butzke, E Douglas, M Honkola
December Schedule: 12.18 Sunday School Program
12.24 Christmas Eve Service – 5:30 pm
12:25 No church service Sunday, Christmas Day
Live Streaming our worship services were discussed and will be working on it.
Board of Education J Dickinson reported for the Board of Education,
Sunday school began on Sept 18th the kids gave the congregation a fun robust entrance with them marching in, singing all the songs they learned in our 1st ever Vacation Bible School.
An exciting arm waving time for the kids that put big smiles and applauses from their church audience. They dismissed to Sunday school and are anxious for a fun filled year.
Jill reported the kids will be serving coffee an Sunday Oct 25th.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported that September was Service Month in our ELCA Churches we have and will continue to do “Acts of Kindness” for our shut in members which could be visits or phone calls just checking in on home bound members. On Sunday Sept. 18th we had an Ice Cream Social after church for all members and welcomed back our Sunday School children with Ice Cream Sundaes. D Maki is in charge of our section of our churches road side pick up on Hwy 138 heading to Giants Ridge, she and her grandchildren have taken care of our churches section the past few years. M Castle also reported the Stewardship Board is encouraging coffee an money starting in Oct. be given to the Local Food shelf the need for feeding the hungry is at a high point in our area. Mary also informed the council the Stewardship Board will also be doing their 2nd year of asking for your donations of hats, mittens and gloves for our Mesabi East School kids “Grab and Go” project; a basket for donations will be placed in the Narthex for collections. D Maki reported she will be working to put out “Good Stewardship and Fellowship” information to all member of the congregation.
Board of Trustees M Boback reported for the Trustee Board
- The replacement of the furnace is installed, a cleaning solution is being circulated within the pipes after it’s completion the furnace will be ready to provide us heat!
- The Fellowship hall and rooms need to be cleaned (no report of progress)
Old Business
- The Executive Committee will be looking at updating job descriptions for the church’s hired positions. Pastor, Secretary and Cleaning person. (still being worked on)
- Kitchen and building use schedules need to be kept on a calendar where we can look back and see who has been scheduled and used the church facility for gatherings. Pres. M Hess will talk to Kelly to arrange a written schedule.
- Mutual Ministry Committee member C Worshek has moved and in Dec. she will be replaced. Current members are T Salo, M Boback, D Maki, T Honkola and J Dickinson.
- Questions and concerns with the Alter Committee, Pres. M Hess will meet and talk with them.
New Business
- Request for Habitat for Humanity – No action
- Received a call from a a couple interested in worshiping with us, call was returned and message given to return their call.
- Nominating Committee sheets reminder to Kelly to be prepared.
- P Peterson asked for a motion to close the Choir account. Motion by J Dickinson, 2nd by J Salo. Motion approved.
- Pres. M Hess Thanked all who helped with clean up after the brunch she served to her graduating class memorial service that was held at our church before worship.
- Pastor Greg will be on vacation for 7 Days including Sunday,Oct 9 Pastor Art Dale will be his replacement; Pastor will be out of the area and not available.
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by M Boback 2nd by M Hess. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lord Prayer at 8:30 pm
Next council meeting will be October 18 at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
Council Meeting August, 16, 2022
The meeting was called to order 6:30 pm August 16, 2022 by Pres. M Hess.
Opening Remarks: Pres. Hess talked about our Vacation Bible School held here at our church it’s been busy fun
and rewarding, we’ve had 24 children, lead by a wonderful team with K Feldt as the Creator and
organizer/leader, team leaders are J & J Dickinson, K Peyela, C Feldt, M Honkola, kitchen helpers are M Hess, J
Salo and D Maki, Friday’s lunch was prepared and served by the kitchen crew and the Board of Stewardship,
Pastor Greg was here Tuesday to join in with the VBS fun.
President Hess informed and asked for prayers for D Peterson and J & M Nelson.
Devotions and prayers we’re lead by Pastor Greg he spoke on “Praise the Lord for Goodness & Strength”.
Council Meeting
With all boards prepared for the council meeting M Hess resumed with the regular council meeting at 7:20
pm, in attendance: M Boback, T Salo, K Dickinson, D Barstad, M Honkola, M Castle, K Fallos, W Koski, D Maki, J
Dickinson, P Peterson, J Salo, and Pastor Greg.
Meeting minutes of May 17, 2022 were presented by Council Secretary D Maki
A motion was made by P Peterson to approve the minutes, 2nd by J Dickinson. Motion approved.
Treasurers Report was presented by Treas. T Salo, having no questions a motion was made by M Boback to
approve the treasures report, 2nd by K Dickinson. Motion approved.
Deacons Report J Salo reported for the Bd of Deacons: the Deacon for Sept. will be J Dickinson; Y Trowbridge
and L Ekman will serve for the Eucharist Ministry.
J Salo reported when Pastor was gone Sunday, May 29th he was replaced by M Hess, Pastor Art Dale was out
with Covid. Thank you to M Hess. For filling in you did an awesome job.
Chairman J Salo informed the council we will need pulpit replacement on October 9th . Chairman Salo also
reported that May 8th we honored our graduates S & S Hakala, C Long, E Skelton & J Undeland, Pastor Greg
made it a “fun” entertaining and memorable experience, they were presented with a quilt from our quilters
group. We are down 2 Deacons and are looking for replacements, please prayerfully consider filling the open
spots when asked!
Board of Education J Dickinson reported for the Board of Education, for the 1st time ever our church is holding
Vacation Bible School this week August 15-19, K Feldt is our lead organizer of the 5 day event we have 24
wonderful kids attending that are having a great time! Our leader Katie Feldt has worked so hard and long
putting this week together, the team of leaders are wonderful and it has been rewarding for all involved in the
J Dickinson also reported that Sunday Schools Rally Day will be Sunday, September 18th when the Stewardship
Board will have an Ice Cream Social during coffee an after church.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship
Chairman M Castle reported that September is Service Month in our ELCA Churches we have several things in
the brew and will be doing “Acts of Kindness” which could be visits or phone calls just checking in on home
bound members. On Sunday Sept. 18th we will have an Ice Cream Social after church for all members and will
welcome back our Sunday School children with the Ice Cream social that day as well. Road side pick up will be
done again this fall on our 2 mile stretch on the giants Ridge road, M Castle also reported the Stewardship
Board will be serving the Vacation Bible School lunch on Friday, August 19th after the program to celebrate
their great fun filled week!
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported
• The replacement of the furnace is underway the old furnace has been removed and the new furnace
has been ordered and will be installed as soon as it arrives.
• The Fellowship hall and rooms need to be cleaned. Calls will be made to set up a cleaning date.
Old Business
• The Executive Committee will be looking at updating job descriptions for the church’s hired positions.
Secretary/Cleaning person
• The Mutual Ministry Committee C Worshek has moved and in Dec. she will be replaced.
New Business
• Vacation Bible School funding tally will be updated for our Sept meeting
• Kitchen and building use schedule needs to be kept on a calendar where we can look back and see who
has been scheduled and used the church facility for gatherings. Pres. M Hess will talk to Kelly to
arrange a written schedule.
• Mutual Ministry Committee member C Worshek has moved and in Dec. she will be replaced. Current
members are T Salo, M Boback, D Maki, T Honkola and J Dickinson.
• Questions and concerns with the Alter Committee, Pres. M Hess will meet and talk with them.
A motion to adjourn was made by T Salo, 2nd by K Dickinson. Motion approved.
Adjourned with the Lords Prayer 8:15pm
Next council meeting will be September 20 at 6:30 pm all members and friends of the
congregation are welcome to attend. You are our church and your input is valuable.
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and
God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church and your input is valuable
Council Meeting April 19, 2022
The meeting was called to order: 6:30 pm April 19, 2022, by President M Hess
Opening Remarks by President M Hess, thank you to those who helped with Coffee An’ Easter Sunday morning before church. Topics for tonight’s meeting: Special Congregational meeting held to vote on Roofing Project estimates, May Pulpit Replacement, Quilt Dedication, Senior Recognition, Gas Leak.
Devotions were given by Pastor Greg
Released to Special Meeting for the Roof Project:
In attendance we’re: K Fallos, L Kallio, M Castle, W Koski, D Maki, J Dickinson, P LaFrenier, J Salo, D Shuck, M Hess, P Skelton, D Skelton, B Maki, D Undeland, K Undeland, M Honkola, K Dickinson, D Barstad, J Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, T Honkola, M Honkola, M Mulari, D Boback, Pastor G Anderson, R Trowbridge, & Y Trowbridge.
D Skelton presented the roofing bid received by Perrault Construction having 3 different roofing options, after much discussion and analyzing each option a motion was made by M Boback to accept the shingle bid of $37,750 half being paid upfront $18,875 and the other half being paid at completion of the project along with additional roofing expense to cover underlayment expenses and unseen problems it could cost between 50 to 60K total for the project The motion was 2nd by K Dickinson, ,motion unanimously approved. A Motion was made by D Barstad to use funds from the building fund and various available other funds to complete the roofing project, 2nd by M Boback. Motion unanimously approved.
President M Hess made a-motion for people to work and oversee the Roofing Committee, those volunteering and accepting appointments are D Barstad, D Skelton, T Salo and M Boback, 2nd by K Undeland. Motion unanimously approved.
Resumed with the Regular Council Meeting April 19, 2022 at 7:50
Council meeting in attendance: Pres. M Hess, W Koski, M Castle, K Fallos, D Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, J Salo, K Dickinson, P LaFrenier, J Barstad, D Boback, J Dickinson, J Salo, D Shuck, P LaFrenier, T & M Honkola, D Maki.
Approve minutes of March 15, 2022. M Boback noted that B Getman’s name was omitted when thanking those who participated in the Celtic Christian Service on Sunday, April 3rd, Beth played the violin in the group and it was a beautiful addition to the service, I apologize for not recognizing Beth we are grateful and thankful for you and your talents. A motion to accept the minutes for March 15th with corrections was made by W Koski, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Treasurers report was presented by Treas. T Salo a motion was made by M Boback to approve the Treasurers Report, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons
- J Dickinson will serve as Deacon for April and M Hess will serve the month of May. Eucharist Ministry person for the month of May will be L Ekman and Y Trowbridge. J Salo reported Senior Recognition will be Sunday, May 8th we have 4 seniors being recognized; Serri and Stevie Hakala, Evan Skelton and Jacob Undeland. Quilts from the quilting ladies will be dedicated on Sunday, May 15th.
- Pulpit Replacement will be needed for May 1st Alyssa Hammond will be with us that day.
- Pulpit Replacement will be needed for May 29th Rev Art Dale will be with us that day. Pastor will be attending the NE MN Synod Assembly.
- P LaFrenier regretfully informed the Board of Deacons that she would be resigning her Deacon position on the Board. Pamela will be starting a new position within her job and time and other commitments will not allow her the time needed to continue on with the Board. We now have an open position if anyone is interested in the position. Please talk to Janet Salo or any council board member.
Board of Education: J Dickinson Reported the Sunday schools last day will be May 15th the kids will have a song during the children’s sermon and a fun outing is being planned for the kids to end the year.
Our church is talking about having a “Day Camp” this summer for kids, it’s in the talking/planning stage. We will need volunteers please contact Katie Feldt if you can help; We plan to keep it on a small scale as we need to see how it works out getting volunteers.
Stewardship & Fellowship: M Castle reported:
- Lenten cans labeled “Journey to the Cross” were collected on Palm Sunday with the donations going to the Aurora Food shelf. Thank you everyone for your donations to feed our hungry neighbors in need.
- The board received a very nice thank you from K Baxter, the card is placed on the bulletin board for all to read.
- Roadside Pick up will be done as soon as the snow melts and the ground drys. Our 2 mile section is on the Giants Ridge Rd and the date will be announced in church the Sunday before the date is set. We ask for people to come out and help with the trash pick up, it only takes an hour or so and it’s a fun time!
- The Stewardship and Fellowship Board asks members to sign up to supply coffee an’ for after worship services. The sign up sheet is always on the serving counter in the fellowship hall. Thank You everyone always enjoys treats!
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported:
- The mowing list is done and given to Kelly you will receive postcards to remind you of your assigned week.
- The Roofing project is underway the voting took place just before this council meeting started and the roofing will begin soon. Thank you to all the people attending and voting on the Roofing Project.
Old Business:
New Business:
- Pastor Greg announced he will be conducting a New Member Class we have 2 young families and a single woman who recently moved to our town, a welcome reception will be held after church the Sunday they be become members.
- D Maki announced interest in holding a Day Camp at our church this summer with K Feldt being excited to being the organizer. Camp Vermilion is not offering a Day Camp they have not been able to find the staff to run day camps at area churches or at Camp Vermilion.
- M & D Boback are our representatives to the NE MN Synod Assembly held the end of May and will not be attending; the cost to attend is extremely high for the 3 days about $1000 dollars; the council showing agreement with their thoughts of it being too expensive supports their decision to not attend; Pastor Greg will be attending the Synod Assembly and will pass along the information to our church.
- Talicia and Pastor will be taking the 6th 7th and 8th grade students to Camp Vermilion on May 6-8th for a retreat and work day. All the youth of the church are invited to attend, the work day portion of the retreat the kids will be painting an unkept cabin at the camp. They will be staying in the Bak House for no charge and supplied lunch on Saturday by the camp staff, our church will supply funds for the other meals needed through out the rest of the stay. The Bak house has a full kitchen, living and sleeping for 30 people. The kids attending will have a great time working and enjoying God’s Great North Woods. Anyone wanting to donate treats/baked goodies for the weekend are welcome to do so. Contact Talicia beforehand so she would know in advance.
Motion to adjourn by J Salo 2nd by M Boback
Closed with the Lords Prayer 8:20pm
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.
All members and Friends of the congregation are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, May 17, 2022
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting March 15, 2022
The meeting was called to order: 6:30 pm March. 15, 2022 by President M Hess
Opening Remarks and Agenda by President M Hess:
- Thank you to M Boback for the new rugs in the entry way.
- [i]Thank you to all that assisted on Tuesday, March 8th when we had a gas leak in the church where the Fire Dept, police and gas company were called, thank you K West, D Barstad, M Boback for your work done the day of and days afterward.
- Thank you to D Boback and Pastor Greg and C Worshek for the the Celtic Christian Service on Sunday, March 13, the congregation especially loved the music and Pastor Greg’s kilt and his moms Irish clothing. Also thank you T Honkola for posting pictures to our Facebook page.
- Thank you to our WELCA group for their $100 donation of diapers to the Aurora Food Shelf and to Walmart giving an additional $50 donation of diapers making it a $150 donation.
- Pastor Greg’s Letter of Call, Installation Service will be Sunday, April 3rd joining with us will be Reverend Amy Odgren, Bishop of the NEMN Synod.
- Sunday, Match 27th the Sunday school will be serving a Chili Feed Lunch after the service.
- Tuesday, April 26th our church will be hosting Inter-Church and will be serving coffee an’.
Devotions were given by P Peterson
Released to Boards at 6:45
Council meeting 7:15pm In attendance Pres. M Hess, Vice Pres. C Worshek, W Koski, M Castle, K Fallos, D Peterson, D Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, J Salo, P Peterson, J Dickinson, P LaFrenier, D Maki
Approve minutes of Feb 15, 2022. A motion was made by C Worshek, 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Treasurers report was presented by Treas. T Salo a motion was made by M Boback to approve the Treasurers Report, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons, J Dickinson will serve as Deacon for April, Eucharist Ministry person at this time is unknown. J Salo reported Senior Recognition will be Sunday, May 15th and the Quilts from the quilting ladies will be dedicated on May 15th as well.
Board of Education: J Dickinson Reported the Sunday school will be serving up a Chili Feed on Sunday, March 27th the funds raised will go to the Aurora Food Shelf. Jill also informed that on Maundy Thursday there will be child/children receiving First Communion.
Stewardship & Fellowship: M Castle reported:
- The Grab and Go mittens and hats were very much appreciated by the ME Elementary school and kids and the Stewardship Board will do this needed project again in Jan of 2023 and suggest that we keep our eyes out for mittens and hats in preservation for next year’s collection.
- Lenten Season the board continues to promote FoodShelf donations to the needy during coffee an’.
- Lenten cans labeled “Journey to the Cross “are available in a basket in the Narthex for all to take and drop coins into at home, the money will go to the Aurora Food Shelf to support our hungry people in our area. On Palm Sunday please bring your cans with you for a special collection held during the worship service.
Board of Trustees D Barstad reported:
- Mower repairs will be done by K Dickinson
- The gas leak repairs are being dealt with
- Talk has begun on the church roof with a couple companies no bids yet.
Old Business:
New Business: Received Easter Service advertising information from the Mesabi Tribune, after discussion we will keep our advertising local with the East Range Shopper for our Easter Holy week advertising.
Motion to adjourn by P Peterson 2nd by P LaFrenier
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer 7:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.
All members and Friends of the congregation are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, April 19, 2022
The meeting was called to order: 6:30 pm Feb. 15, 2022 by President M Hess
Opening Remarks and Agenda by President M Hess:
*Pastor Greg’s Letter of call officially approved by the congregation at a special congregational meeting on Jan 23, 2022 held before the Annual meeting. Pastors Installation date will be determined at a later date and announced.
*Welcome new council members and scheduling council meetings for 2022.
*Reorganization of all boards elect chairman’s, secretaries and set goals for each boards and assign duties.
*Topics of discussion: Snow shoveling, parking lot power pole, Lenten. Services/Easter.
*Pastors Comments/Devotions/Prayers
Released to Boards at 6:45
Council meeting 7:15pm In attendance Pres. M Hess, Vice Pres. C Worshek, M Mulari, W Koski, M Castle, K Fallos, D Maki, D Peterson, D Barstad, T Salo, M Boback, K Dickinson, J Salo, P Peterson, K Peyla, J Dickinson, P LaFrenier, J Barstad
Approve minutes of Dec. 21, 2021. A motion was made by D Peterson, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Treasurers report for Dec 2021 was presented by Treas. T Salo a motion was made by P Peterson to approve the Treasurers Report, 2nd by M Boback. Motion approved
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating J Salo will serve as Chairman and P Peterson will serve as Secretary for the ensuring year; P Peterson will serve as Deacon for March and D Maki will be doing Eucharist Ministry for March; J Salo also reported Pastors Installation will be planned after hearing back from the Synod with a date for his Installation; J Salo also reported they will be setting up a Deacons schedule for the Lent season.
Board of Education: J Dickinson Reported that she would be serving as Chairman/secretary of the Board of Education, their board consists of young mothers who have young children when evening meetings are mostly not possible to attend and communication is handled thru texts and it works well.
J Dickinson shared a young person wanting to send her children to Sunday School and found no advertising of churches offering Sunday School, D Maki stated she has contacted the Shopper asking to include Sunday School in our ad, some way it had been removed? J Dickinson also stated new ways of promoting our SS will be looked at; the board will also be looking to add more children’s. books to our church library.
Stewardship & Fellowship: M Castle reported that M Castle will be the chairman and Mulari will be the secretary.
Goals for the Stewardship Board in 2022 are:
*January: Mittens and Hats will be collected for the Mesabi East elementary students the project “Grab and Go” will happen again in 2023, the school was very grateful receiving the many items donated in Feb 2022 from our congregation.
*Lenten Season the board will promote FoodShelf donations to the needy during coffee an’
*Roadside pick up will be done in the spring and the fall.
*Spring the flowers will be planted in the big pots and in the church sign planter.
*July an Ice Cream Rootbeer Float Social is planned.
*November is Service month where we will recognize our Pastor and Fill In Pastors plus thanking our Fire Department with fresh baked cookies.
*November is Stewardship month where we will be thanking all our people with their money, time and talents given to do “Gods Work. Our Hands.” By serving cake and ice cream.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported that he is the Chairman and D Worshek is the secretary, that the snow shoveling list may need some tweaking, for next year K Dickinson will ready the mowing equipment, work will continue as needed on any church repairs, D Barstad worked on installing vents for the left furnace room, many thanks to Don for all his work and thanks to R Hess for providing snow removal; Many thanks to all the members for keeping up with snow shoveling as our winter continues you all are so appreciated. D Barstad reported the trustees will continue to get bids on the church roof none have been found yet, lastly the light pole has been straightened by MN power.
Old Business:
New Business:
*Lent service times will all take place at 5:30 in the evening, there will be no Inter Church services or soup suppers this year, during the lent season being there will be no Inter Church soup suppers and no offerings going to Food Shelf and NEMA, please during the month of March consider your Food Shelf offerings and NEMA; the Month of March is MN Food Share Month which should help our food shelf in Aurora.
* We have hired a cleaning person she began the 1st week of February, D Maki will be the contact person with her if anyone has suggestions or questions please contact D Maki.
Motion to adjourn by M Boback, 2nd by D Peterson
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer 7:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Council Secretary, D Maki
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings.
“You are our Church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.
All members and Friends of the congregation are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, March 16, 2022
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, December 21, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6.35 pm Dec. 21, 2021 by Pres. M Boback
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pam Peterson
Opening Remarks by Pres. M Boback with Agenda Topics:
Agenda Topics:
- Church Cleaning Position
- Nominating Committee progress update
- Covid suggestions from the Synod
- Regular posted hours for the Church Secretary
- Advertising in Northern Adventures church page
Release to Boards: 6:45
Resume Council meeting 7:15 pm. In attendances were Pres. M Boback, Vice Pres. M Hess, J Salo, T Salo, D Barstad, D Shuck, M Castle, M Mulari, P Peterson, D Peterson and D Maki.
Approve Minutes of Nov. 16, 2021. A motion was made by T Salo, 2nd by M Hess. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for Nov 16, 2021 the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by D Peterson to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Board Reports:
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating she would be serving as Deacon of the Month for January and J Salo also reported L Ekman & Y Trowbridge will be handling Eucharist ministry for the month of January. Christmas Eve Service will be Friday, December 24th at 5:30 pm and at the November council meeting it was decided we would not have worship service on Sunday, Dec. 26th when Pastor Greg would be gone.
Board of Education: No one present but Pres. Mark Boback gave a “Huge Thank You” to the Sunday School for the wonderful Christmas program, it was “Awesome” and the talent was “Amazing”! Pres. Boback also thanked all those who contributed to the brunch afterwards with their donations and help!
Stewardship and Fellowship: M Castle reported that in the month of January the Stewardship Board will hold a “Grab and Go Hat and Mitten Drive” for the Mesabi east elementary grade school children. A box or basket will be placed in the Narthex where everyone can contribute to this needed project for our elementary students; the 1st week in February our donations will be delivered to the Mesabi East School where children in need can “Grab and Go” with hats, mittens and scarves, to keep them warm!
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported for the Trustees:
- Furnace repairs have been completed and it is up and running.
- Snowmobile signs will be placed in the church yard to keep riders off our lawns.
- In last month’s minutes of Nov 16, 2021 D Maki omitted to include a motion by T Salo to give the remainder of money in Notes & Wraps to the Aurora Area Food Shelf, 2nd by M Hess. Motion approved.
- Church Cleaning position was discussed and an interested person has been found. She will be assigned job duties that need to be done each week and work on other duties as time allows by our monthly budgeted amount.
- Church computer replacement is in process and will be installed as soon as the computer tech. has time to get to it.
- D Maki reported for the nominating committee that most all positions have been filled but a few remain. Please respond with a YES, our church needs you!
- Reminder to all committees and boards that their annual reports are due in Kelly’s office in digital format for the Annual Report by December 24th.
- Our church treasurer T Salo went through our trustee approved proposed budget for 2022, the budget will be presented at the Annual Meeting Sunday, January 23, 2022 immediately following worship service. A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the 2022 budget 2nd by M castle. Motion approved.
- Discussion was held about having some posted hours for our church secretary, many people have wanted this in the past and it would be good for Pastor to have the secretary available when he is here. M Hess made a motion to have Pres. Boback talk with our secretary to come up with hours that will work best for the Sec. and Pastor, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
- Discussion was held regarding us making changes to our weekly bulletins this will be a topic of discussion at our February council meeting.
- Northern Adventures Advertising asked us to consider advertising: No interest was shown by our council.
- Reminder to all: The Annual meeting is Sunday, January 23, 2022 immediately following worship service.
- February 16th 2022 will be the organizational board meeting of all our church boards. Current chairman please call all board members in advance to attend the reorganizational meeting where you will make agendas for the year. This is an important meeting to attend.
Adjourned at 8:30 pm with the Lord’s Prayer.
Annual Meeting, January 23rd 2022 immediately following worship.
Next regular Council meeting, February 16th, 2022
Respectfully, D Maki Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members and friends of the church attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
All are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, Tuesday, February 16th, 2022
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6.40 pm Nov. 16, 2021 by Pres. M Boback
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor G Anderson
Opening Remarks by Pres. M Boback with Agenda Topics:
Agenda Topics:
- Church Cleaning Position
- Nominating Committee
- Budget
- Christmas Eve Service
- Furnace
Release to Boards:
Resume Council meeting 7:15 pm. In attendances were Pres. M Boback, Vice Pres. M Hess, Pastor Greg Anderson, J Salo, T Salo, D Barstad, D Shuck, W Koski, M Castle, M Mulari and D Maki.
Approve Minutes of Oct. 18,2021. A motion was made by M Hess 2nd by W Koski. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for Oct 18, 2021 the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by T Salo to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating P Peterson would be serving as Deacon of the Month for December; J Salo informed the council there is a new pulpit replacement list out; Pastor A Dale provided pulpit supply Nov. 7th and he and the congregation enjoyed having him back filling in it had been a long time. Janet also reported D Maki will be handling Eucharist ministry for the month of December. Christmas Eve service was discussed having input from all in attendance. Christmas Eve Service will be Friday, December 24th at 5:30 pm; after continued discussion the council voted to not hold a Sunday worship service on Sunday, Dec. 26th when Pastor Greg will be gone. A motion was made by M Hess to forego Sunday worship service on Sunday, Dec. 26th, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved. J Salo also reported the Women of our church will be having their Annual Thank Offering Service this coming Sunday, Nov. 21 during worship service.
Board of Education: D Maki reported the Christmas Program will be held during worship service on Sunday, Dec. 19th with a brunch to follow. Everyone is invited!
Stewardship and Fellowship: M Castle reported November is Stewardship Month. The Board will serve coffee and cake on November 21 in honor of Stewardship Month; the cake will read “Giving Thanks” to go along with the Women’s annual “Thank Offering Service” held that day; Donations will be given to the local Food Shelf. M Castle also reported the Stewardship Board has been working on updating members and families address and contact information. The Stewardship board asks all members and friends of the congregation to call the church office with updated information when it changes.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board:
- City of Aurora is getting too much water in their system, every household and business needs to have their sump pumps inspected by February 28, 2022.
- Furnace needs some plumbing repairs; we are still waiting for the plumber to complete the work.
The church cleaning position was discussed and a committee was formed to figure out just what we need and want. The committee consists of M Hess, W Koski and D Maki. They will meet and bring it to the exec council for a vote of approval.
New Business:
Pres. M Boback reported the Nominating Committee made up of D Maki, P & D Peterson, D Worshek and K Baxter will begin meetings to fill the open board positions. He asks that when they call that everyone is willing and open to accept a position. The Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. Please say YES to the Nominating Committee when they call!
Don Reported the freezer is old and quit working. It was voted to purchase a new 7 cubic foot freezer from Menards costing $229 it comes with an 11% discount which will be used for church supplies at the time of receipt. A motion was made by D Barstad and 2nd by M Hess we purchase the freezer coming from the remaining funds in the Notes and Wraps fund. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next council meeting date is December 21, 2021
Respectfully, D Maki Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30. All members are welcome to attend. Next Council Meeting, December 21, 2021.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 17, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6:35 pm August, 18, 2021 by Pres. M Boback
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Greg Anderson
Opening Remarks by Pres. M Boback with Agenda Topics:
Agenda Topics:
- Board of Education, start of Sunday school
- Confirmation
- Renew Pastor’s contract
Release to Boards:
Resume Council meeting 7:15
Council Meeting 7:15 PM In attendance were Pres. Boback, VP M Hess, Pastor Greg, P Peterson, J Salo, T Salo, D Barstad, and D Shuck, K Peyla, D Maki
Approve Minutes of May 18, 2021. A motion was made by D Barstad 2nd by P Peterson. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for May 18, 2021 the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by M Hess to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating that P Peterson will serve as deacon of August, J Dickinson will serve the month of September. Pulpit replacement will be needed for Sept. 12th – Alyssa Hammond, Sept. 26th- Pastor Kristen Foster and Nov. 9thto be determined. J Salo reported D Maki will serve Aug/Sept for Eucharist Ministry. J Salo also informed the Council we are looking for additional people to serve our members for our Eucharist Ministry. Eucharist Ministry is as meaningful for those who receive and serve. Anyone who would like to become part of this wonderful ministry please contact any Deacon or people on the Eucharist Ministry team.
Board of Education: K Peyla and D Maki spoke for the Bd. of Ed, Sunday school start date is tentatively set for September 19ththe3rd Sunday of September; The Bd. Of Ed. will be purchasing new curriculum for the year.
Confirmation: C Worshek has decided to step aside from Confirmation, the Council thanks Cyndi for all her years of dedication to the confirmands. You will be missed. We are happy to report T Honkola will continue giving her time and talents to the Conformation program along with Pastor Greg. The kids are in good hands!
Pastor Greg during the summer has been meeting with a group of our confirmation kids on Wednesdays where they get together and play a Christian version of Dungeons and Dragons; it has been fun and energetic for all of them. Thank you to Pastor Greg for doing this ministry!
Stewardship and Fellowship: no one was present but the council is asking the Stewardship board if they could do outreach to members to get current phone, cell phone and email addresses. Also it is a great way to continue asking members for this information in the monthly Eye Opener. Members please call the church office and leave a message on the phone for Kelly and she will be happy to make the changes.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board letting us know that he has attempted to get bids on the roof and has had no luck, he will continue to make attempts and report back, Don also reported the water heater igniter had an issue and is now repaired.
Old Business:
New Business: The Mutual Ministry Committee consisting of D Maki, J Dickinson, M Boback, C Worshek and T Salo held discussion regarding renewing Pastor Greg’s contract before the last day in Sept. President M Boback and Pastor Greg worked together going over the continued contract and the Mutual Ministry Committee voted unanimously to increase his annual salary by $1000 and follow Synod guidelines for pay increases. A motion was made by Pres. M Boback to renew Pastor Greg’s contract and increase his annual salary by $1000, 2nd by Mary Hess. Motion approved.
A motion to adjourn by M Boback, 2ndby D Barstad Motion approved8pm
Next council meeting date is Sept. 21, 2021
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
All members are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, September 21, 2021
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 18, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6.31 pm May, 18, 2021 by Vice President M Hess
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Greg Anderson
Opening Remarks by M Hess with Agenda Topics:
Agenda Topics:
- Select Chairman and Secretary for each Board
- Do we wish to have meetings in June and July
- Masks/Social Distancing
- Resume singing of Liturgy & Hymns
- Communion
- Extension of Pastor’s Contract
Council Meeting 6:55 PM In attendances were VP M Hess, Pastor Greg, P Peterson, J Salo, M Castle, K Undeland, M Mulari, T Salo, K Norman, D Barstad, and D Peterson.
Approve Minutes of April 20, 2021. No minutes were available for approval and will be approved at the August 17th, 2021 Council Meeting.
Approve Treasurers Report for April 20, 2021the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by P Peterson to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Board of Deacons indicating that J Salo will serve as Chairman and P Peterson will serve as Secretary for the ensuring year; D Shuck will serve as Deacon of the month for May and M Hess will serve as Deacon of the month for June; July Deacon will be C Worshek and August Deacon will be P Peterson.
The Eucharist Committee for May is Y Trowbridge and L Ekman; June will be K Undeland and K Baxter.
Discussion took place regarding an updated Pulpit Replacement List, J Salo will follow-up on this; also we need a current copy of the Pastor’s Schedule, J Salo will follow-up. Discussion took place on Holy Communion; since we have an abundance of pre-package communion elements we should continue to use those cups. Lastly an updated deacons Schedule will be posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Board of Education:No one present
Stewardship and Fellowship:M Castle reported for theSF Board indicating M Castle will serve as Chairman and M Mulari as Secretary for the ensuing year.
The SF Board will resume Coffee An’ beginning May 23, 2021.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported for the Trustee Board indicating D Barstad will serve as Chairman and K Norman will serve as Secretary for the ensuring year.
Don Barstad reported that the church roof needs repair. How much will done depends on estimates and budget?
The Lawn mowing schedule needs to be posted. R Salo will provide.
Lawn treatment needs to be done, usually R Salo does this.
Old Business:
The Mutual Ministry Committee consisting of D Maki, J Dickinson, M Boback, C Worshek and T Salo will be in discussion with Pastor Greg regarding his extension of contract. M Boback indicated through correspondence that the Synod will approve an extension. Pastor’s contract ends on the last day of Sept. 2021. Pastor Greg commented on the extension and indicated some terms may be discussed: Housing Allowance, Insurance, etc.
A motion was made by T Salo and 2nd by D Peterson for the committee to proceed with the negotiations. Motion approved.
New Business:
A motion was made by P Peterson and 2nd by J Salo to have no Council Meetings in June and July but resume Council Meetings in August. An August meeting is necessary to act on Pastor’s Contract. Motion approved.
Changes in Covid Restrictions took place; the general consensus was no mask requirement, allow singing of hymns and liturgy, continue communion with pre-packaged element cups, continue to place our offerings on the table in the Narthex, and resume Coffee An’. A motion to the affect was made by D Barstad, 2nd by T Salo. Motion approved. (Basically following the State of MN Regulations).
D Barstad brought up discussion regarding Communion at the Communion Rail; Pastor Greg offered input on how this could be done using prepackaged communion cups. A motion was made D Barstad and 2nd by D Peterson to go to the Communion Rail beginning June 1, 2021. Motion approved.
A motion to adjourn by P Peterson, 2ndby Pastor Greg. Motion approved
Next council meeting date is August 17, 2021
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Vice President M Hess, (filling in for D Maki’s absence)
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
All members are welcome to attend.
Next Council Meeting, August 17, 2021
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 20, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 6.30 pm April 20, 2021 by President M Boback
Opening Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Greg Anderson
Agenda Topics:
- February is our reorganizational meeting where all boards are to pick chairpersons and secretaries and give the new names to the church secretary by placing it on her desk or by sending it by email.
- Under Old Business: Approve the minutes for the 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes.
- Mutual Ministry Committee and Pastor Greg will begin discussions whether to extend his contract or offer him a settled call.
Release to Boards:
Because of low attendance at individual board levels the chairman and secretaries were not able to be picked for the 2021 year and will be done at the May council meeting
Council Meeting 6:45 PM In attendance were President M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad, D Maki and Pastor Greg Anderson, J Salo, D Shuck
Approve Minutes of March 9, 2021 Executive council meeting a motion was made by D Barstad, 2nd by T Salo. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report for March 9, 2021the treasurers report was presented by T Salo, a motion was made by D Maki to accept the treasurers report as presented, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports:
Deacons Report: J Salo reported for the Deacons stating D. Shuck is the Deacon for the month of May the Eucharist Committee is back visiting our members in April, D Maki Is doing April and the month of May it will be Y Trowbridge and L Ekman.
Board of Education:
Stewardship and Fellowship:
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported work will begin as soon as it warms up abit, they will be putting together the lawn mowing schedule, servicing the lawnmowers and cleaning up the dirt clods from snow plowing.
Old Business: At the Annual meeting for year 2020 held on March 28, 2021 the wrong annual meeting minutes were included in the 2020Annual Report. A motion was made by D Maki to approve the minutesdated January 19, 2020 and inserted in the 2020 report, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
New Business: President Boback informed the council the Mutual Ministry Committee made up of D Maki, J Dickinson, M Boback, and C Worshek would be entering into discussion with Pastor Anderson about whether to extend his contract or offer him a settled call. M Boback will seek advice from the NE MN Synod.
Discussion was held in regard to adding families who attend our church but are not members but their children are members by Confirmation and is felt that their families need to be added to the church directory and receive the monthly Eye Opener; In addition we have young families who attend church, their children attend Sunday School it is also felt those families need to be added to our directory as friends of the congregation so they too can receive our Eye Opener; by doing this we are being evangelical and living out our affiliation with the ELCA; D Maki will work to get families added and the information to our church secretary.
Discussion was also held regarding concerned members who feel social distancing and mask wearing is not being followed in the church. Some small groups who are fully vaccinated are able to meet without wearing masks if all in the group agree. The small group guidelines come from the ELCA, CDC and State guidelines.
The council will continue in service worshiping where everyone is required to wear a mask, social distance and sanitize their hands upon entering the church. The council will relook at all the CDC and agency guidelines again before the next council meeting on May 18th, until then if you are feeling ill please stay home and remain safe.
A motion to adjourn by M Boback, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved
Next council meeting date is May 18, 2021
Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable.
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.All members are welcome to attend.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Special Executive Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The meeting was called to order: at 1:00 pm March 9, 2021 by President M Boback
Opening Prayer: Pastor Greg Anderson
In attendance were President M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad, D Maki and Pastor Greg Anderson, M Hess, K Baxter, J Moore, P & D Peterson, L Loeffler
Agenda Topics:
- Discuss and evaluate returning to in service worship
- Update on Fundraiser for Barb Swanson who lost everything in Apt. Building fire Feb. 28, 2021
In Service Worship- President M Boback called for input from each of the meeting attendees with their thoughts and concerns about returning to worship, after hearing their thoughts it was decided that it was safe to return to church. The phone and text survey from members showed most all the members age 65 and older have had 1 or both of the Covid vaccines and the variant strains of the virus have not been an issue in our area.
- The decision was made to return to in person worshiping beginning Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021at 10:30 am.
New Business/Discussions
Annual meeting will be held directly after worship service in the fellowship hall on Palm Sunday, March. 28th
Discussion was held regarding possibilities of supplemental computerized organ music as a back up to our organist. Discussion/research will continue to be looked at in the future.
A motion to adjourn was made by M Hess 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved 2:15pm
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer
Go in Peace and Serve the Lord. Amen
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Council Meeting, Tuesday, October 20, 2020
The meeting was called to order: at 6:35 pm Oct. 20, 2020 by President M Boback
Agenda/Opening Remarks by President M Boback;
• What did you think of worship on Sunday? How can we do it better? What would you change? Next Sunday is confirmation. There are eight confirmands. Ideas on social distancing with extra people in church.
• With Covid rising at an alarming rate we need to be very careful as we worship. Please help the rest of the members to remember to wash hands, social distance and wear masks. I am quite leery of the short term future.
In attendance were M Boback, T Salo, R Salo, D Barstad, K Baxter, J Salo, K Norman, D Barstad, D Peterson, C Worshek, K Baxter, M Mulari, M Hess, P Peterson and D Maki.
• Open Discussion was held regarding the topics listed above the consensus was the social distancing with mask wearing went really well; sanitizing stations are placed at the east and south entrances, temperatures were taken, people social distanced when greeting each other, people passed by a table where they picked up their bulletins, picked up individual communion sacraments and dropped their offerings into a basket before entering the sanctuary where pew rows were roped off to allow social distancing; the service was spoken, hymns were played but no singing, it was discussed we could hum if you’d like. After the service we were ushered out nodding and greeting one another. It was good to be with one another again! We enjoyed Pastor Greg’s first service with us and look forward to getting to know him more and more each week!!
• The second question “With Covid rising at an alarming rate we need to be very careful as we worship. Please help the rest of the members to remember to wash hands, social distance and wear masks. The consensus after discussion was that we base our decision to gather in worship by paying close attention to the rise of Covid cases within our community and school; we are doing our best to provide a safe place of worship and follow safe practices. We recommend that each family and individual make their own decision to attend worship, in the mean time we will be sending out the weekly bulletin and sermon by either email or US mail to all households, “if we have proper email addresses.” We ask that you please contact us with your updated email address if you are not receiving emails.
Approve Minutes of September 15, 2020 council meeting. A motion was made by D Barstad to approve the minutes, 2nd by D Peterson. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report as of September 30, 2020 the treasures report was presented by T Salo and approved by the Board of Trustees a motion was made by P Peterson to approve the treasurer’s report as presented, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Board of Deacon’s: K Baxter reported that J Salo will be the November Deacon of the month and the Eucharist Committee is not able to visit members in assisted living because of the Corona pandemic. K Baxter informed us we have 6 confirmands being confirmed on Sunday, Oct. 25th there will be no celebration after the service because of the Corona Virus.
Board of Ed: By phone call J Dickinson reported to Pres. M Boback that no weekly Sunday school is planned at this time but the Board of Ed is working on things that could take place as the Covid Pandemic allows. C Worshek informed the council we have 6 students in Confirmation class this year 2 of which have chosen to return to confirmation for a 3rd year.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship: D Maki reported the board members are working together to reach out to our church members with needs that come about, we ask anyone with needs to contact the church office and leave a message. The survey to attend church during the Covid turned out that over 50% would attend church “if” the pandemic numbers allowed for save worshiping.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported the preparation for winterizing the church is complete; the snow shoveling list will be published in the November Eye Opener.
Old Business:
New Business: Shown above under Opening Remarks.
Motion to adjourn was made by M Boback 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable. Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Special Council Meeting, Tuesday, September 15, 2020
The meeting was called to order: at 6:35 pm Sept. 15, 2020 by President M Boback
In attendance were M Boback, T Salo, D Barstad Baxter, R Salo, J Salo and D Maki.
Agenda/Opening Remarks 6:30 PM Sept. 15, 2020 by President M Boback;
- Letter of Termination was sent to PR Barb effective10/10/2020.
- Confirmation, when and how many?
- Rippers and Strippers request to start up?
- Three hour meeting with PR Greg At this point, we will pretty much follow order of worship. 1st and 3rd Sundays will be Holy Communion. PR Greg is enthusiastic about visiting as soon as possible. He said he will “try” to make phone call to all members. I asked about emailing or USPS mailing the bulletin, similar to what PR Barb has done to those not able or wanting to attend worship. He was open to the idea, but said the spoken sermon may vary from the published one, seeing that the published one must be done early in the week to accommodate USPS delivery and Kelly’s schedule. We talked about Mutual Ministry Committee and quarterly meetings.
- We will need ushers to do a number of tasks for worship, bulletins, take temps, and supervise social distancing.
- Approve Minutes of the last two special meetings Aug. 6th and 25th. Also July 21, 2020
Approve Minutes of the last two special meetings Aug. 6th and 25th. Also July 21, 2020. A motion was made by T Salo, 2nd by D Barstad. Motion approved.
Approve Treasurers Report as of August 31, 2020 the treasures report was presented by T Salo a motion was made by M Boback to approve the treasurer’s report as presented, 2nd by K Baxter. Motion approved.
Board Reports
Board of Deacon’s: K Baxter reported that M Hess will be the October Deacon of the month and the Eucharist Committee is not able to visit members in assisted living because of the Corona pandemic.
Board of Ed: Absent Council members will contact the Board of Ed to find out the number of confirmation students and their plans on Sunday school.
Board of Stewardship & Fellowship: D Maki reported that the committee is working on contacting members with cards, calls, emails and texts. They will be surveying members on whether they will attend church services during the pandemic. The Board of Stewardship will have information in the October Eye Opener about the survey to attend church; they will ask you to return a call to D Maki.
Board of Trustees: D Barstad reported he worked removing the wood chips from the stump that was ground; he leveled it and seeded it. A big “thank you” to Don for the big removal project! Don informed the council the furnace is checked and running and the air conditioner covers are on and ready for cold weather. Don reported we received a renewal insurance policy from Grinnell and asked we make a motion to approve the renewal policy. A motion was made by D Maki to approve the Grinnell Renewal Policy, 2nd by M Boback. Motion approved.
Old Business:
New Business: M Boback informed the council cluster flies are especially bad this year, Jeff Eidola sprayed today. Discussion was held regarding the Rippers and Strippers starting up and it was decided they could start the week of October 11 with the group following all safe guidelines by wearing masks and social distancing. The group will be responsible for sanitizing and cleaning their work area.
The head ushers are working to accommodate the needs and tasks for worshiping, the needs are: folding and setting out bulletins, take temps, and supervise social distancing.
There will be no coffee an served during the pandemic.
Motion to adjourn was made by M Boback 2nd by D Maki. Motion approved.
Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable. Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Special Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 6, 2020
The meeting was called to order: at 6:35 pm Aug. 6, 2020 by President M Boback
In attendance were President M Boback, T Salo, R Salo, K Norman, D Peterson, M Mulari, M Castle, D Maki, K Baxter, C Worshek and T Honkola.
Agenda for the evening:
- Discuss and finalize the financial package for our candidate of choice for a ½ time pastor position for a 12 month term; after the 1 year term if the pastor and our church are happy with the arrangement we can turn it into a called position.
- Set up a Mutual Ministry Committee who will work with the Pastor
- Discuss returning to worship
President Boback and K Baxter Chairman of the Call Committee presented all in attendance with revised financial packages for our candidate of choice, after discussion we found one that seemed to work. A motion was made by C Worshek to accept the financial package for the 1 year term ½ time position beginning Oct 1, 2020, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved.
President Boback asked that we find members who would serve on a “ Mutual Ministry Committee” who would work with the Pastor in getting to know the goings on of our church; those who volunteered are: C Worshek, D Maki, J Dickinson, T Honkola and M Boback.
Returning to worship was discussed and agreed on; we will be opening our doors for worship beginning October 11th our service time will be 10:30 am, our term Pastor serves a church prior to our service at 8:30 in Soudan.
A motion to adjourn was made by C Worshek 2nd by M Boback. Motion approved 7:45 pm.
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable. Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, MN
Council Meeting July 21, 2020
The Council meeting was called to order: at 6:35 PM July, 21, 2020 by President M Boback
In attendance were President M Boback, T Salo, R Salo, D Barstad, K Norman, D Peterson, M Mulari, P Peterson, M Castle, D Maki, K Baxter, J Salo, C Worshek, J Dickinson,
Agenda for the evening: Information regarding Pastor Barb’s contract with us; Call Committee Update: Covid 19 Emergency Preparedness Plan.
- President Boback informed the council: Pastor Barb has been told by the UMC that she can’t enter into a pastoral contract with us after Dec 31. 2020 and that we need to reimburse Pastor Barb for postage. Many thanks to Pastor Barb for providing worship services to our congregation through email, Facebook and mail!
- President Boback informed the council: Covid 19 Emergency Prepared plan has been written and rewritten and is ready to be published and sent out to members. Discussion about when to resume worshiping is still up in the air as the Covid continues to spread more locally every day and continues to be very risky to resume worship. The Corona Virus will not go away until a vaccine is proven and safe. For now our church will continue to suspend church activities held in our church with the exception of council meetings and necessary meetings.
- Call Committee Chairman K Baxter updated us on the progress of our candidate of choice, our candidate was presented a ½ time financial package and we are in the process of negotiating the package. The council had a very long discussion and found we needed to rework the financial package to meet the pastor and our needs. A motion was made by C Worshek, 2nd by P Peterson to table the motion to call our candidate at this time. Motion approved; K Baxter will keep in contact with the Synod, the candidate and the council as we prayerfully consider our candidate.
D Maki informed the Council of the Virtual Blue Grass Festival, our church will have a basket for us all to bid on. Our basket is called “Enjoying Life with the Covid” bidding opens July 23 and ends July 25, go to this link to bid on the MANY baskets and items to support the Voyagers Lutheran Ministry and our Camp Vermilion that provides “Christ-centered spiritual growth, leadership development, and outreach in God’s great Northwood’s”. Go to vlmcamps.org click on calendar of events then Bluegrass Festival. Kelly has emailed you a like that connects you automatically.
Eye Opener will be printed after each month and sent out by email, mail or can be picked up at the church on the table in the Narthex. As always we encourage you to email Kelly in the office any articles or news you have. It’s important for us to keep in touch!
Motion to adjourn by M Boback, 2nd by M Castle. Motion approved. 8:15 pm.
The council asks for your prayers, guidance and support, that by our faithful service we will see faith abounds and God’s kingdom increase. The council invites all members to attend council meetings. “You are our church” and your input is valuable. Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
D Maki, Council Secretary